SUN MARCH 31 2nd SUNDAY of Lent. St. Gregory Palamas. Tone 2
- 2га НЕДІЛЯ ПОСТУ. Св. Григорія Палами.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Epistle Heb. 1:10-2:3
- Gospel: Mk. 2:1-12
SAT APRIL 6 Memorial Liturgy. Заупокійна Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SUN APRIL 7 3rd SUNDAY of Lent. Veneration of the Cross. Tone 3
- 3тя Неділя Великого Посту. Хрестопоклонна.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Epistle Heb. 4:14-5:6
- Gospel Mk. 8:34-9:1
- Panakhyda for Maria Galkiv, requested by Oksana Szwez and the family.
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY, during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend the meeting.
EASTER FESTIVAL was a great success despite the rainy weather. We made $938 on bake table, $1504 – kitchen, $1942 – paska sales, $783 – varenyky sale, $411- cultural, $292 – UOL, $520 – donations for church and vendors, $880 – donations for Ukraine. Great job everyone! Many thanks to those who helped with its organization, preparation, successful execution, and clean up.
BAKE SALE: We baked close to 250 paskas for the festival and made $1942. Many thanks to all who helped with baking. We are also grateful to our donors for $280: Peter Zeleniuk, Melissa Josefiak, Sylvia and Simion Sacalos, Maria Ugryn, and others.
EASTER FLOWERS DONATION LETTER: Let’s try to beautify our church for Pascha/Easter services. Please pick up your donation letter today. They are located at the entrance of the church. Doing so will help reduce the cost of postage for this mailing. Thank you! ДАВAЙТЕ ПРИКРАСИМО нашу церку на Паску красивими квітами. Листи пожертви і кошик, куди ви можете покласти ваші пожертви, знаходяться при вході до церкви.
BAKING PASKAS for Ukrainian Pascha/Easter (May 5) will occur in our parish at the end of April. We will bake only to order. The sign-up sheet is on the door to the parish hall. The last day to place an order is April 14.
ВИПІКАННЯ ПАСОК на українську Пасху/Великдень (5 травня) відбудеться у нашій парафії наприкінці квітня. Випікати будемо тільки на замовлення. Реєстраційний лист знаходиться на дверях парафіяльного залу. Останній день для замовлення – 14 квітня.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to the Samoylyuk Family for hosting coffee and… last Sunday!! Hosting today is Elizabeth Garbowska and family. Thank you for your continuous support of coffee and…
UOL: Starting April 1st, for a month, the UOL will be collecting dish detergent, laundry detergent, and shampoo & conditioner for Prudence Crandell Center! Prudence Crandell Services serves Victims of Domestic Violence. This is our first outreach for the needy in our community during this Great Lenten period. Thank you for your support.
SISTERHOOD: We have pyrohi available for purchase!!!
Проект НЕХАЙ БУДЕ СВІТЛО для покращення освітлення в нашому храмі потребує вашої допомоги! Наші церковні ліхтарі на стелі є старі, енерговитратні і становлять небезпеку пожежі через перегрів. Нещодавно ми отримали пропозицію від електрика, який може оновити їх за 1 800 доларів. Будь ласка, зробіть пожертву! Отець Андрій може відповісти на будь-які запитання.
TO CROSS OR NOT TO CROSS: When we cross ourselves, we engage our body in the worship; not only mind and heart. But there are times when it is specifically proper to cross ourselves and times when we should not. Here is a brief list of when to cross and when not to cross. To Cross: When we hear one of the variations of the phrase “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”; during Trisagion; at the beginning and end of the services and our private prayers; before venerating an icon, the cross, or the Gospel book; upon entering or exiting the temple; when passing in front of the holy Altar Table; when bishop or priest blesses us this cross, chalice or Gospel book. Not to Cross: At the chalice before or after taking Communion (we might hit the chalice with our hand); when the bishop or priest blesses saying, “Peace be with all” (merely bow slightly and receive the blessing).
E-MAIL LIST: Please check your emails (inboxes and spam folders). If you gave us your email address, a test email was sent to over 100 parishioners last Tuesday but only 46 replied. We need to know that you received this email and that we can communicate with you in this way. If you haven’t provided your email yet, please do so ASAP. Thank you for being so cooperative in helping our parish cut costs.
ЕЛЕКТРОННІ АДРЕСИ: Будь ласка, перевірте свої електронні адреси (“Вхідні” та відділи зі спамом). Якщо ви надали нам свою електронну адресу, то минулого вівторка було надіслано перевірочне електронне повідомлення понад 100 парафіянам, але лише 46 відповіли. Нам потрібно знати, що ви отримали це електронне повідомлення, і що ми можемо зв’язатися з вами таким чином. Якщо ви ще не надали свою електронну адресу, зробіть це якнайшвидше. Дякую вам за те, що ви так співпрацюєте, допомагаючи нашій парафії скоротити витрати на поштову пересилку.
ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the March drawing. They are David Bouchard, $25.00; Orest Stepanczak, $15.00; and Julie Breen, $10.00.
Church School classes will be held today.
Happy birthday to Adelina, who will be celebrating that event this coming week. May God grant her MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Confession schedules immediately after Divine Liturgy: April 14 – Grades 4, 5 and 6б April 21 – Grades 7, 8 and teens
The Church School’s annual Lenten almsgiving program, “Pennies from Heaven,” has begun and will continue until May 12. This year, your donations will go to Butterfly House, a Children’s Medical Center in Ukraine, which is a rehabilitation center for children, mainly orphans, and a hospice for terminally ill children. Please give your generous gift to any of our students.