Home 9 Church School News 9 School News April 2023
April 3, 2023
School News April 2023

Class Schedule – Classes will be held on April 2, 23 and 30.  There will be no classes on April 9 (Palm Sunday) and April 16 (Pascha).

Processions – All of our parish children are invited to participate in the processions for Holy Friday and Pascha.  Icons and candles will be available and the students are welcome to carry icons from home.  All should come to the front pew as the processions form.

Birthdays – Happy birthday to Peter and Anna, both of whom are celebrating their birthdays in April.

PENNIES FROM HEAVEN – All COLLECTIONS ARE DUE ON APRIL 23 AT THE END OF DIVINE LITURGY. We hope to present these donations to Aid for Ukraine as soon as possible as the funds are much needed.  Let’s not drag out their return until June or later as has been our experience in past years.



13 – Preparation for Mother’s Day treat

14 – Mother’s day – strawberry shortcake treat during “Coffee and…”

21 – Bowling for all children kindergarten through grade 12 following last Church School class of the year.  Information will be mailed to the youngsters.

27 – Placement of flags on veterans’ graves at our cemetery


Wishing all of our parish family a bright, beautiful and blessed Pascha.