Classes will be held today and will be dismissed at noon.
Happy birthday to Nathan who will be celebrating his birthday in the coming week.
TODAY Fr. Andrii will present candles, blessed on Thursday, to the students in this year’s First Confession class – Olivia Irvin and Arina Sashchenko. They will carry these candles at Divine Liturgy on the day following the first Confession.
TODAY Fr. Andrii will bless our parish’s scouts and their leaders. They are asked to come forward at the end of the Liturgy. Anna Dmytryshyn (CYM and Plast) and Cora Josefiak (Girl Scouts of the U.S.A) are among the scouts. May God grant Nathan, Olivia, Arina, Anna, Cora, and all other scouts and leaders MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Please see Cora Josefiak if you would like to order Girl Scout cookies. If you would like to support the Scouts but don’t want the calories, you may choose to have an order sent to a serviceman/woman.
LOOKING AHEAD – The annual pre-Lenten party for all of the children of the parish will be held on Sunday, February 26 in the church hall from 12:30 – 2:30 after dismissal from Church School. Further information will be mailed to the children.