Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin February 18, 2024
February 17, 2024
Bulletin February 18, 2024

SUN FEB 18 37th Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday of Zacchaeus. Tone 4

  • 37мa Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 1 Tim. 4:9-15 Gospel Luke 19:1-10

SAT FEB 24 No services.


  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 2 Tim. 3:10-15
  • Gospel Lk. 18:10-14



CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held next Sunday, February 25, in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

DUES STATEMENTS: PLEASE PICK UP YOUR 2023 DUES STATEMENTS. If you have any questions, call Elizabeth Garbovska (719-359-7914) for envelopes or Michelle O’Neil (860-655-7937) for checks. Money received after December 31, 2023, will be credited in the 2024 statement against what you owe. If you are paying dues by check, please ensure that the name on the check is yours. If not, please write your name in the Memo section of the check. Also, pick up your weekly envelopes if you haven’t already

  1. ANDRII will attend a meeting of the Council of Metropolia from Wednesday, February 21, until Saturday, February 24. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, contact Fr. Stephen Masliuk at (203) 232-9459.

SISTERHOOD NEWS: We have an event Calendar for 2024. We would appreciate it if all organizations and different groups in the church could put their events on the calendar in the parish hall!

ВАРЕНИКИ: Потрібні волонтери, щоб зробити вареники з капустою у п’ятницю, 1 березня, о 16 годині та в суботу, 2 березня, о 10 годині ранку. Потрібні волонтери, щоб приготувати вареники з картоплею у п’ятницю, 8 березня, о 16 годині та в суботу, 9 березня, о 10 годині ранку.

VARENYKY PROJECT: Volunteers are needed to make cabbage varenyky on Friday, March 1, at 4 PM and Saturday, March 2, at 10 AM (weather permitting). Volunteers are needed to make potato varenyky on Friday, March 8, at 4 PM and Saturday, March 9, at 10 AM (weather permitting).

LOOKING AHEAD: Our annual Easter Festival is on Saturday, March 23. Please save the date and pray for good weather. Note that Orthodox Easter this year is on Sunday, May 5. If you know of places that should be notified for publicity, please let Fr. Andrii know.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Natalia Sashchenko for hosting coffee… today. Next Sunday, Yuliya Muryn will host. Thank you for your continuous support of coffee and…

UOL NEWS: Thank you to everyone who supported the Souper Bowl Luncheon!! We hope everyone enjoyed the function! We made a record 1370 dollars for St. Andrew’s Society. Special thanks to all who donated- Father Andrii – soup, Lisa Kerry – soup, Maryann Simmons – 2 pots of soup, Dale Bailly – soup, Teresa Linck – 2 pots of soup, David Bouchard – soup, Helen Yawin – soup, Anna Gulko 4 loaves of bread and dessert, Meroslava Szwez- dessert and herbal teas, Darlene Sawcyshyn- soup and dessert, pani matka Joanne Szwez – soup, Ann Romanyshyn – 2 loaves of rye bread, and Sarah Bailly – dessert!

UOL: As you clean your homes for Easter and find stuff you no longer need, please donate it to Tag Sale Shelves. Thank you in advance! God bless you all! Liturgically, Great Lent starts Sunday, March 17th, with the Forgiveness Vespers!

ДЕНЬ ЄДНОСТІ ТА МОЛИТВИ: 25 лютого о 13:00 місцеві організації організовують день єдності та молитви в будівлі Капітолію в Гартфорді, 210 Capitol Ave, на згадку про 2-гу річницю війни в Україні! Будь ласка, приходьте та підтримуйте Україну своєю присутністю, молитвами та пожертвами. Наші голоси мають бути почуті!

DAY OF UNITY AND PRAYER: local organizations are organizing a day of unity and prayer at the State Capitol Building in Hartford, CT, on February 25 at 1 PM to remember the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine! Please come and support Ukraine with your presence, prayers, and donations.

LOOKING FOR A SPONSOR: Our Sisterhood is looking for a sponsor who would donate $280 to buy a TV that can be set up in the parish hall and used for announcements and the latest news. Please see Natalia Kyrychenko.

LIGHTING candles in the Orthodox Church is a very ancient, pious tradition that has been observed for thousands of years. However, there are specific times during services (especially Divine Liturgy) when this tradition should be practiced. Please light your candles before the reading of the Epistle in order to avoid unnecessary distraction and commotion. Otherwise, you can do it at the end of the service. ЗАПАЛЕННЯ свічок у Православній Церкві є дуже давньою, благочестивою традицією, що практикується уже 2 тисячі років. Однак, є відповідний час на богослуженні (особливо під час Божественної Літургії), коли це можна робити. Будь ласка, запалюйте свічки до читання Апостола, для того, щоб уникнути непотрібної метушні і безпорядку. В іншому випадку ви можете зробити це в кінці Літургії.

STORM CANCELLATIONS: Parishioners can now check TV Channel 3 (WFSB) or 30 (NBC) for cancellations of any liturgical services or Church activities due to inclement weather. У випадку неспртятливої погоди, Церковні Служби можуть бути відмінені. Необхідну інформацію можна отримати в той день з телеканалy 3 або 30.

COMPANIES that are aiding and abetting Russia in its war and genocide in Ukraine: Philip Morris, Nestle, Procter & Gamble (Gillette, Ariel, Tide, Lenor, Comet, Fairy, Mr.Proper, Pampers, etc.), Anheuser-Busch, Mondelez (Oreo and Milka, ext. sweets), Unilever, Globus, Schlumberger, L’Oréal, Yves Rocher cosmetics, and a few others. A more detailed list can be found on the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) website – nazk.gov.ua. Let’s do our part here in stopping financing the evil of war in Ukraine!


Church School classes will be held today from 11 – 12.

Happy birthday to Rachael and Evan, both of whom will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming week. May God grant them Many Blessed Years. Mnohaya Lita!