SUN APR 9 Palm Sunday. Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem.
- Вербна Неділя. Вхід Господній в Єрусалим.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Phil. 4:4-9
- Gospel John 12:1-18
- Blessing of Willows. Посвячення верби.
MON APR 10 Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
- Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів @ 9:00 AM
TUE APR 11 Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
- Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів @ 9:00 AM
WED APR 12 Sacrament of Holy Unction. Єлеопомазання @ 5:00 PM
THU APR 13 Matins of the Twelve Passion Gospels.
- Читання 12 Євангелій Святих Страстів @ 5:00 PM
FRI APR 14 Great Vespers. Велика Вечірня.
- Procession with the Holy Shroud. Винесення Плащaниці.
- Commemoration of the Burial of Christ @ 5:00 PM
SAT APR 15 Great and Holy Saturday. Страстна Субота. Vesperal Liturgy of
- St. Basil the Great. Вечірня і Літургія св. Василiя Великогo.
- Blessing of Food Baskets after the Liturgy @ 12:00 (noon)
SUN APR 16 The Glorious Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus
- Christ. Пасха. Воскресіння Христoве. ВЕЛИКДЕНЬ.
- Paschal Services will commence with Midnight Office
- Matins of the Resurrection. Утреня Воскресіння.
- Divine Liturgy of Blessed Pascha. Святa Літургія @ 6:00 AM
- (Blessing of Food Baskets immediately after Divine Liturgy.)
EASTER FESTIVAL: Many thanks go to those who helped with the record-setting Festival. The final numbers are Kitchen and Bake table sales of $2620, Cultural table of $1256, and UOL donation of $138, or a clean profit of $4014!!! We are also grateful to our supporters who made monetary donations Lestra Hale $100, Dennis Kowaleski $450, Richard Rapp $500, Simion and Sylvia Sacalos $200, and Anonymous $50.
ПАСХАЛЬНИЙ Фестиваль: Велика подяка всім хто допоміг. Дякуємо також тим, хто пожертвував гроші на закупи. Ми заробили рекордну суму 4014 доларів, не враховуючи продаж пасок.
PASKAS BAKING: Many thanks go to those who came and helped these pasted 2 weeks. We made a $1230 profit at the festival only. We are grateful to Anne Bailly for 5lb sugar, Ulyana Dmytrenko for 9 dozen of eggs, Elizabeth Garbovska for 1 gal corn oil, Cora Josefiak and Dr. Joan for the oil spray. Monetary donations – Teresa Linck $20, Tanya $20, Maria Savitska $70, Ivan Ugryn $20, Galyna Galakuchy $110, Lilia Bulvarenko $20, Tamara $10, Patti Kaczynski $20, Angela Golnyk $10, Tetyana Melnyk $50, Kathy SantaMaria $50.
MANY THANKS go to Fr. Tony, Richard Iwanyk, and Deborah Grenier for a plentiful supply of beautiful pussy-willows for us today.
CHOIR REHEARSAL: In anticipation and preparation for the special services of Passion Week and Holy Pascha there will be brief choir rehearsals today after services. Choir members, please attend this rehearsal!
AID for Ukraine: Today is the 410th day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. Please, see the heroes’ wish list on Amazon, and help:
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ВАШІЙ ЦЕРКВІ! Ми просимо про пожертви для ремонту квартири на першому поверсі в церковному будинку. Пожерви можна надіслати на церковну адресу або дати нашому скарбнику Ірині Блумс. Дякуємо Maria Sacalos $100, Patricia Gionfrido $200, Meroslava Szwez $50, Maria Savitska $20, Irene Blumes $400, Ukrainian Selfreliance $250, Irene Stepanczak $250. Kitchen and bathroom have been updated. If you’d like to see the progress, ask Fr. Andrii.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Maria Melnyk and Liudmyla Madai for hosting coffee and… last Sunday. Hosting today is Tetyana Hevko. There will be no Coffee and… next Sunday. Thank you for your support!
UOL: UOL made $553 at the festival, 25% of which ($138) was donated to the church. Great job Izabella! Thank you to everyone who supported the UOL. Izabella Castrillo, President.
CULTURAL: We have Easter Eggs, Easter egg-making supplies, and Ukrainian embroidery available for sale!
ALTAR SERVERS: The money collected on exiting at the end of Divine Liturgy next Sunday will go to our devoted altar servers fund and is used for small altar beatifications and their fun outings etc. Please be generous.
CEMETERY: Work at the cemetery has been completed. The redesigned monument circle looks beautiful. Our goal in removing the curb and replacing the grass with pavers is to make it even with the driveway. Due to the narrow roadway vehicles can now ride over the pavers if necessary and not be forced onto the lawn/graves. We thank Mirek Muczko and his crew of Mirek Masonry LLC for a great job enhancing the appearance of our cemetery. Again, thank you to head caretaker John Bouchard for his supervision. Above all, we are very grateful to all of you who supported our project. Throughout the years our many tag sales and raffles and your generous contributions brought in $3,800.00. God Bless. Cemetery Committee’s mission is to honor the memory of the righteous departed in their place of rest.+++Our next project is addressing the water faucets. Please be patient as we try to solve this problem.+++Christmas arrangements are now being discarded.+++Any questions or concerns contact John at 860-223-7802.
No classes will be held today or next Sunday (Pascha). Classes will resume on Sunday, April 23 at the usual time.
Students who were unable to attend either of our planned confession times should see Fr. Andrii make arrangements.
All of our children are invited to participate in the Holy Friday and Pascha processions. They are welcome to bring their own icons from home if they choose. They should come forward to the front pew to pick up icons, banners, and candles as soon as the processions begin to form.
Our annual “Pennies from Heaven” Lenten alms-giving event is underway and will last until April 23. This year our donations will go to the parish organization Aid for Ukraine to purchase iT clips and other medical supplies for the battalions we support. Please see any of our students to make your contribution.