SUN OCT 29 21st Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 4
- 21ша Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Gal. 2:16-20
- Gospel Lk. 8:26-39
SAT NOV 4 Akathist to the Mother of God (Pantanasa)
- for all who suffer from cancer.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці (Всецариці)
- за всіх хто страждає від раку @ 5:00 PM
SUN NOV 5 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 5
- 22га Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Gal. 6:11-18
- Gospel Lk. 8:41-56
A REMINDER: Clocks go back one hour on Sunday morning, November 5, as Daylight Saving Time ends. There will be no reason to be late to church next Sunday!
НАГАДУВАННЯ, що годинники будуть переводитись на 1 годину назад наступної неділі 5го листопада! Не буде причини запізнюватись на службу наступної неділі!
PLEASE HELP! The old water heaters in the Church school and 1st floor of the rectory are leaking and need to be replaced. The cost of replacement is over $3000. Please help with your donations. We really appreciate any help you can provide. Many thanks go to our recent donors: Simion and Sylvia Sacalos $200, Dmytro and Yulia Muryn $50, and Annunimous $100.
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ-ЛАСКА! Старі водонагрівачі/котли у церковній школі і хаті протікають і потребують заміни. Вартість заміни становить понад 3000 доларів. Якщо можете, будь ласка, допоможіть вашими пожертвами. Дякуємо!
THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING is scheduled for Sunday, November 12. Our Sisterhood will serve a delicious pasta lunch on that day, with all proceeds to support Ukraine. Cost: $15 for adults, $8 for teenagers 10-18, and kids under 10 – free.
PІЧНІ ПАРАФІЯЛЬНІ ЗБОРИ відбудуться в неділю, 12 листопада. Наші Сестриці приготують нам смачний паста обід. Вся виручка за обід піде на підтримку України. Вартість обіду – дорослі $15, підлітки 10-18 років $8, діти 10 років і менше – безкоштовно.
UOL: It is time to renew your UOL membership or become a member!!! Dues for senior UOL is 20 dollars, and junior UOL is 5 dollars!!! Please send dues to Anne Bailly or give to Anne Bailly or Father Andrii in church. Thank you, Anne Bailly, Treasurer.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Oksana and Natalia Szwez for hosting coffee and… last Sunday! Hosting today is Roman Dyrbavka. Thank you for your continuous support!
UOL CHRISTMAS Projects: Christmas is coming. We want to bring Joy to children this Holy Season by supporting 1) a St. Nicholas Celebration at a church and 2) Operation Christmas Child for children around the world, including Ukraine. Please experience the Love of Christmas by donating small gifts for girls and boys of all ages now through the end of October. Suggested items: toys, crafts and activities, clothing and accessories, personal care items, candy. We will also accept ‘lightly used’ items. Place your donations in the box in the church hall. If you have any questions, contact Anne Bailly. Let us celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through acts of Kindness toward children suffering in Ukraine and the world. Thank you! Pray for World Peace.
Різдвяні проекти УПЛ: Різдво наближається. Ми хочемо принести радість дітям у цю святу пору, підтримуючи 1) святкування Святого Миколая в нашій церкві та 2) проекту «Різдвяна дитина» для дітей світу, включаючи Україну. Будь ласка, пожертвуйте невеликі подарунки для дівчаток та хлопчиків різного віку до кінця жовтня. Пропоновані предмети: іграшки, вироби та електронні забави, одяг та аксесуари, предмети особистої гігієни, цукерки. Ми також приймаємо “злегка використані” предмети. Покладіть свої пожертви в коробку в церковному залі. З будь-яких питань звертайтеся до Анни Бейлі. Святкуймо Народження нашого Господа і Спасителя Ісуса Христа через діла доброти до дітей, які страждають в Україні та світі. Дякую! Моліться за мир у всьому світі.
NEW ANTIMINS in our church contains relics of one of the five new youth martyrs of Constantinople. Here is a brief description of their lives and suffering for Christ… Holy New Martyrs Emmanuel, George, Michael, Theodore, and George were young men from the Greek island of Samothrace in the northern Aegean Sea, except St. Michael, who was from Cyprus. During the Greek Revolution of 1821, the island was occupied by the Turks, who came and murdered the Christian inhabitants, while many women and children were taken as slaves to the East and Egypt. The four martyrs, along with St. Michael, were sold throughout various places in Turkey. At some point, the Five New Martyrs returned to Samothraki and followed the Christian life. At the time, the one appointed to the position of kadi/governor in Makri was a tough man named Aptourrachman, who was a zealot for Islam. In 1835, he captured the Martyrs and imprisoned and tortured them. Despite the terrible tortures, the Martyrs confessed their faith in Christ. The Kadi then wrote to Constantinople to his boss Vasaf, a secretary of Sultan Mahmoud, informing him about the Martyrs who denied the religion of Mohammed. The decision came back as a conviction. The first to be martyred was St. Michael, the oldest, who was cut to pieces with their swords. Sts. Theodore and George were hanged, and so received the crown of martyrdom. The much-suffering St. Manuel was thrown on iron hooks and was pinned in the shape of the Cross. They cast the blessed young St. George on the hooks similarly, but oh, the miracle! The nails bent and did not at all pin the body of the Saint. After this, they threw him on an iron awl and dropped him so that his body would be nailed. In this way, the martyr St. Manuel shortly delivered his holy soul into the hands of God, while the martyr St. George stayed riveted for twenty-four hours in unbearable pain. These Turks, when they saw that he was still alive after so long, shot him in the head and thus ended the life of this glorious martyr. Christians, having received the authorization, buried the remains of the Holy Martyrs at the place of their martyrdom.
SISTERHOOD: We have pyrohi available for purchase!
Church School classes will be held today.
IMPORTANT – We will no longer be accepting registration for the kindergarten/first-grade class due to limited space. We look forward to welcoming additional children in the 2024-2025 school year.
TODAY – Fall Costume Party in the church hall at 12:30 following Church School classes. All parish children are invited.
Our warmest thanks go to dedicated Youth Ministry supporters Walter and Maria Szwez for donating $50 to that group. This includes Walter’s Angel Club’s prize of $25. May God grant Walter and Maria MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!