SUN JUNE 25 3rd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 2
- 3тя Неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Rom. 5:1-10
- Gospel Mt. 6:22-33
- Panakhyda for Sofia Sashchenko (5 years), requested by Natalia and Serhiy Sashchenko and the family.
SAT JULY 1 Akathist to the Mother of God (Pantanasa) for those suffering from cancer.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці (Всецариця) за всіх уражених раком @ 5:00 PM
SUN JULY 2 4th Sunday after Pentecost.Tone 3
- 4та Неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Rom. 6:18-23
- Gospel Mt.8:5-13
- Panakhyda for Maria Czapor, requested by her daughters Helen and Stela, and the family.
APOSTLE’S FAST will conclude on Thursday, June 29. Let’s spend the remaining days of this sacred time of the Church year in humble fasting, intense prayer life, and performing works of Christian charity. This is also a suitable time to go to Confession for those, who receive Holy Communion regularly.
INDEPENDENCE DAY EXTRAVAGANZA was a success. We made a $3,340 profit. Thank you to all who helped, donated, and made it possible. Many thanks go to the organizers – Natalia and Maria Kyrychenko, as well as to Igor Shtefan and Yuliya Lynds-Babak for sponsoring biliashi, and Uliana Dmytrenko and Lubov Prokopiv for sponsoring holubtsi. Special thank you to our donors: Bola Mechines $300, Irene Blumes and Anonymous $300, Ukrainian Selfreliance Credit Union $250, Carlson Funeral Home $100, Tetyana Melnyk $50, Kateryna Falion $40 for their donations. May God bless all of you for your sacrifice! Glory to Ukraine!
ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ДО ДНЯ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТІ пройшов дуже успішно. Ми заробили 3,340 дол. Велика подяка всім хто потрудився в його підготовці, проведенні і став спонсором. Нехай Бог поблагословить вас усіх за ваш труд і жертовність! Слава Україні!
SISTERHOOD is looking for sponsors for a professional-grade food processor for our church kitchen. The cost is $690. If you can, please help! Please, see Natalia Kyrychenko or Anne Bailly with your donations.
НАШІ СЕСТРИЦІ шукає спонсорів для кухонного комбайну для нашої церковної кухні. Вартість $690. Будь-ласка, звертайтеся до Наталі Кириченко або Анни Бейлі з вашими пожертвами.
ВЕЛИКА ПОДЯКА Мирославу Івахнюк та Ігору Ткачук, які за власні кошти і власними силами помалювали апартмент в церковному будинку. Нехай Господь поблагословить їх за їхню жертовність!
WHY GO TO CHURCH? Reason #1: Because we are made to worship: We are all spiritual beings in that we have a soul, we are all religious in that we show reverence, love, and devotion through ceremonial prayer to the things our soul considers sacred. To deny one or the other or both is to deny the very essence of who we are, as humans. We are made in the image and likeness of God. The first four commandments are related to the spiritual, religious worship of God. 1) I am God, don’t have any others; 2) No idols; 3) Do not use Lord’s name in vain; 4) Remember Sabbath and keep it holy. God knows us. He made us. If we do not worship the God of the Bible, the Father with His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit, then we will worship something or someone else. That’s an idol. We go to Church to fulfill who we are, to do what we were made to do. Could anyone honestly say I am a student and not attend school?
WHY GO TO CHURCH? Reason #2: Where do we want to go after our life on earth ends? Heaven, right? What does everyone, who is already there, do? What do the angels, the Virgin Mary, and all the Saints do in Heaven? They worship God! Our worship is different from other churches including incense, chanting, icons, candles, standing, kneeling, and making the sign of the cross. Some might say that our worship was invented by some bishop or group of monks a few centuries ago. Others say that New Testament worship was spontaneous. However, the reality is that the Divine Liturgy we celebrate these days is essentially the same, at its core, as the Liturgy of the 1st century Christians. Moreover, the Apostles and first disciples were Jews. When they became followers of Christ, they did not invent some new worship of Him. Rather, they took the forms and rituals of the worship they knew (Judaic worship) and gave it a Christian character. Look at Jesus Himself, He observed all the rituals of worship including fasts, feasts, and pilgrimages. Divine Liturgy is rooted in ancient Judaic/Biblical worship. It came from the same commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai by God Himself. Therefore, our Orthodox Christian worship is the earthly component of the eternal worship in Heaven. The structure and decoration of our temple (church building) along with the services’ words, prayers, petitions, and rubrics reflect Heavenly worship’s nature. It’s where we go to practice and prepare ourselves for the eternal worship in Heaven. If we don’t prepare ourselves here, we won’t be able to do it there!
COFFEE and…: Thank you to the Youth ministry for hosting coffee and… last Sunday with a special treat for Father’s Day. Hosting today is Sylvia and Maria Sacolosh, and hosting next Sunday is Maria Yuliya. Thank you to Peter and Helen Zeleniuk for donating 4 cans of coffee! Thank you to everyone who supports coffee and…
ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the June drawing. They are: Yuliya Lynds-Babak, $25.00; Pani Matka Oksana Pokotylo, $15.00 and Pani Matka Joanne Szwez, $10.00.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU: The Angels Club thanks Liliia Bulvarenko for donating her recent winnings back to the Angels Club Treasury. May God grant Liliia Many Blessed Years! МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!
BANDURA at BOBRIVKA concert is scheduled for Saturday, July 1, at 2 PM at 82 Fritz Rd, Colebrook, CT. Everyone is welcome! The parking fee is $10 per vehicle.
Happy birthday to Isabella who will be celebrating her birthday this week.
Congratulations to Peter whose feast day, that of the Apostle Peter, will be celebrated on June 29.
Oops! We missed including important information about Sofia in last week’s bulletin. She graduated first in her class of almost 200 students at the Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory Academy in Indianapolis.
May God grant Isabella, Peter, and Sofia MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Many thanks to the teens and young adults who helped served our special treat on Father’s Day. Although few in number, they did the work of many. God bless them