Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin August 11, 2024
August 9, 2024
Bulletin August 11, 2024

SUN AUG 11 7th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6

  • 7ма неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Epistle Rom. 15:1-7
  • Gospel Mt. 9:27-35

WED AUG 14 Great Vespers. Велика вечірня @ 5:00 PM

THU AUG 15 THE DORMITION Of the Most Holy Theotokos.

  •  УСПІННЯ ПРЕСВЯТОЇ БОГОРОДИЦІ. Divine Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM

SAT AUG 17 No services.

SUN AUG 18 8th Sunday after Pentecost.

  • 8мa Неділя після Пятидисятниці. Tone 7
  • Divine Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Epistle 1 Cor. 1:10-18
  • Gospel Mt. 14:14-22



 DORMITION FAST started August 1, and will last until Thursday, August 15. Let’s honor it according to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church and dedicate it to the Holy Mother of God, the Protectress of our parish. It’s a proper time to clean the soul from sins, especially for those who receive Communion regularly.

УСПЕНСЬКИЙ піст розпочався 1 серпня, і триватиме до четверга, 15 серпня. Вшануймо його згідно з вченням Святої Православної Церкви і присвятімо його Пресвятій Богородиці, Покровительці нашої парафії. Це слушний час для очищення душі від гріхів, особливо для тих, хто регулярно причащається.

A MIRACLE IS COMING! Our church will be hosting the Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Kardiotissa/”Tender Heart” from St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA on September 6 and 7. Thank you Fr. Mark Leasure for bringing this miracle to us! Come hear the miraculous stories of the Icon. Everyone is welcome!!! The icon is famous for miraculous healing powers in healing all forms of cancers, for helping with childbearing, for saving those with suicidal thoughts and many other illness and conditionss. In addition, Holy Kardiotissa loves children very much. So, bring your children for a special blessing on those days.

 ЧУДО ПРИБУВАЄ! 6 та 7 вересня наша церква прийматиме чудотворну, мироточиву ікону Пресвятої Богородиці Кардіотіса/«Лагідне серце» з православної церкви Святого Юрія в місті Тейлор, штат Пенсільванія. Велика подяка о. Марку Ліжер, який привезе це чудо до нас! Приходьте послухати чудесні історії ікони. Запрошуються всі бажаючі!! Ікона славиться чудодійною силою в зціленні всіх форм ракових захворювань, допомогу при дітонародженні, порятунком людей з думками про самогубство, і багатьма іншими хворобами і станами. Крім того, свята Кардіотіса дуже любить дітей. Отже, приводьте своїх дітей для особливого благословення в ці дні.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to David and Missy Bouchard for hosting Coffee last Sunday. Pani matka Oksana Pokotylo will host today and Lavinia Sambat will host next Sunday. Thank you for your continuous support…

SAINTS OF THE DAY: Martyrs Basil and Theodore of the Kyiv Caves are commemorated on August 11. The Hieromartyrs Basil and Theodore of the Caves pursued asceticism in the eleventh century in the Near Caves of Kyiv-Pechersk monastery. Saint Theodore distributed his riches to the poor, went to the monastery and settled into the Varangian Cave, adjoining the Caves of Saint Theodosius. He dwelt here many years in strict temperance.

When the enemy aroused sorrow in him for giving away his possessions, Saint Basil comforted him: “I implore you, brother Theodore, do not forget the reward. If you want to have possessions, take everything that is mine.” Saint Theodore repented and dearly loved Saint Basil, with whom he lived in the cell.

Once, Saint Basil was on an errand outside the monastery for three months. The devil, having assumed his form, appeared to Saint Theodore and indicated that there was a treasure hidden somewhere in the cave by robbers. The monk still wanted to leave the monastery to buy possessions to live in the world. When Saint Basil returned, the demonic illusion disappeared. From that time, Saint Theodore started to be more attentive to himself. In order not to be distracted by idle thoughts during moments of inactivity, he set up a millstone, and by night he ground grain. Thus, by long and zealous ascetic action he freed himself from the passion of avarice.

A report reached Prince Mstislav Svyatopolkovich that Saint Theodore had found much treasure in the cave. He summoned the monk to him and commanded him to show him the spot where the valuables were hidden. Saint Theodore told the prince that indeed he had once seen gold and precious vessels in the cave, but fearing temptation, he and Saint Basil had buried the treasure, and God took from him the memory of where it was hidden.

Not believing the saint, the prince gave orders to torture him to death. They beat Saint Theodore so much, that his hair-shirt was wet with blood, and then they hung him head-downwards, lighting a fire beneath him. In a drunken condition the prince commanded them to torture Saint Basil also, and then to kill him with an arrow. Dying, the martyr Basil threw the arrow at the feet of Prince Mstislav and predicted that he himself would soon be mortally wounded by it. The prophecy was fulfilled on July 15, 1099 during an internecine war with David Igorevich. On the wall of the Vladimir fortress, Prince Mstislav was suddenly struck in the chest by an arrow through an opening in the timbers, and on the following night he died. Recognizing his own arrow, the prince said: “I die because of the monastic martyrs Basil and Theodore.”

Virgin Martyr Susanna, and those with her, at Rome are also Commemorated on August 11. The Holy Martyr Susanna the Virgin was the daughter of Presbyter Gavinius and a niece of the Holy Bishop Caius of Rome (283-296). She was raised in strict Christian piety and in her youthful years dedicated herself to God. The family of the saint was related to the emperor Diocletian (284-305), who heard reports of her virtue and beauty.

Having decided to give Saint Susanna in marriage to his co-emperor Maximian (305-311), Diocletian sent his own kinsman, the dignitary Claudius, to the priest Gavinius, and then his own brother Maximus. Both of them, together with the wife of Claudius Prepedigna and her sons Alexander and Cythius, accepted Baptism after conversation with the pious family. Having learned that the entire family of his relatives had been converted to Christianity, Diocletian sent them into exile. Soon they burned the martyrs at Ostia, not far from Rome, and threw the ashes into the sea. They took the holy virgin Susanna to the palace, and the empress tried to persuade her to submit. But the empress, secretly a Christian, supported the martyr in her intention to preserve her virginity for the sake of the Lord. She explained to the emperor about the virgin’s unwillingness to enter into marriage with a pagan. Diocletian gave permission to his co-ruler to defile the holy virgin, but an angel defended her.

Maximian began to urge the martyr to offer sacrifice to the idols. “I offer myself in sacrifice to my Lord,” she answered. Then Maximian cut off the martyr’s head. The empress secretly buried the body of the saint. The room where the murder occurred was consecrated into a church by the holy Bishop Caius. Soon the father of Saint Susanna, Presbyter Gavinius, accepted a martyr’s end, as did Saint Caius in the year 296.


Support Youth Ministry: From July 1 to September 1 your “Coffee and…” donations will go to the Youth Ministry to fund their service projects and activities. Please be generous.

Happy birthday to Anastasiya who celebrated her birthday yesterday and Caroline who is celebrating her birthday today. May God grant Anastasiya and Caroline MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!

All of our parish students, teens, and young adults are invited by the Youth Ministry to the end of summer mini golf event on Sunday, August 25 from noon to 2:00 pm at Safari Golf in Berlin. The deck has been reserved for our use. Further information will be sent later in the month.