Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin November 5, 2023
November 3, 2023
Bulletin November 5, 2023

SUN NOV 5 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 5  

  • 22га Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Gal. 6:11-18
  • Gospel Lk. 8:41-56
  • Panakhyda for John and Xenia Belas, and Bernard H., Anna and Bernard J. Krzynowek.
  • Panakhyda for Kateryna Human, requested by Meroslava Szwez and the family.

WED NOV 8 SYNAXIS of the Archangel Michael and the other bodiless powers of Heaven.

  • СОБОР Архистратига Михаїла та інших безтілесних сил Небесних.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM

SAT NOV 11 Moleben to the Mother of God.

  • Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN NOV 12 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6

  • 23тя Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Eph. 2:4-10
  • Gospel Lk. 10:25-37




THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING is scheduled for next Sunday, November 12. Our Sisterhood will serve a delicious pasta lunch on that day, with all proceeds to support Ukraine. Cost: $15 for adults, $8 for teenagers 10-18, and kids under 10 – free. Tickets can be purchased from Anne Bailly and/or Natalia Kyrychenko.

PІЧНІ ПАРАФІЯЛЬНІ ЗБОРИ відбудуться на наступну неділю, 12 листопада. Наші Сестриці приготують нам смачний паста обід. Вся виручка за обід піде на підтримку України. Вартість обіду – дорослі $15, підлітки 10-18 років $8, діти 10 років і менше – безкоштовно.

PLEASE HELP! The old water heaters in the Church school and 1st floor of the rectory are leaking and need to be replaced. The cost of replacement is over $3000. Please help with your donations. We really appreciate any help you can provide. Many thanks go to our recent donors: Mariia Savitska $50, Yuliia Babak $50, Tatyana Melnyk $40, Mariia Kryvoruchko $20, Oksana Svystun $20.

 ДОПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ-ЛАСКА! Старі водонагрівачі/котли у церковній школі і хаті протікають і потребують заміни. Вартість заміни становить понад 3000 доларів. Якщо можете, будь ласка, допоможіть вашими пожертвами. Дякуємо!

SISTERHOOD: We have pyrohi available for purchase!

SAINTS of the DAY: Martyrs Galaction and his wife, Episteme, of Emesa are commemorated today.

There was a wealthy and distinguished couple named Kletophon and Leukippe, who lived in the Syrian city of Emesa. They were childless for a long time. They gave much gold to the pagan priests, but still, they remained childless. After receiving holy Baptism, Leukippe was able to conceive a child. They named the baby Galaction, and raised him in the Christian Faith, providing him with a fine education. Galaction could make an illustrious career for himself, but instead, he sought a pure monastic life in solitude and prayer. When Galaction turned 24, his father decided to marry him off. They found him a bride, a beautiful and illustrious girl named Episteme. Eventually, he converted her to Christ, and he secretly baptized her himself. Besides Episteme, he also baptized one of her servants, Eutolmius. The newly-illumined decided on the initiative of Galaction, to devote themselves to the monastic life. Leaving the city, they hid themselves on Mount Publion, where there were two monasteries, one for men and the other for women. The pagans became aware of the existence of the monasteries, and a military detachment was sent to apprehend their inhabitants. When Episteme saw that the soldiers were leading Galaction away in chains, she went with him. The saints endured terrible torments while supplicating and glorifying Christ. Eutolmius, the former servant of Episteme, secretly buried the bodies of the holy martyrs. He later wrote an account of their virtuous life and glorious martyrdom for his contemporaries and posterity.

THE FEAST DAY of SYNAXIS of the Archangel Michael and the other bodiless powers of Heaven, which we will celebrate on Wednesday, November 8, is a patron saint feast day of the youngest organization of our UOC of the USA – GUARDIANS OF THE METROPOLIA. Visit the website guardiansofmet.org or the Facebook page guardiansofmetropolia to learn more about this organization and become a member of this dedicated, generous, and selfless group of people.

СВЯТО СОБОРУ Архангела Михаїла та інших безтілесних сил Небесних, яке ми будемо святкувати в середу, 8 листопада, є святом небесного покровителя наймолодшої організації нашої УПЦ США – ПОКРОВИТЕЛІВ МИТРОПОЛІЇ. Відвідайте веб-сторінку guardiansofmet.org або сторінку у Facebook guardiansofmetropolia, щоб дізнатися більше про цю організацію та стати членом цієї жертовної, щедрої та самовідданої групи людей.

UOL: It is time to renew your UOL membership or become a member!!! Dues for senior UOL is 20 dollars, and junior UOL is 5 dollars!!! Please send dues to Anne Bailly or give to Anne Bailly or Father Andrii in church. Thank you, Anne Bailly, Treasurer.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Roman and Luba Dyrbavka for hosting coffee and… last Sunday! Hosting today is Iryna Dmytryshyn. No coffee and… 11/12/2023 – annual meeting with a Spaghetti Dinner. Hosting 11/19/2023 is Hryhorii Protsanyn Family. Thank you for your continuous support of coffee and…


 Church School classes will be held today. There will be no classes next Sunday because of the annual meeting.

Thanks to Sarah Bailly and all of the parents and teens who helped her with last Sunday’s Fall Costume Party. Twenty-four children attended and had a fantastic time.

Happy birthday to Simion, who is celebrating his birthday today.

Congratulations to Karina (St. Karina – Nov. 7) and the first-grade students (Archangel Michael –

 Nov. 8) who are observing their patron saints’ days this week. They will be celebrating with their classmates today.

May God grant Simion, Karina, and the first-grade students MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!