SUN DEC 24 Sunday before the Nativity. Tone 4
- Неділя перед Різдвом.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 6:9-10,17-23,32-49
- Gospel Lk. 17:12-19
- Panakhyda for subdeacon Joseph Kerel (1st anniversary), requested by Dorothy Kerel and the family.
- Panakhyda for the departed members of the Vorona family.
EVE OF THE NATIVITY. Great Compline.
- НАВЕЧІР’Я РІЗДВА. Велике Повечір’я @ 4:00 PM
MON DEC 25 THE NATIVITY According to the Flesh of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
- РІЗДВО Господа Бога і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
TUE DEC 26 SYNAXIS of the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Собор Пресвятої Богородиці.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SUN DEC 31 Sunday after the Nativity. Tone 5
- Неділя після Різдва.
- Typika. Обідниця @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Gal. 1:11-19
- Gospel Mt. 2:13-23
- НАВЕЧІР’Я БОГОЯВЛЕННЯ. Велике Повечір’я @ 5:00 PM
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- The great blessing of waters. Велике освячення води.
ASLEEP IN THE LORD: The Servant of God, John Bouchard, fell asleep in the Lord on Friday morning, December 22. Funeral services will be held at our church on Thursday, December 28, at 10 AM, preceded by the calling hour at 9 AM. May God grant His Servant, John, ETERNAL MEMORY! ВІЧНАЯ ПАМ΄ЯТЬ!
- ANDRII will be on vacation from Friday, December 29, until Thursday, January 4. In case of an emergency, you may contact Fr. Steven Masliuk at 203-232-9459.
- ANDRII, Pani Matka Oksana, and Christopher would like to express their sincere gratitude to all who sent them beautiful cards with heartwarming and delightful Christmas wishes. May God bless you! Thank you!
2024 CHURCH ENVELOPES: Please pick up your 2024 church envelopes at the church entrance.
ALTAR SERVERS: The money collected at the end of the Divine Liturgy tomorrow goes to our devoted altar servers as a Christmas gift. Please be generous. Thank you!
UOL NEWS: As you clean your home for Christmas and find stuff you no longer need, please donate to Tag Sale Shelves. Thank you in advance! God bless you all!
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Galyna Vytrykuch and her family for hosting coffee… last Sunday. No coffee and… today, Christmas Eve. Hosting Dec 31st Oksana Groshok. Thank you for your continuous support!!
CHRISTMAS FAIR was a tremendous success thanks to our collective efforts. Profit: $1870, $1625 bread and roll sales, and extra rolls we baked on Thursday! Many thanks go to those who helped organize, decorate, bake, cook, sell, and clean. We are grateful to our donors, too. UOL donated 25% of their profit of $89 to the church. We have 13 Raisin Breads and two wholewheat with sunflower seeds available for purchase. We have 24 dozen potato and two dozen blueberry pyrohy available for purchase.
MANY THANKS go to our bakers once again. We baked 42 poppyseed rolls this past week. We may have some extra for sale today. We are grateful to David Bouchard for supplying the poppyseed filling and to all those who came to make rolls on Thursday.
DUES REMINDER: We will close our dues payment books for 2023 on Sunday, December 31. Please make all payments by then. Otherwise, any amounts received after the 31st will be credited for 2024.
ЧЛЕНСЬКІ ВНЕСКИ: Переконайтесь чи ви сплатили ваші внески за 2023 рік, і якщо ні, то зробіть це до 31 грудня. Облікові книги за 2023 рік будуть закриватися в неділю 31го грудня, і всі внески зроблені після цього дня будуть зараховуватись вже на 2024 рік.
LIVE STREAMING of the services in our church comes with a price tag of $700 for 2024. We are looking for sponsors to pay for the live streaming again. Thank you to those who donated already!
WAR IN UKRAINE: A unique “Ornaments for Heroes” project started in our parish last Sunday. You can buy yellow-blue ornaments for $20, 50, and 100 and place them on the tree in the church. Ornaments will be located on the first pew, right before our tree. All proceeds will go to our heroes in Ukraine.
ВІЙНА В УКРАЇНІ: B нашій парафії стартував особливий проект «Прикраси для героїв». Ви можете купити ялинкову прикрасу за 20, 50 або 100 доларів, і повісити на ялинку. Ці прикраси знаходяться на лавці перед ялинкою. Усі виручені кошти підуть для наших героїв на фронті в Україні.
2024 EVENT CALENDAR: Any individual or church group with events scheduled during 2024 should inform President Dr. Paul Szwez as soon as possible to avoid confusion.
PLEASE LOOK AROUND our church on Sunday morning and this Nativity season, and if you see some new people, don’t hesitate to talk and welcome them. They are the guests in our Lord’s house and your house of worship, too. Do not be afraid of language barriers; the language of love is universal and comprehensible.
ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the December drawing. They are Lilia Bulvarenko, $25.00; Michael Santa Maria, $15.00; and Joan Sheffield, $10.00.
NO Church School classes will be held today, December 31, or January 7. Classes will resume on January 14.
Loving thanks go to Meroslava Szwez for the donation of her Angel Club prize of $10 to the Youth Ministry. May God grant Meroslava MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!