Church School classes have ended for the 2021-22 school year. Our Church School and Youth Ministry are blessed to have a dedicated team who work together throughout the year to maintain a program to provide religious education and social activities for our children in a relaxed and loving environment. We give heartfelt thanks to God for blessing us with such a team: Fr. Andrii, teachers, substitute teachers, teen aides, students, parents, benefactors, council members, and caring parishioners. May God grant all who have made this school year a success MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Happy birthday to Isabella who will be celebrating her birthday in the coming week. May God grant Isabella MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Donations to the Youth Ministry in memory of Julia Stepanczak – $600. Beckie and David Perreault $100, Vera (Furdas) and Joe Drobka $100, Anne and Dale Bailly $20, Melissa, Lou and Cora Josefiak $50, Marika and Sunny Lau and Michael and Cindy Stepanczak $50, Janice and Stepehn Kozovich $40, Bohdan Szafran $30, Cynthia and John Sirick $25, Joan Kerelejza $25, Jeri and John Bouchard $25, Katherine Gerent $20, Ann Romanyshyn $20, Adam Platosz $20, Dave and Kathy SantaMaria and John Kochanowski $20, Stefania Dubik $20, Jaroslawa Buczko $15, Julie and Bill Breen $10, Ursula Korycinski $10.
Our warm thanks go to all who have made these gifts to our Youth Ministry, a cause that was dear to Julia’s heart throughout the years. May God grant the donors MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA! May God grant Julia MEMORY ETERNAL! VICHNAYA PAMYAT!