SUN JUNE 23 HOLY PENTECOST. Feast of the Holy Trinity.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Epistle Acts 2:1-11
- Gospel Jn. 7:37-52, 8:12
- Vespers with kneeling prayers @ 12:00 PM
SAT JUNE 29 Akathist to the Mother of God.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN JUNE 30 1st Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints Tone 8
- 1a неділя після П’ятидисятниці. Всіх святих.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Epistle Heb. 11:33-12:2
- Gospel Mt. 10:32-33,37-38,19:27:30
- Panakhyda for Mary Czapor, requested by Helen and Peter Zeleniuk, and the family.
PROPER CHURCH ATTIRE: As hot summer days are approaching, please remember that our Orthodox temple is a sacred place to worship God with reverence and modesty. Please consider that when you dress to come to church.
ПРИСТОЙНЕ ВБРАННЯ до церкви: З наближенням спекотних літніх днів, будь-ласка, майте на увазі, що православний храм є святим місцем для поклоніння Богу з благоговінням і скромністю. Будь-ласка, врахуйте це, одягаючись і приходячи до нього.
PLEASE HELP a charitable organization called the City of Goodness. It’s an organization and a place in Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region, only 30 miles from the Romanian border. Ill-treated women with children, orphans, and children sick with debilitating diseases are finding their shelter and support there. Their representative will be with us on Sunday, June 30, for a short presentation and to answer any questions. Please see Fr. Andrii for more information. Our children have raised $1070 for them already through the Pennies for Heaven fundraiser. Please visit their website, and learn how you can fulfill the Lord’s words: ”Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.” (Mt. 25, 40)
БУДЬ ЛАСКА, ДОПОМОЖІТЬ благодійній організації, яка називається «Місто Добра». Це організація та місце в Україні в Чернівецькій області, лише за 30 миль від румунського кордону. Жінки з дітьми, які зазнали жорстокого поводження, діти-сироти та діти, хворі на невиліковні хвороби, знаходять там свій притулок та підтримку. Будь ласка, відвідайте їхній веб-сайт і дізнайтеся, як ви можете виповнити слова Господа: “Істинно Я кажу вам: усе, що ви зробили для одного з цих найменших Моїх братів і сестер, ви зробили для Мене”. (Мт. 25, 40). Представники організації будуть з нами в неділю, 30 червня, щоб відповісти на будь-які запитання. Будь ласка, зверніться до о. Андрія для отримання додаткової інформації. Наші діти вже зібрали 1070 дол. через їх проект Копійки для Неба.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Youth Ministry for the special treats for Father’s Day! Also, thank you, Meroslawa Szwez, for making an additional dessert! Bohdana Pytlyk is hosting today, and Oksana Swystun will host next Sunday.
TODAY, we ask God’s blessing on the four 3rd-grade students who made their first Confession yesterday and will be receiving Solemn Holy Communion today. They are Daria Dyrbavka, Mariya Garbovska, Solomiia Hroshok and Sofia Grace Santa Maria. We are very proud and happy for them!
Happy birthday to Matvii Shpilchuk, who will celebrate this event in the coming week.
Scholastic Achievements of our children 2024:
Anya Melnyk graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science from Boston University. She finished her first year of graduate school at BU in the doctorate program in physical therapy.
Christopher Pokotylo graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.
Stephen Szwez graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from Central Connecticut State University.
Rebekah Bailly made the Dean’s List for her Sophomore year at Keene State College in New Hampshire. She also received the Marjorie P. Hilton Scholarship for demonstrating strong promise in Early Childhood Development. She will spend her first semester of junior year in York, England.
Isabella Castrillo made the Dean’s List in both semesters of her freshman year for the School of Interdisciplinary Health and Science at the University of Saint Joseph.
Gabrielle O’Neill made the Dean’s List for her Sophomore year at Western Connecticut State College.
Rachael Bailly graduated from Newington High School having been on the Dean’s List for all 16 quarters receiving the Presidential Education Award for this accomplishment. She was inducted into the National Honor Society as well as honor societies for English, Math, Social Sciences, Latin, and Music/Drama. She was awarded a medal for Women in Computing by the Aspirations in Computing organization as well as Cum Laude medals in Latin for both state and national exams and the Seal of Biliteracy in Latin. The NHS Music Department recognized her for her outstanding performance in the pit orchestra. She will be attending the University of New Hampshire.
Vladislav Dyrbavka graduated from Bristol Easter High School.
Evan Kerry graduated from CREC Academy of International Studies. He received high honors throughout high school. He served as Brass Sergeant for the band. He played QB and WR for his high school football team, for which he served as captain. He was named Citizen Athlete of the Week and named Sportsmanship Ambassador for football. He helped to compose his graduation processional. He has been tonsured as a subdeacon in our parish. He will be attending Springfield College.
Anastasiya Samoylyuk graduated from Bristol Eastern High School. She will be attending Central Connecticut State University.
Caroline O’Neill received high honors in all four quarters of her junior year. She was inducted into the National Honor Society and received All-Academic in basketball.
Cora Josefiak received the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence by achieving high honors throughout 8th grade. She also received excellence awards in social studies and creative writing. She bridged up to Senior-level Girl Scouts. She received a Scholar Leader award from the CT Association of Schools. This award is given to only two students in each middle school.
Lilah Irvin finished her 3rd and final year at HALS Middle School, where she received high honors every term and she was chosen as gifted student of the year. In the guitar ensemble, she played and sang at numerous events, including the opening convocation for the New Britain teachers, Mayor Stewart’s inaugural ball, and an MLK celebration, amongst others. She also won 3rd place in a citywide essay contest on MLK.
Olivia Irvin received high honors every term during her 4th-grade year at Holmes Elementary. She was chosen to participate in a recognition breakfast for her academic achievement. She was also in the choir and band where she played various percussion instruments and the ukulele during the Spring concert.”
God bless all of these students for their dedicated work and amazing accomplishments. May God grant Daria, Mariya, Solomiia, Sofia, Matvii, and all our students MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
P.S. If there is any further student news, please email it to Sarah Bailly at, and it will be included in a later bulletin.