SUN MARCH 3 Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Tone 6
- Неділя про Блудного Сина.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Epistle 1 Cor. 6:12-20
- Gospel Lk. 15:11-32
- Panakhyda for the departed members of Buczko and Sawczyszyn families, requested by Jaroslava Buczko and the family.
SAT MARCH 9 Akathis to the Mother of God (Pantanassa).
- Aкафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці (Всецариця) @ 5:00 PM
SUN MARCH 10 SUNDAY of the Last Judgment. (of Meatfare), Tone 7
- Неділя про Страшний Суд. М’ясопусна.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Epistle 1 Cor. 8:8-9:2
- Gospel Mt. 25:31-46
- 40th-day Panakhyda for Lynn Garent. (All remain in church, please!)
DUES STATEMENTS: PLEASE PICK UP YOUR 2023 DUES STATEMENTS. If you have any questions, call Elizabeth Garbovska (719-359-7914) for envelopes or Michelle O’Neil (860-655-7937) for checks. Money received after December 31, 2023, will be credited in the 2024 statement against what you owe. If you are paying dues by check, please ensure that the name on the check is yours. If not, please write your name in the Memo section of the check. Also, pick up your weekly envelopes if you haven’t already.
E-MAIL LIST: With the constant and continuous increase of US postage stamps, the church council is seeking ways to be cost-effective moving forward. We would like to decrease our postage costs by using email for church communications where possible. A signup sheet will be available in the hall to assist with this effort. We need only your name and email address. Thank you for your cooperation in helping our parish cut costs.
SISTERHOOD NEWS: We have an event Calendar for 2024. We would appreciate it if all organizations and different groups in the church could put their events on the calendar in the parish hall!
MANY THANKS go to those who came and helped make cabbage varenyky last Friday and Saturday. Let’s come together once more to make potato varenyky this coming week.
ВАРЕНИКИ: Потрібні волонтери, щоб зробити вареники з картоплею у п’ятницю, 8 березня, о 16 годині та в суботу, 9 березня, о 10 годині ранку.
VARENYKY PROJECT: Volunteers are needed to make potato varenyky on Friday, March 8, at 4 PM and Saturday, March 9, at 10 AM (weather permitting).
LOOKING AHEAD: Our annual Easter Festival is on Saturday, March 23. Please save the date and pray for good weather. Note that Orthodox Pascha/Easter this year is on Sunday, May 5. If you know of places that should be notified for publicity, please let Fr. Andrii know.
EASTER FESTIVAL: Save the date of Saturday, March 23, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for our church Easter Festival. This is one of our major fundraisers, so please volunteer your help to prepare for it and plan to attend. PLEASE PICK UP FLYERS AND POST WHEREVER YOU CAN. ALSO, EACH PARISHIONER IS ASKED TO BAKE FOR THE DESERT TABLE. Please wear traditional Ukrainian embroidered outfits. If you are interested in helping out during the festival, please let Natalia Kyrychenko and/or Anne Bailley know. There are slots available for both morning and afternoon shifts. Also, a clean-up crew is needed in the kitchen at 2 pm.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Yuliya Muryn for hosting coffee and… last Sunday. Hosting today is Hryhorii Prostsanyn and family. Hosting next week are Lisa Kerry and Joanne Szwez. Thank you for your continuous support of coffee and…
UOL: As you clean your homes for Easter and find stuff you no longer need, please donate it to Tag Sale Shelves. Thank you in advance! God bless you all! Liturgically, Great Lent starts Sunday, March 17th, with the Forgiveness Vespers!
MEMORIAL SATURDAYS: Lenten Saturday services to remember the souls of departed parishioners and friends will begin on Saturday, March 23. If you wish to have your loved ones remembered, envelopes to list the names are available at the church entrance. Please give the completed envelope to Father Andrii by Monday, March 18. Please note that Lent begins on Monday, March 18.
ПОМИНАЛЬНІ СУБОТИ: У суботу, 23 березня, розпочнуться поминальні суботні богослужіння Великого посту за душі покійних парафіян, членів родин, та друзів. Якщо ви хочете, щоб ваших близьких пом’янули, поминальні конверти можна взяти при вході в церкву. Будь ласка, передайте заповнений конверт отцю Андрію до понеділка, 18 березня. Зверніть увагу, що Великий піст починається з понеділка, 18 березня.
COMPANIES that are aiding and abetting Russia in its war and genocide in Ukraine: Philip Morris, Nestle, Procter & Gamble (Gillette, Ariel, Tide, Lenor, Comet, Fairy, Mr.Proper, Pampers, etc.), Anheuser-Busch, Mondelez (Oreo and Milka, ext. sweets), Unilever, Globus, Schlumberger, L’Oréal, Yves Rocher cosmetics, and a few others. A more detailed list can be found on the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) website – Let’s do our part here in stopping financing the evil of war in Ukraine!
JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers in preparation for receiving Holy Communion. We welcome into our group 2 new members, Lisa Kerry and Melissa Anna Bouchard. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Isaiah 56,7 and Mt. 21, 13)
ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the February drawing. They are: Olha Soroka, $25.00; Mariia Savitska, $15.00 and Eugeniusz Gulko, $10.00.
Classes will be held today.
Happy birthday to Artem, who will be celebrating his birthday next week.
LOOKING AHEAD – The annual Youth Ministry Pre-Lenten party will be held on Sunday, March 17, from 12:30 – 2:30 pm in the church hall. All parish children through grade 12 are welcome. Further information will be sent to all families.