Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin April 30, 2023
April 29, 2023
Bulletin April 30, 2023

SUN APR 30 3rd SUNDAY OF PASCHA. St. Myrhhbearing Women. Tone 2

  • 3тя НЕДІЛЯ ПАСХИ. Св. Жінок Мироносиць.
  • Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Acts 6:1-7
    Gospel  Mk. 15:43-16:8
  • Panakhyda for Bill Gerent Jr. (5 years), requested by Katherine Gerent and the family.

 SAT MAY 6 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • (Before the icon of “Pantanassa” for those suffering from cancer)
  • Молебен до Пресвятої Богородиці
  • (Перед іконою “Всецариця” за всіх, хто уражений раком)  @ 5:00 PM

 SUN MAY 7 4th SUNDAY OF PASCHA. Of the Paralytic.  Tone 3 

  • 4та НЕДІЛЯ ПАСХИ. Про розслабленого.
  • Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Acts 9:32-42
  • Gospel  Jn. 5:1-15
  • Panakhyda for Julia Spetanczak and JoAnn Mitchell (1 year), requested by Irene Stepanczak and the family, and Fr. Andrii and the family.  




CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall.  Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 431st day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. Please, see the heroes’ wish list on Amazon, and help:  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2I3LC6NXWNXUF

WE ARE LOOKING for sponsors or donors, who can help to obtain a small, battery-powered trimmer for church outdoor maintenance. If you can help in this regard, please see Fr. Andrii.

SISTERHOOD has blueberry and cabbage varenyky/pyrohy and a few loaves of bread for sale!

ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ВАШІЙ ЦЕРКВІ! Ми просимо про пожертви для ремонту квартири на першому поверсі в церковному будинку. Пожерви можна надіслати на церковну адресу або дати нашому скарбнику Ірині Блумс. Дякуємо Дмитру та Юлі Мурин і їх родині за $200 пожертву. Kitchen and bathroom have been updated. If you’d like to see the progress, ask Fr. Andrii.

PANAKHYDA OR COMMEMORATIVE:  Parishioners wishing to schedule these services and have them listed in the Church bulletin may do so by providing Father Andrii in writing with the information in advance. 

JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers in preparation for the receiving of Holy Communion. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst, and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Isaiah 56,7 and Mt. 21, 13) We welcome John Bouchard as the newest member of our group.

ATTENTION! УВАГА! Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning begins at 9:00 AM! Being habitually late to Divine services is a sign of disrespect towards God and your neighbors. Those, who arrive after the reading of the Holy Gospel, SHOULD NOT!!! approach the Holy Communion! If you are not there to hear the Word of God, you cannot receive Him in Communion! Божественна Літургія розпочинається в неділю о 9 годині ранку! Постійне запізнення на службу є знаком неповагн до Бога і ближніх. Той, хто запізнився і не слухав читання Святого Євангелія, не повинен підходити до отримання Святого Причастя! 

IT IS IMPORTANT TO RECOGNIZE that Divine Liturgy begins at the call to prayer at 9 AM and ends at the veneration of the cross after the dismissal.  All adults and children are expected to remain in the church throughout. It’s a sign of disrespect and ingratitude to leave church right after the reception of the Holy Communion! For those children who feel lightheaded or uncomfortable after Communion, parents are welcome to bring a light snack to church and give it to them in the vestibule. Remember that youngsters do not need to fast until they make their First Confession. They can have a light breakfast before coming to church. Father will dismiss Church School students first, then all other children. They are encouraged to go to the head of the Coffee and… line.

LIVES OF THE SAINTS: Today is the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women with the Noble Joseph and Joseph of Arimathea. The Myrrh-bearing women are those women who followed the Lord, along with His Mother. They remained with her during the time of the saving Passion and anointed the Lord’s body with myrrh. Joseph and Nicodemus asked for and received the Lord’s body from Pilate. They took It down from the Cross, wrapped it in linen cloths and spices, laid it in a tomb, and then placed a great stone over the entrance. According to the Evangelist Matthew (27:57-61) Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joses (Mark 15:40) were there sitting opposite the sepulcher, and they saw where He had been laid. This other Mary was the Mother of God. Not only were these present but also many other women, as Saint Luke says (24:10). Today the Church honors Saints Mary Magdalene (July 22), Mary the wife of Cleopas (May 23), Joanna (June 27), Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee (August 3), Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus (June 4), and the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, who was the stepmother of her husband Joseph’s sons James (October 23) and Joses (October 30). Today we also remember Saint Joseph of Arimathea (July 31), who was a secret disciple (John 19:38), and Saint Nicodemus, who was a disciple by night (John 3:3; 19:38).

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Helen and Peter Zeleniuk for hosting last Sunday. Hosting today is Luba Samets. Thank you for your support!

OUTREACH:  If anyone knows of any of our shut-ins who would like to receive Confession and Communion please contact Father Andrii at:  860-989-5748. 

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION: “We thank You, loving Master, benefactor of our souls, that again today You have counted us worthy of Your heavenly and immortal Mysteries. Set us a straight path; make us all firm in reverence of You; keep watch over our lives; safeguard our actions; through the prayers and intercession of the glorious Theotokos and Ever-Virgin, Mary and of all Your saints. Amen.”



Classes will be held today at the usual time. 

Happy birthday to Victoria who will celebrate her birthday in the coming week.

Congratulations to Arina whose patron saint’s day, St. Irene, will be observed on May 5.  She will celebrate with her classmates on May 7.

Looking ahead: May 14 – Mother’s Day treat, May 21 – Last class of the school year. Bowling event -Information will be mailed.