St. Mary's Church School
News & UpdatesDecember 2021
Class Schedule – Classes will be held on December 13 and 20. There will be no classes on December 6
(St. Nicholas Day) and December 27 and January 3 (Christmas vacation). Classes will resume on January 10.
Inclement Weather – In the event of inclement weather, check TV channel 3 or 30. If Divine Liturgy is cancelled, there will be no Church School. If Divine Liturgy will be served but Church School is canceled, families will be notified by text.
St. Nicholas Day – Our usual celebration of the patron saint of all children and of our Church School will not be celebrated with the usual brunch, program and gift-giving due to covid-19 health restrictions.
However, rumor has it that St. Nicholas will visit us during Divine Liturgy on his day, December 6, to give us his special blessing. Our hope is that our Church School students will be present at Liturgy that day.
Birthdays – Happy birthday to the following students who have birthdays in December:
6 – Jacob Bailly – 9 years old
11 – Maximillian Metallidis – 8 years old
22 – Cora Josefiak – 11 years old
Patron Saints Days – Congratulations to the following students who will be celebrating their patron saints’ days in December:
4 – Cora Barbara Josefiak and the 8th grade class – the holy martyr, St. Barbara
6 – Nicholas Svystun and the Church School – St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra
13 – Nathan Blumes , the prophet Nathan
23 – Victoria Turetska-Oleksyuk – St. Victoria of Tivoli
26 – Mariya Garbovska and Eleanor Marie Blumes – the Theotokos (Synaxis of the Nativity)
27 – St. Stephen, the first deacon and the first martyr for Christ – the 4th grade class
Teachers will celebrate the events at convenient times during the month.
May God grant Jacob, Maximillian, Cora, Nicholas, Nathan, Victoria, Mariya, Eleanor Marie and the students in the 4th grade and 8th grade classes as well as all of the students in the Church School
Pennies from Heaven – Our students collected $525 for the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).
Thanks to 2 anonymous donations of $600 and $75 we were able to donate $1,200 to this organization.
This should be an adequate amount to support at least 2 mission priests for a year. Thanks and God’s blessings to all who donated.
Advent Toy Collection – We have extended the date of our toy collection for the disadvantaged children of the Greater New Britain area to December 13. The collection boxes have been moved into the church by the stairs. Please donate new, unwrapped toys as soon as possible. We will be unable to extend the date any later. Thank you.
Wishing all of you a blessed Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.