Class Schedule – Classes will be held on February 6, 13, 20 and 27.
Inclement Weather – In the event of inclement weather, check only TV Channel 3. If Divine Liturgy is canceled, there will be no Church School classes. If Divine Liturgy will be served but Church School will be canceled, families will be notified by phone.
Snacks – We will continue the practice of having snacks in the classroom. Children may have the light snacks and juice that are provided, or bring them from home.
ATTENTION! February 6 Schedule
Presentation of Candles – Fr. Andrii will bless the candles for the First Confession class on Feb. 2, the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple. These candles will be presented during the February 6 Liturgy to the students who will be making their first Confessions in June. These students are: Genevieve Duffy and Jacob Bailly.
Scout Sunday is observed on this same day. Fr. Andrii will bless the scouts and scout leaders of our parish during Divine Liturgy. Please give Cynthia Sirick ( the names of all of those in our parish who are members or leaders of a scouting troop: Girl and Boys Scouts of the USA, CYM or Plast by February 2. The list will appear in the February 6 Sunday bulletin. Scouts are asked to wear their uniforms, if possible, for the blessing.
Please do not assume that because your student has been on the list in previous years, they will automatically be on this year’s list. We have no way of knowing if the list is still accurate. As of today, only 3 parents have responded.
Birthdays – Happy birthday to Nathan, Alexander, Rachael and Evan, all of whom are celebrating their birthdays in February.
Patron Saints’ Days – Congratulations to Alexander who will be observing his patron saint’s day, St. Alexander, on February 23.