Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin February 4, 2024
February 3, 2024
Bulletin February 4, 2024

SUN FEB 4 35th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 2  

  • 35тa Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Col. 3:12-16
  • Gospel Mt. 25:14-30
  • Prayerful blessing of our Scouts.
  • 40th-day Panakhyda for subdeacon John Sirick. (All remain in church, please!)

SAT FEB 10 No services. Богослуження не буде.

SUN FEB 11 36th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 3  

  • 36та Неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 1 Tim. 1:15-17
  • Gospel Mt. 15:21-28
  • The Souper Ball Luncheon, sponsored by our UOL chapter.




NEW PARISH MEMBER: Please welcome to our parish Darlene Sawczysyn, Bohdana Pytlyk, and Uliana Slyvchuk. May God grant Darlene, Bohdana, and Uliana Many Happy and Blessed Years! МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!

ASLEEP IN THE LORD: The Handmaiden of God, Lynn Garent, fell asleep in the Lord on Thursday, February 1. Funeral services will be held at our church on Tuesday, February 6, at 10 AM, preceded by the calling hour at 9 AM. May God Grant His Handmaiden, Lynn, ETERNAL MEMORY! ВІЧНАЯ ПАМ΄ЯТЬ!

UOL: As you clean your homes for Easter and find stuff you no longer need, please donate it to Tag Sale Shelves. Thank you in advance! God bless you all! Great Lent starts Sunday, March 17th, with the Forgiveness Vespers!

NEXT WEEK is the Souper Bowl Luncheon! Please Support this event; please remember that all money from this event goes to St. Andrew’s Society! St. Andrew’s Society funds soup kitchens and feeds orphans, the elderly, and soldiers in Ukraine! We still need soups and pastries for this event. Please let Anne Bailly or Teresa Linck know if you are able to make a pot of soup or pastry for this event. Thanks in advance!

SISTERHOOD NEWS: We have an event Calendar for 2024. We would like and appreciate it if all organizations and different groups in the church could put their events on the calendar! Easter Festival is March 23rd; please put it on your personal calendar; we will be making pyrohy and Easter bread soon. Dates and times for work sessions to follow in the coming weeks.

ДЕНЬ ЄДНОСТІ ТА МОЛИТВИ: 25 лютого о 13:00 місцеві організації організовують день єдності та молитви в будівлі Капітолію в Гартфорді, 210 Capitol Ave, на згадку про дворічну річницю війни в Україні! Будь ласка, приходьте та підтримуйте Україну своєю присутністю, молитвами та пожертвами. Наші голоси мають бути почуті!

2024 UOL Essay Contest is announced: Topics Pre-K and Kindergarten: Draw a picture of your favorite plant or animal that God created. Grades 1 and 2: Draw a picture of Moses with the Ten Commandments. Then, please write two to three sentences on why we need to follow the Ten Commandments. Grades 3 and 4: How does God show His Love to man? Please write a paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) outlining your thoughts about this question. Grades 5 and 6: What must we do to please God and save our souls? Please write 75 to 100 words on your thoughts. Grades 7 and 8: Please write 150 to 200 words on the following. Define “faith” in your own words. How do you know you are faithful? Give examples from your life that showed people your faithfulness.

Grades 9 and 10: During the UOL convention this past summer, Metropolitan Antony told us that we are perfect once we have received the Body and Blood of Christ. He said our challenge is to stay that way as we go out in our current society past our church doors. Please write 175 to 250 on what you think the Metropolitan meant by these words. Grades 11 and 12: In an article written by Rev. Nicholas Fedorovich in 1971 for the Golden Anniversary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA and later published in 1973, he talks about the future of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA; “Our forefathers were forced to leave their native land we inherited neither silver, gold nor millions. …They brought with them into new settlements a deep love for their church, their native tongue, and their national traditions.” How has this love of church, language, and traditions shaped your lives and prepared you for your future? Please write 200 to 300 words on your thoughts. All entries will be judged for content, creativity, and neatness. Please refer to the enclosed rules and guidelines that must be followed. All essay contest information is being given in both English and Ukrainian. Entries may be in either English or Ukrainian. All entries must be mailed to UOL Essay Contest, C/O Teresa Linck, 413 Juniper Lane, Cheshire, CT 06410, Or emailed to tlinck.essays@gmail.com. All entries must be postmarked by April 8, 2024, and emailed entries must be time-stamped by 7:00 PM on the deadline date. Questions: call at 732.824.2047
LOOKING FOR A SPONSOR: Our Sisterhood is looking for a sponsor who would donate $280 to buy a TV that can be set up in the parish hall and used for announcements and the latest news. Please see Natalia Kyrychenko.

DAY OF UNITY AND PRAYER: local organizations are organizing a day of unity and prayer at the State Capitol Building in Hartford, CT, on February 25 at 1 PM in remembrance of the two-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine! Please come and support Ukraine with your presence, prayers, and donations.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Olga Mosanyuk for hosting Coffee and… last Sunday…

MANY THANKS go to those who participated in the “Ornaments for Heroes” project. We collected $1630, which was used to buy necessary items and send them to our heroes on the front lines in Ukraine. ВЕЛИКА ПОДЯКА тим, хто вз’яв участь у проекті «Прикраси для героїв». Ми зібрали 1630 доларів, які пішли на закупівлю необхідних речей та відправку посилок нашим героям на передовій в Україні.


Church School classes will be held today.

TODAY – Fr. Andrii will bless the candles the students in the first Confession class will carry at Divine Liturgy on the Sunday following that confession. The students are Daria Dyrbavka, Solomiia Hroshok, Mariya Garbvoska, and Sofia Grace Santa Maria.

TODAY – is Scout Sunday. Fr. Andrii will bless the scout leaders and scouts of the parish. Girl Scouts of the USA – Cora Josefiak, Melissa Josefiak (leader), Natalie Szwez – Plast

If you send in a name that doesn’t appear, please see Cynthia Sirick. Even if not listed, all scouts should come forward for the blessing.

Happy birthday to Nathan, who will be 17 years old in the coming week.

May God grant Daria, Mariya, Solomiia, Sofia, Cora, Natalie, Melissa, and Nathan Many Blessed years.