Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin January 21, 2024
January 19, 2024
Bulletin January 21, 2024

SUN JAN 21 33rd Sunday after Pentecost.  Tone

  • 33тя Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Col.  1:12-18  
  • Gospel Mt.  22:1-14

SAT JAN 27 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

 SUN JAN 28 34th Sunday after Pentecost.  Tone

  • 34та Неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Col.  3:4-11
  • Gospel Mt.  22:35-46
  • 40th-day Panakhyda for John Bouchard. (All remain in church, please!)



HAPPY BIRTHDAY: We wish to congratulate our beloved Hierarch and spiritual Father, Metropolitan Antony, who will celebrate his birthday, name day, and anniversary of the enthronement on Tuesday, January 30. May God grant Vladyka many happy and blessed years! Happy birthday to our Fr. Tony, who also celebrated his birthday this past Tuesday, January 16! МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!

CHURCH COUNCIL: The Parish Council meeting will take place next Sunday, January 28. All members should attend this first meeting of 2024. Збори парафіяльної Управи відбудуться наступної неділі 28 січня. Всі члени зобов’язані прийти на ці перші збори 2024 року.

BLESSING OF HOUSES FOR THEOPHANY: Fr. Andrii will be finishing blessing the homes with Theophany waters this coming week. If you want your house to be blessed, please call or text Fr. Andrii at (860) 989-5748 asap. Thank you! О. Андрій закінчує благословення домівок. Якщо він ще не сконтактувався з вами, щоб встановити час для благословення вашої хати, потелефонуйте йому якомога швидше.

UOL NEWS: As you clean your home for Christmas and find stuff you no longer need, please donate to Tag Sale Shelves. Thank you in advance! God bless you all!

UOL NEWS: Now that the football season is over and many are planning for Super Bowl Sunday, the UOL is making plans, too. We are preparing for our Annual Souper Bowl Sunday fundraiser for St. Andrew’s Society, which will take place on February 11 immediately after Liturgy. Remember, St. Andrew’s Society supports soup kitchens in Ukraine. Now more than ever, the people in Ukraine need our help. Come and enjoy mouth-watering soups prepared by your fellow parishioners. Last year, over $12,000 was donated by UOL chapters. Help us make this year even better! 

COFFEE and…: Many thanks to Ivanna Vitrykush for hosting Coffee and… last Sunday… Hosting today is Liudmyla Madai and Maria Melnyk. Thank you for your continuous support of coffee and…

2024 CHURCH ENVELOPES: Please pick up your 2024 church envelopes at the church entrance and use only them to pay your dues in order to avoid confusion at the end of the year.

ЦЕРКОВНІ КОНВЕРТИ 2024: Будь ласка, візьміть свої церковні конверти 2024 року біля входу в церкву та використовуйте лише їх для сплати внесків, щоб уникнути непорозумінь наприкінці року.

БЕЗКОШТОВНІ КУРСИ Англійської мови для українців в Америці: https://support.babbel.com/hc/en-us/articles/4985331352980-Babbel-supports-Ukrainian-refugees-with-language-courses

CHILDREN of our parish went out to carol last Sunday. They were Rebekkah, Rachel and Jacob Bailly, Samanta and Simion Sacalos, Genevieve Duffy, Ella Cordairo, Anastasia and Julia Samoylyuk, accompanied by their chaperons and chauffeurs Sarah Bailly, Simion Sacalos, and Chris Pokotylo. They spread a lot of the Nativity joy that day, starting in New Britain and all the way to the heroes of Ukraine!

WAR IN UKRAINE: A unique “Ornaments for Heroes” project is coming to an end. Our Nativity tree will be moved out soon. So, act quickly! You can buy yellow-blue ornaments for $20, 50, and 100 and place them on the tree in the church. Ornaments will be located on the first pew, right before our tree. All proceeds will go to buy supplies for our heroes in Ukraine.

ВІЙНА В УКРАЇНІ: B нашій парафії стартував особливий проект «Прикраси для героїв». Ви можете купити ялинкову прикрасу за 20, 50 або 100 доларів, і повісити на ялинку. Ці прикраси знаходяться на лавці перед ялинкою. Усі виручені кошти підуть для наших героїв на фронті в Україні.

PLEASE CONSIDER that the $520 yearly dues do NOT include the amount per member that we send to support our Metropolia, which is $100. As a result, we have to take $100 from the $520 amount, leaving us only $420 per member to pay for church expenses for the entire year. We would greatly appreciate you including this amount for Metropolia dues as extra to your regular contributions. $620 would be the amount for both Church and Diocese dues.

БУДЬ ЛАСКА врахуйте, що щорічні внески в розмірі 520 доларів НЕ включають 100 дол., якi ми відправляємо на підтримку Митрополії за кожного члена парафії. В результаті, ми повинні взяти 100 доларів з 520 доларів, залишивши нам лише 420 доларів щоб оплатити парафіяльні витрати за весь рік. Ми будемо дуже вдячні, якщо ви додасьте цю суму (100 дол.) до ваших регулярних внесків. Тоді 620 доларів буде добра сума, як для парафіяльних, так і єпархіальних внесків.

2024 EVENT CALENDAR: Any individual or church group with events scheduled during 2024 should inform President Dr. Paul Szwez as soon as possible to avoid confusion.

JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers in preparation for receiving Holy Communion. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Isaiah 56, 7 and Mt. 21, 13)

OUTREACH: If anyone knows of any of our shut-ins who would like to receive Confession and Communion, please contact Father Andrii at 860-989-5748.


CHURCH SCHOOL classes will be held today from 11 am to 12 noon.

LOOKING AHEAD – We will be celebrating Scout Sunday on February 4. Please let Cynthia Sirick know if your child is a scout (Girl or Boy Scouts of America, CYM or Plast) and if you are a scout leader. Do not assume she has that information. It will be published in the February Church School newsletter and the February 4 church bulletin. (860-953-3469 / czsirick@gmail.com)

MANY THANKS go to our carolers who went out to carol last Sunday.