Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin September 17, 2023
September 18, 2023
Bulletin September 17, 2023


  • 15th Sunday after Pentecost.  Tone 6
  • 15та Неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія Архиєрейським Чином @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle  2 Cor. 4:6-15
  • Gospel  Mt.  22:35-46
  • Blessing our children at the start of the new school year.
  • Awards ceremony.
  • Celebratory lunch. Урочистий обід.

SAT    SEP 23 No services. Служби немає.

SUN   SEP 24 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7

  • 16та Неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Typika. Обідниця @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle  2 Сor. 6:1-10
  • Gospel  Lk. 5:1-11

SAT   SEP 30 Moleben. Молебень @ 5:00 PM

SUN   OCT   1  The Protection of the Mother of God. Tone 8

  • Покров Пресвятої Богородиці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle  2 Cor. 6:16-7:1
  • Gospel  Lk. 10:38-42; 11:27-28



 НАШЕ ПРЕСТОЛЬНЕ свято святкуватиметься сьогодні. Митрополит Антоній і Архiєпископ Даниїл святкуватимуть цей радісний день разом з нами. Особливий святковий обід, приготований нашими сестрицями, буде запропонований після богослужіння. Вартість обіду – дорослі $25, підлітки 10-18 років $10, діти 10 років і менше – безкоштовно. Сестриці просять про пожертви на покриття витрат. Владика поблагословить наших дітей на початок нового навчального року теж.

CHURCH NAME DAY CELEBRATION will be held next TODAY. Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel will celebrate this joyous day with us with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. After the services, a special celebratory lunch sponsored by our Sisterhood will be offered. Tickets are $25, $10 for teenagers 10-18 years of age, and kids ten and younger – free. Sisterhood is asking for monetary donations to cover the cost of ingredients. His Eminence will also bless our children at the start of the school year.

CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING:  The regular monthly meeting will be held NEXT SUNDAY during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall.  Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to pani matka Oksana and her sister Iryna for sponsoring Coffee and… last Sunday! No Coffee and… today. Hosting next Sunday is Elizabeth Garbovska. Thank you for your continuous support!

FR ANDRII will be on vacation from Monday, September 18, until Friday, September 29. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, you may contact Fr. Stephen Masliuk at (203) 232-9459 or Fr. David Cole at (860) 573-0013.

HELP UKRAINIAN HEROES:  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2I3LC6NXWNXUF

ANGELS CLUB:  The 2023-2024 Angels Club Membership Drive is ongoing until October 22, 2023. We welcome all parishioners to become an Angel and help support our Church.  Many thanks to those who have already sent in their checks.  CURRENT ANGELS: Our 15th Celebration Dinner will be held on Sunday, October 1, 2023. Please return your yellow Dinner Reservation Form no later than Sunday, September 24, 2023.  Those who can not attend the October 1st dinner should see a member of the Angels Committee to discuss options.  If you have not received your yellow dinner reservation form, please let Julie Breen, Joan Kerelejza or Michelle O’Neill know.

ANGELS КЛУБ АНГЕЛІВ ПОТРЕБУЄ ВАС! Якщо Ви думаєте записатися до Клубу Ангелів при нашій парафії, час діяти є зараз!!! Ми всі насолоджуємось прохолодою кондиціонера під час літургії у літні місяці, і теплом газового опалення зимою. Так само наші наймолодші парафіяни потребують комфорту у церковній школі! Оплата за газ та електрику забирає значну частину церквого доходу. Загальна вартість складає понад $4000 за останній рік. Дякувати Богу, ми маємо Клуб Ангелів, який покриває наші комунальні витрати! Запишіться і Ви до цієї групи благодійників! Вартість членства є $120 на рік, яка може виплачуватись одноразовим внеском або двома платежами. Членство включає смачний обід в одному з затишних місцевих ресторанів у жовтні кожного року, а також щомісячні грошові розиграші… СТАВАЙТЕ АНГЕЛОМ!!!

ORTHODOX CHURCH ETIQUETTE: When we address Deacons or Priests, we should use the title “Father.” Bishops, we should address them as “Your Grace.” Though all Bishops (including Patriarchs) are equal in the Orthodox Church, they do have different administrative duties and honors that accrue to their rank in this sense. Thus, “Your Eminence” is the proper title for Archbishops and Metropolitans. When we approach an Orthodox Presbyter or Bishop (but not a Deacon), we should make a bow, place our right hand over the left (palms upward), and say: “Bless, Father” or “Bless, Your Grace,” or “Bless, Your Eminence.” The Priest or Bishop then answers, “May the Lord bless you,” blesses us with the Sign of the Cross, and places his right hand in our hands. We kiss then his hand. We should understand that when the Priest or Bishop blesses us, he forms his fingers to represent the Christogram “ICXC” a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for “Jesus Christ”. Thus, their blessing is in the Name of Christ, as he emphasizes in his response to the believer’s request for a blessing. We should also note that the reason that a layperson kisses the hand of a Priest or Bishop is to show respect to his Apostolic office. More importantly, however, since both hold the Holy Mysteries in their hands during the Divine Liturgy, we show respect to the Holy Eucharist when we kiss their hands. In fact, Saint John Chrysostom once said that if one were to meet an Orthodox Priest walking along, they should greet the Priest and kiss his hand since that hand has touched the Body and Blood of our Lord. For this latter reason, we do not normally kiss the hand of a Deacon. While a Deacon in the Orthodox Church holds the first level of the Priesthood (Deacon, Presbyter, Bishop), his service does not entail blessing and touching the Mysteries. When we take leave of a Priest or Bishop, we should again ask for a blessing, just as we did when we first greeted him. “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.” (Mt. 11:15)

ANGELS CLUB:  Congratulations to the winners of the September drawing.  They are:  Urszula Korycinski, $25.00; Paul Szwez, $15.00 and Helen Zeleniuk, $10.00.



CHURCH SCHOOL will begin NEXT SUNDAY, September 24.  Please remember that to be eligible for Church School, a student must be in grades kindergarten through 8th and have at least one parent who is a member of this parish. The registration packet was recently mailed.  If you did not receive one, please see Cynthia Sirick immediately.

Parents are reminded to send a yellow registration form completely filled out and signed with each child.  This is your permission for your child to be present in the Church School.

Thanks to the Youth Ministry for the mini golfing event last week.  Seven hearty souls braved the rain before the course was shut down.  They had a great time!

Happy birthday to Samantha and Eleanor, who will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming two weeks.

Congratulations to the following students who will be celebrating their patron saints’ days in the coming two weeks: Sofia and the 7th-grade class – TODAY – Sts. Sofia, Faith, Hope, and Love. May God grant Samantha, Eleanor, Sofia, and the 7th grade students MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!