Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin February 2, 2025
January 31, 2025
Bulletin February 2, 2025

SUN FEB 2 The Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple.  Tone 7

  •  32nd Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday of Zacchaeus. 
  • Стрітення Господнє.
  • 32га Неділя після П’ятидисятниці. Неділя Закхея.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM 
  • Apostle Heb. 7:7-17 
  • Gospel Lk. 2:22-40
  • Blessing of candles and blessing of Scouts. 
  • Panakhyda for Ann and Bernard Krzynowek, Ann Sencio, and Dorothy Belas, requested by Christine Krzynowek.

SAT FEB 8 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN FEB 9 SUNDAY of the PUBLICAN and the PHARISEE.  Tone 8 

  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM 
  • Apostle 2 Tim. 3:10-15 
  • Gospel Lk. 18:10-14 
  • Panakhyda for Olga Choritontschuk and other departed members of the family, requested by Maria Szwez and the family. 




UOL news: Next Sunday is Souper Bowl lunch to benefit St. Andrew’s Society. Still looking for donations of pots of soup and desserts for this event. Please come and support this function.

Новини УПЛ: Наступної неділі буде Супер Боул обід на користь товариства Св. Андрія. Потребуємо пожертв у вигляді баняків з супом та десертів. Будь ласка, приходьте і підтримайте цю акцію.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Liudmyla Kuzmych for hosting coffee and… last Sunday. Natalia Makaryuk is hosting today! Thank you for your continuous support.

PARISH GARAGE cleaning will take place soon. If individuals or parish organizations have items stored there, they should inform Natalia Kyrychenko or Fr. Andrii ASAP. Thank you! 

SISTERHOOD: We have raisin bread, poppyseed rolls, and pyrohy available for purchase.

LOOKING AHEAD: There will be a delicious varenyky brunch served immediately after Liturgy on Sunday, February 23. $12 for adults and $8 for children. We are looking for volunteers to help with this event. Please see Natalia Kyrychenko for volunteering and more information. 

ЗАБІГАЮЧИ НАПЕРЕД: У неділю, 23 лютого, після Літургії буде запропонований сніданок з варениками. $12 для дорослих і $8 для дітей. Ми шукаємо волонтерів, які допоможуть з цим заходом. Будь ласка, зверніться до Наталії Кириченко для волонтерства і отримання додаткової інформації. 

2024 UOL Essay Contest is announced: Topics Category A: Pre-K and Kindergarten. Please draw a picture of the outside your church. Category B: Grades 1 and 2- Please draw a picture of the Baptismal Font in your church and write a sentence or two about something that happens when a person is baptized. Category C: Grades 3 and 4 – Please write 50 to 100 words on why it is a good idea to pray to your Guardian Angel. Category D. Grades 5 and 6 – based on 1 Peter 5:8, please write 75 to 150 words telling us what this means to you and what you do to prevent being “devoured”? Category E: Grades 7 and 8 – based on James 3:6, please write 150 to 200 words on what you think James meant when he said these words especially what did he mean “stains the whole body”? Category F: Grades 9 and 10 – based on Philippians 2:3-4, think about this passage and relate it to your life as a teenager. Please write 200 to 275 words on your thoughts. Category G: Grades 11 and 12 – based on James 1:2-4, please write 250 – 500 words on how these words of Paul will influence you as you move forward into a new chapter of your life, one of more independence in both actions, thoughts and decisions, which will impact the rest of your life. Category H: Adults – based on James 4:1-3, write how these words can be used to describe areas of our own lives and the current situation in the world today. Please write 500 words. All entries must be mailed to UOL Essay Contest, C/O Teresa Linck, 413 Juniper Lane, Cheshire, CT 06410, Or emailed to tlinck.essays@gmail.com. All entries must be postmarked no later than MAY 10, 2025. Emailed entries must be time-stamped no later than 7:00 PM of the deadline date. Questions: call at 732.824.2047

DUES REPORTS: We are now working on preparing the 2024 reports on dues payments. If you need immediate answers, see Liza Garbovski for envelopes or Michelle O’Neill (Bailly) for checks.

WHEN parking your vehicle in the church parking lot on Sunday morning, please be courteous and park between the two white marking lines without taking up two parking spaces. Christian ethics begin outside and are confirmed in the Church! ПРИ ПАРКУВАННІ автомобілів на церковній парковці в неділю, будьте тактовними і паркуйте ваш автомобіль між двома білими лініями маркування, не займаючи 2 паркувальних місця. Християнська етика починається назовні і утверджується в церкві! 

ДЕНЬ ЄДНОСТІ ТА МОЛИТВИ: 23 лютого о 13:00 місцеві організації організовують день єдності та молитви біля будівлі Капітолію в Гартфорді, 210 Capitol Ave, на згадку про трирічну річницю війни в Україні! Будь ласка, приходьте та підтримуйте Україну своєю присутністю, молитвами та пожертвами.

ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the January drawing. They are: Kathleen Ustanowski, $25.00; Tetyana Melnyk, $15.00 and Yulia Babak $10.00.


Classes will be held today.

Today, Fr. Andrii will bless and present the candles to the First Confession class, which they will carry for Solemn Communion on June 8. The children in this group are Anna Dmytryshyn, Mark Savitskyy, Matvi Shpilchuk, Sofiia Shpilchuk, Emma Svystun, and Karina Vitrykush. The candles will be collected after Liturgy for safekeeping until June.

Today is Scout Sunday and Fr. Andrii will bless the scouts in our parish.  They include:  Girl Scouts of America – Cora Josefiak, Plast – Natalie Szwez.  Additional names will be published when submitted.

Happy birthday to Nathan who will be celebrating his birthday in the week to come.

May God grant Nathan, the students in the First Confession group and the scouts of this parish, many blessed years!  MNOHAYA LITA!

February is Girl Scout cookie month.  If anyone would like to place an order, please see Cora Josefiak.  If there is anyone also selling Girl Scout cookies, please tell Cynthia Sirick.