SUN DEC 22 Sunday before the Nativity. Tone 1
- Неділя перед Різдвом.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 11:9-10,17-23,32-40
- Gospel Mt. 1:1-25
- Panakhyda for subdeacon Joseph Kerel (2 years), and other departed members of the family, requested by Dorothy Kerel and the family.
- Panakhyda for John Bouchard (1 year), requested by Jeraldine Bouchard and the family.
TUE DEC 24 Eve of the Nativity. Навечір’я Різдва Христового.
- Great Compline. Велике Повечір’я @ 4:00 PM
- Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Gal. 4:4-7
- Gospel Mt. 2:1-12
THUR DEC 26 SYNAXIS of the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SAT DEC 28 Akathist to the Mother of God.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN DEC 29 Sunday after Nativity. Tone 2
- Неділя після Різдва.
- Typika. Обідниця @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Gal. 1:11-19
- Gospel Mt. 2:13-23
SAT JAN 4 Moleben to the Mother of God.
- Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN JAN 5 Sunday before Theophany. Eve of Theophany. Tone 3
- Неділя перед Богоявленням. Навечір’я Богоявлення.
- Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 2 Tim. 4:5-8
- Gospel Mk. 1:1-8
- Great Compline. Велике Повечір’я @ 12:00 PM
Fr. ANDRII will be on vacation from Sunday, December 29, until Friday, January 3. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, contact Fr. Stephen Masliuk or Dr. Paul Szwez, Church Council President, at 860-807-5795.
CHRISTMAS MARKET was a success thanks to our collective efforts. The numbers are: $560 Baked Goods, $1289 Kitchen, $2050 Bread, $631 Pyrohy, $550 Vendors, $200 UOL Tag Sale, and $1130 Aid for Ukraine. Many thanks go to those who helped organize, decorate, bake, cook, sell, and clean. We are grateful to our contributors, too.
Fr. ANDRII, Pani Matka Oksana, and Christopher would like to express their sincere gratitude to all who sent beautiful cards with heartwarming and delightful Christmas wishes. May God bless you! Thank you!
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Anatoli Bouzko for hosting coffee and… last Sunday! Today, Natalia Makaruk is hosting. There will be no coffee and… next Sunday. Thank you for your continuous support of coffee and…
SISTERHOOD: We have Raisin bread, poppyseed rolls, and pyrohy available for purchase.
ALTAR SERVERS: The Money collected on exiting at the end of Divine Liturgy on the Nativity/Christmas goes to our devoted altar servers and is used for small Altar beatifications, their fun outings, and other expenses. Please be generous.
SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION is an essential part of the Nativity Fast. It helps us prepare to welcome our Savior into this world and our lives. Anyone who wants to receive Communion on the Nativity Feast Day and beyond has to go to Confession during the fast, according to the teaching of the Church.
ТАЇНСТВО СПОВІДІ є важливою частиною Різдвяного Посту. Воно підготовлює нас до привітання нашого Спасителя в цей світ і наше життя. Ми всі повинні посповідатись, якщо ми хочемо отримати Святе Причастя на свято Різдва і в подальшому.
LIVE STREAMING of the services in our church costs $700 for 2025. As the new year approaches, we are looking for sponsors to pay for the live streaming again. Please let Fr. Andrii know if you’d like to become a sponsor. We thank one anonymous donor for a $50 donation. Thank you!
DUES REMINDER: We will close our dues payment books for 2024 on December 31. Please make all payments by then. Otherwise, any amounts received after the 31st will be credited for 2025. As it was approved by the overwhelming vote at the last Annual Meeting, dues for 2025 will be $12/week. Please keep that in mind.
ЧЛЕНСЬКІ ВНЕСКИ: Переконайтесь чи ви сплатили ваші внески за 2024 рік, і якщо ні, то зробіть це до 31 грудня. Облікові книги за 2024 рік будуть закриватися 31го грудня, і всі внески зроблені після цього дня будуть зараховуватись вже на 2025 рік. Як було схвалено переважною більшістю голосів на останніх річних зборах, внески на 2025 рік становитимуть 12 доларів на тиждень. Будь ласка, майте це на увазі.
STORM CANCELLATIONS: Parishioners can now check TV Channel 3 (WFSB) or 30 (NBC) for cancellations of liturgical services due to inclement weather. У випадку неспртятливої погоди, Церковні Служби можуть бути відмінені. Необхідну інформацію можна отримати в той день з телеканалy 3 або 30.
RAFFLE winners: Teresa Linck, Kathy SantaMaria, Christine Krzynowek, Samantha Sacalos, Simion Sacalos.
Classes will be held today. Next Sunday, Dec. 29, there will be NO classes. Classes will resume on Sunday, January 5.
TODAY: Fr. Andrii will hear confessions from grade 8 students, teens, and young adults after Divine Liturgy.
Happy birthday to Cora, who is celebrating today, and to Danylo, whose birthday is in the coming week.
Congratulations to Mariya (Margarita) and Eleanor Marie, both of whom are observing their patron saint’s day, Synaxis of the Theotokos, on December 26, and the 4th-grade class, which is observing the feast of St. Stephen on December 27. Congratulations to Emma, who will be observing her patron saint’s day (St. Emelia) on January 3, and Genevieve, whose patron saint, St. Genevieve of Paris, is observed on January 3.
May God grant Olivia, Emma, Genna, Cora, Danylo, Mariya, Eleanor Marie, and the 4th grade students. MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
LOOKING AHEAD – The Youth Ministry Caroling event is tentatively scheduled for January 12. All students, teens, and young adults are urged to participate. More information will be forthcoming.