SUN MAY 7 4th SUNDAY OF PASCHA. Of the Paralytic. Tone 3
- 4та НЕДІЛЯ ПАСKИ. Про розслабленого.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Acts 9:32-42
- Gospel Jn. 5:1-15
- Panakhyda for Julia (1 year) and Michael Spetanczak, and JoAnn Mitchell (1 year), requested by Irene Stepanczak and the family, and Fr. Andrii and the family.
SAT MAY 13Moleben to the Mother of God.
- Молебен до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN MAY 14 5th SUNDAY OF PASCHA. Samaritan Woman. Tone 4
- 5тa НЕДІЛЯ ПАСKИ. Про Самарянку.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Acts 11:19-26, 29-30
- Gospel Jn. 4:5-42
- Mother’s Day Panakhyda. (All stay in church, please!)
WE WISH to extend our congratulations and best wishes to His Eminence Archbishop Daniel who will celebrate the 15th Anniversary of his Episcopal consecration this coming Thursday, May 11. Many blessed year, Vladyko! Многії і благії літа, Владико!
VARENYKY MAKING! Prep work – FRIDAY, May 19, 4 PM; pinching – SATURDAY, May 20, 9:30 AM
РОБИМО ВАРЕНИКИ! Заготовка – П’ЯТНИЦЯ, 19 травня на 4 год.; ліпимо в СУБОТА 20 травня на 9:30!
INDEPENDENCE DAY EXTRAVAGANZA is being planned for Saturday, June 17 (June 24, if it rains). We will have it outdoors; in our parking lot. We will be cooking, grilling, baking, and frying all kinds of tasty foods. Please, consider bringing newer items in good condition that can be sold on tag sale that day. Small kitchen appliances, dish sets, home décor, fishing, and sporting gear, and children’s toys/games are good sellers. No clothes or shoes. Items need to be brought to the hall by Thursday, June 15. Start spreading the word, please. Half of the proceeds will go to support Ukraine’s war efforts. Volunteers are needed to sort, organize and conduct this event!
MANY THANKS go to Simion Sacalos for sponsoring the blower and David Bouchard for sponsoring the trimmer for our outdoor needs. Many blessed years to our sponsors!
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ВАШІЙ ЦЕРКВІ! Просимо про пожертви для ремонту квартири на першому поверсі в церковному будинку. Пожерви можна надіслати на церковну адресу або дати нашому скарбнику Ірині Блумс. Дякуємо Сергію і Захару Свистун за їхню працю і жертовність в поновлені кухні та інших проектах. Ці брати зекономили нашій парафії тисячі доларів. Нехай Господь благословить їх і їхні сім’ї!
We will be cleaning the apartment on Saturday, May 13 at 9 AM. Come and help our Sisterhood, please!
ATTENTION! УВАГА! Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning begins at 9:00 AM! Being habitually late to Divine services is a sign of disrespect towards God and your neighbors. Those, who arrive after the reading of the Holy Gospel, SHOULD NOT!!! approach the Holy Communion! If you are not there to hear the Word of God, you cannot receive Him in Communion! Божественна Літургія розпочинається в неділю о 9 годині ранку! Постійне запізнення на службу є знаком неповагн до Бога і ближніх. Той, хто запізнився і не слухав читання Святого Євангелія, не повинен підходити до отримання Святого Причастя!
IT IS IMPORTANT TO RECOGNIZE that Divine Liturgy begins at the call to prayer at 9 AM and ends at the veneration of the cross after the dismissal. All adults and children are expected to remain in the church throughout. It’s a sign of disrespect and ingratitude to leave church right after the reception of the Holy Communion! For those children who feel lightheaded or uncomfortable after Communion, parents are welcome to bring a light snack to church and give it to them in the vestibule. Remember that youngsters do not need to fast until they make their First Confession. They can have a light breakfast before coming to church. Father will dismiss Church School students first, then all other children. They are encouraged to go to the head of the Coffee and… line.
THERE IS still time to register your child for summer camping programs at All Saints Camp. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is blessed with a beautiful property in Northwest Pennsylvania. Why send your child to Orthodox Summer Camp? The benefits are innumerable! Meeting and spending time with fellow Orthodox Children, developing bonds with Orthodox mentors, being outside in God’s creation and away from technology, living in a safe environment that encourages them to be who they are with no pressures on appearance or status and learning, praying and having fun all at the same place! Visit for more information. Last day for registrations is May 15.
JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers in preparation for receiving Holy Communion. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst, and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Isaiah 56,7 and Mt. 21, 13) We welcome David Bouchard as the newest member of our group.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Luba Samets for hosting last Sunday. Hosting today is Olga Ugryn, and hosting next Sunday is Youth Ministry with a special treat for Mother’s Day! Thank you all for your support!
A SPECIAL THANK YOU: The Angels Club thanks Irena Stepanczak for donating her recent winnings back to the Angels Club Treasury. May God grant Irena Many Blessed Years! МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!
Classes will be held today at the usual time. There will be no classes next Sunday, May 14 (Mother’s Day). The last class of the school year will be held on May 21 at the usual time
Congratulations to Yuliya whose patron saint, St. Julia, will be observed on May 18. She will celebrate with her classmates today. May God grant Yuliya MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Saturday, May 13 – 1:00 – 3:00 – Work session in the church hall to prepare the strawberries for Mother’s Day. The Youth Ministry invites any students who would like to help to join us.
Sunday, May 14 – Mother’s Day – The Youth Ministry will serve its annual treat of strawberry shortcake during the coffee hour to honor the mothers, past and present, of our parish.
Sunday, May 21 – Last Church School class of the year. 12:30 – 3:00 – Youth Ministry bowling event. Be sure to let Helen Zeleniuk, Fr. Andrii, or Sarah Bailly know if your child will be attending. We need that information by May 15. All of our students should have received an invitation in the mail.