SUN MAR 12 2nd Sunday of Lent. St. Gregory Palamas. Tone 6
- 2га Неділя Великого Посту. Св. Григорія Палами.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 1:10-2:3
- Gospel Mk. 2:1-12
SAT MAR 18 Memorial Liturgy. Заупокійна Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SUN MAR 19 3rd Sunday of Lent. Veneration of the Cross. Tone 7
- 3тя Неділя Великого Посту. Хрестопоклінна.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 4:14-5:6
- Gospel Mk. 8:34-9:1
EASTER FLOWERS DONATION LETTER: Let’s try to beautify our church for Pascha/Easter services. Please pick up your donation letter today. They are located at the entrance of the church; doing so will help to reduce the cost of postage for this mailing. Thank you! ДАВAЙТЕ ПРИКРАСИМО нашу церку на Паску красивими квітами. Листи пожертви знаходяться при вході до церкви. Дякуємо!
SAVE THE DATE: Our church Easter Festival is scheduled for Saturday, April 1 (snow date April 8). Please, plan ahead and try to help in preparations for the Festival. We will be baking paska-breads on Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and 30 at 10 AM, and cooking on Friday, March 31.
ПАСХАЛЬНИЙ Фестиваль у нашій парафії запланований на суботу, 1 квітня (або на 8 квітня, якщо погода несприятлива). Будь-ласка, плануйте заздалегідь, щоб допомогти в підготовці. Ми будемо пекти паски в середу і четвер, 29 і 30 березня на 10у год., i варити в п’ятницю, 31 березня.
PLEASE HELP: We are beginning to plan for the Easter Festival and need your help in two ways. (1) DONATE BAKING SUPPLIES. We need donations toward buying four fifty-pound bags of special flour, four one-pound packages of dry yeast (Sam’s Club or Costco), five four-pound bags of sugar, two gallons of CORN oil, three cans of pan spray, and nine dozen large eggs. Please leave donations on the kitchen counter and indicate on the sheet what you brought. We need these items by March 24. And (2), we need you to WORK ON BAKING BREAD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, AND/OR THURSDAY, MARCH 30. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the doors downstairs. You don’t have to know how to bake. Help!!!
SPECIAL PASCHA BAKING: To make sure every parishioner can buy Easter bread/paska, we will have a SPECIAL BAKING Day on Friday, April 7 for parishioners only!!! Place your order on the sheet on the door downstairs by April 1. Small and large raisin paskas only. Pick up Saturday and Sunday after church services.
Спеціальна випічка пасок для парафіян буде в п’ятницю 7го квітня. Замовляйте на списку в залі.
FLYERS: Please pick up flyers for the Easter Festival which is on April 1 and post them wherever you can. We also have yard signs. If you live on a busy street or near a busy intersection and can post a yard sign, please see Fr. Andrii. Якщо ви живете на жвавій вулиці або біля великого перехрестя і можете поставити знак реклами фестивалю, підійдіть до о. Андрія. Візьміть і розповсюдте листівки де тільки можете, теж.
A PASCHAL GREETING CARD to benefit our church renovation fund is being created. Your name can appear on this card for a small donation. Please see Teresa Linck for details no later than April 2. Cards will be distributed at the Paschal service on April 16 and sent to our shut-ins. Thank you!
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ВАШІЙ ЦЕРКВІ! Ми просимо про пожертви для ремонту квартири на першому поверсі в церковному будинку. Ця квартира не поновлювалась десятиріччями. Пожерви можна надіслати на церковну адресу або дати нашому скарбнику Ірині Блумс. Дякуємо!
AID for Ukraine: Today is the 382nd day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. Please, see the heroes’ wish list on Amazon, and help:
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Paul Szwez, pani matka Joanne Szwez, and Meroslawa Szwez for hosting coffee and… last Sunday! Thank you to Meroslawa Szwez for making rolls and dessert for coffee and..! Hosting today is Natalia Vaverchak and hosting next Sunday is Natalia Sashchenko. Thank you for your continuous support!
UOL: Check out the Tag Sale shelves for new items. We have English and Ukrainian Easter Cards available!
CULTURAL: Great Lent has started! Time to start writing your Pysanky! We have pysanky-making supplies and eggs available for sale!
CONFESSION is an important part of our Lenten journey. Every Orthodox Christian has to go to Confession during Lent in order to be able to receive the Holy Communion on Pascha, and be in good spiritual standing as an Orthodox believer. Father Andrii is available to hear confessions before or after any of the Lenten services. Please arrive early on Saturday or Sunday morning for Confession so this won’t interfere with the start of the Divine Liturgy.
СПОВІДЬ є важливою частиною Великого Посту. Кожен православний християнин/ка повинні посповідатися під час Великого посту, щоб мати можливість прийняти Святе Причастя на Пасху, і бути в доброму духовному стані як православні віруючі. Отець Андрій готовий вислухати вашу сповідь до або після будь-яких постових богослужень. Будь ласка, приходьте раніше вранці в суботу або неділю на Сповідь, щоб це не заважало початку Божественної Літургії.
CEMETERY: Lent has started. Please remove your Christmas arrangements. They will be discarded the week of April 3, the week before Holy Week.
Classes will be held today and will be dismissed at noon.
Congratulations to Kyra whose patron saint, St. Kyra, is observed on March 13. She will celebrate with her class today. May God grant Kyra MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Lenten confession schedule: Fr. Andrii will hear confessions from our students during classtime on the following days:
- March 19 – Grades 4, 5 and 6
- March 26 – Grades 7 and 8 and teens
Parents are reminded to make sure their students are prepared for this sacrament. This is a Lenten responsibility for all Orthodox Christians.
Our annual “Pennies from Heaven” Lenten alms-giving event is underway and will last until April 23. This year our donations will go to the parish organization Aid for Ukraine to purchase iT clips and other medical supplies for the battalions we support. Please see any of our students to make your contribution