Home 9 Church School News 9 CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS – January 2024
January 16, 2024

Class Schedule – Classes will be held on January 14, 21 and 28.

Inclement Weather – In the event of inclement weather, check TV Channel 3.  If Divine Liturgy is canceled, there will be no Church School classes.  If Divine Liturgy will be served but Church School classes will be canceled, families will be notified by text.

Birthdays – Happy birthday to the following children who have birthdays in January: Olivia, Natalie, Arina and Alina.

Patron Saints’ Days:  Congratulations to the following students who will observe their patron saints in January:   Emma – St. Emelia (Jan. 3), Genevieve – St. Genevieve of Paris (Jan 3), Anthony – St. Anthony the Great (Jan. 17), Grade 3 students – Three Hierarchs (Jan 30).  Emma, Genna and Anthony will celebrate with their classmates on January 14.  The 3rd grade class will celebrate on January 28.

May God grant Olivia, Natalie, Arina, Alina, Emma, Genevieve, Anthony and the 3rd grade students MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHYAY LITA!

Caroling – Students, teens and young adults are invited to carol for shut-ins on Sunday, January 14 at noon (following Church School).  Youngsters should gather with Fr. Andrii in the church hall.  Drivers may be needed.  Refreshments will be served at some time during the afternoon.  Parishioners who would enjoy having the carolers visit their homes or the homes of loved ones are asked to give Father those names during the morning.

St. Nicholas Program – My warmest thanks go to the teachers, parents and teens who worked so hard to make our St. Nicholas program so great.  Special thanks go to the children who put their hearts into the presentation.  It was beautiful.


Advent Toy Collection – Heartfelt thanks to all who generously donated to our Advent Toy Collection project.  Although we donated fewer toys than usual this year, they were gratefully received.  God bless all of you for your kindness.


Scout Sunday – Scout Sunday will be observed on February 4 when Fr. Andrii will bless the scouts of the parish and their leaders (Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts of the USA, CYM, Plast).  If you or your child participates in any of these groups, please give their names to Cynthia Sirick in writing (czsirick@gmail.com)  by Feb. 1 so that the list will appear in the Feb. 4 Sunday bulletin.  Do not assume that if the names were on last year’s list that they will be on this year’s as the names change each year.

Girl Scout Cookies – Cora Josefiak will be selling Girl Scout cookies this month.  If you wish to place an order, please see her during “Coffee and…”  If there is any other scout participating in this program, please see Cynthia Sirick so that her name could also appear in the bulletin.  Remember that it is possible to order cookies to be sent to our troops, an excellent way to avoid the calories and support our service people.