SUN MAY 21 6th SUNDAY OF PASCHA. Of the Blind man. Tone 5
- 6та НЕДІЛЯ ПАСKИ. Про сліпородженого.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Acts 16:16-34
- Gospel Jn. 9:1-38
WED MAY 24 Great Vespers. Велика Вечірня @ 5:00 PM
THUR MAY 25 The Ascension of our Lord.
- Вознесіння Господнє.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SAT MAY 27 Moleben to the Mother of God.
- Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Acts 20:16-18, 28-36
- Gospel Jn. 17:1-13
- Memorial Day Panakhyda. (Outside, at the monument, please!)
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.
MANY THANKS go to those, who came and help to make varenyky this past Friday and Saturday. May God bless you with good health and happiness for your dedication and sacrifice to His Church!
ВЕЛИКА ПОДЯКА всім хто прийшов і допоміг робити вареники в п’ятницю і суботу. Нехай Господь поблагословить Вас здоров’ям та щастям за Ваш жертовний труд на благо Його Святої Церкви.
INDEPENDENCE DAY EXTRAVAGANZA is being planned for Saturday, June 17 (rainy day June 24). We will have it outdoors; in our parking lot. lease, consider bringing newer items in good condition that can be sold on tag sale that day. Small kitchen appliances, dish sets, home décor, fishing, and sporting gear, and children’s toys/games are good sellers. No clothes or shoes. Items need to be brought to the hall by Thursday, June 15. Start spreading the word, please. Half of the proceeds will go to support Ukraine’s war efforts. Volunteers are needed to sort, organize, cook, and conduct this event!
DAY TRIP to New York City is being organized in our parish (with help from a professional travel agency) for Saturday, June 10. The comfortable 15-seat van will leave our church parking lot at 8 AM and return approximately at 8 PM. The trip costs $99 for adults and $95 for children under 12. The tour will be conducted by an English-speaking guide, but a Ukrainian translation will be provided. For more information, please see Fr. Andrii. ОДНОДЕННА ПОЇЗДКА до Нью-Йорку організовується y нашій парафії (при допомозі туристичної агенції) в суботу, 10 червня. Комфортабельний 15-місний автобус буде виїжджати з нашої церковної парковки о 8 ранку і повертатися приблизно о 8 вечора. Вартість поїздки $99 для дорослих і $95 для дітей до 12 років. Екскурсію проводитимуть на англійській мові з українським перекладом. Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, звертайтеся до о. Андрія.
COFFEE and…: thank you to the Youth Ministry for hosting coffee and.. with a special Mother’s Day dessert!! Thank you to Meroslava Szwez for donating dessert. Hosting today is Liubov Samets, and hosting next Sunday is A. Samborskyy. We need donations of coffee, please!!! Thank you for your continuous support.
TO CROSS OR NOT TO CROSS: Anyone who has looked around during the services will notice that different people cross themselves at different times (and sometimes even in different ways). To a certain extent, when to cross oneself is according to personal piety, and not an issue of dogma. When we cross ourselves, we engage our body in the worship; not only mind and heart. But there are times when it is specifically proper to cross ourselves and times when we should not. Here is a brief list of when to cross and when not to cross. To Cross: When we hear one of the variations of the phrase “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”; during Trisagion; at the beginning and end of the services and our private prayers; before venerating an icon, the cross, or the Gospel book; upon entering or exiting the temple; when passing in front of the holy Altar Table; when bishop or priest blesses us this cross, chalice or Gospel book. Not to Cross: At the chalice before or after taking Communion (we might hit the chalice with our hand); when the bishop or priest blesses saying, “Peace be with all” (merely bow slightly and receive the blessing).
ХРЕСТИТИСЬ ЧИ НЕ ХРЕСТИТИСЬ: Кожен, хто побував на православному богослуженні, помітив, що віруючі хрестяться або роблять знак хреста в різний час (а іноді навіть по-різному). До певної міри, коли саме і в які моменти людина хреститься є особистою справою благочестя, а не питанням догми. Коли ми хрестимося, ми залучаємо своє тіло до богослуження, а не тільки розум і серце. Все наше єство вступає в богошанування. Але бувають моменти, коли особливо правильно хреститися, і моменти, коли ми не повинні цього робити. Ось короткий список того, коли хреститися, а коли ні. Хреститися: Коли ми чуємо одну з варіацій фрази «Отець, Син і Святий Дух»; під час Трисвятого; на початку і в кінці богослужень і наших приватних молитов; перед тим, як вшанувати ікону, хрест або Євангеліє; при вході та виході з храму; при проходженні перед святим вівтарем; коли єпископ або священик благословляє нас хрестом, чашею або Євангеліє. Не хреститися: перед Чашею – до або після отримання Причастя (ми можемо випадково вдарити рукою по Чаші); коли єпископ або священик благословляє просто рукою, кажучи: «Мир усім» (просто злегка вклоніться і отримайте благословення).
The last class of the Church School year will be held today at the usual time.
TODAY the Youth Ministry bowling event will be held at Lessard Lanes in Plainville starting at 12:30. Children should go there as soon as they are dismissed from Church School and should report to Helen Zeleniuk when they arrive. Please let her know if you would like a hot dog or slice of pizza for lunch. HAVE FUN!
Loving thanks to all of our students, young adults, and adults who worked together preparing strawberries, serving, and cleaning up last Saturday and Sunday to honor the women of our parish on Mother’s Day. It was a great team.
Happy birthday to Anastasiya and Sofia both of whom are celebrating their birthdays in the coming week.
Congratulations to the following students who will be celebrating their patron saints’ days with their classmates today: Lilah Elaine (St. Helena – May 21), Olivia (St. Olivia of Palermo – June 10), and Peter (the Apostle Peter – June 29). May God grant Anastasiya, Sofia, Lilah Elaine, Olivia, and Peter MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
This is a REMINDER that the Youth Ministry will be placing flags on the graves of veterans in our cemetery on Saturday, May 27 at 10:00. All children, teens, and young adults, as well as adults, are welcome to participate. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled.
We are so happy to announce that the Lenten “Pennies from Heaven” collections resulted in $1,200 to be donated to Aid for Ukraine. Our loving thanks go to our students for taking up the collections as well as to all of their families and friends who donated to the program. May God grant all of you MANY BLESSED YEARS in peace, health, and happiness! MNOHAYA LITA!