Revised Mask Policy – As local school systems have revised their mask-wearing policy, we will follow their lead. As of this Sunday, March 6 masks will be optional for faculty and students for the time being. This revised policy will allow parental decision for their children as well as individual decision of faculty members. We will respect whichever decision parents and faculty decide.
We will continue the in-school snack and juice policy through the end of the year, June 5. This policy will be reevaluated for the 2022-23 school year. Thank you for patience and cooperation.
Class Schedule – Classes will meet every Sunday of March – 6, 13, 20 and 27 directly after Divine Liturgy and will be dismissed at noon.
Birthdays – Happy birthday to Cassandra and Viktor, both of whom have birthdays in March.
Patron Saints’ Days – Congratulations to:
- March 10 – Viktor – St. Viktor, Martyr at Corinh
- March 19 – Daria – the holy martyr, St. Daria
Viktor will celebrate the event with his classmates on March 6, Daria on March 20.
May God grant Viktor and Daria MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Great Lent – Once again you will find attached to this newsletter “Recommendations for Great Lent.” It suggests ways for children to become closer to God during the journey to Pascha (Great Lent, March 7 – April 23). Please join with us to help your child make this time meaningful.
Orthodoxy Sunday – This important day is celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent, March 13. It commemorates the return of the holy icons to the Orthodox Church. Father will once again lead the procession of icons at the end of Divine Liturgy. Our children are invited to participate. Icons are available for them or they may bring them from home.
Pennies from Heaven – Our annual Lenten almsgiving activity, “Pennies from Heaven” will be held from March 6 to May 1. Containers will be sent home this Sunday, March 6. All donations will go to the Maidan United Humanitarian Fund to aid our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Please be generous.
Confession – All Orthodox Christians are expected to receive the sacrament of Holy Penance during Great Lent. The following schedule for our students will be held during Church School class times:
- Sunday, April 3 – grades 5 and 6
- Sunday, April 10 – grade 7 and teens
Please make sure your child comes to Confession prepared through prayer, fasting (no food or drink after midnight on Saturday) and examination of conscience. If your student is unable to participate during the scheduled time, please make arrangements with Fr. Andrii for another time.