SUN FEB 26 Sunday of Cheesefare. Tone 4
- Неділя Сиропусна.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Rom. 13:11-14:4
- Gospel Mt. 6:14-21
Вечірня Прощення. Forgiveness Vespers @ 2:30 PM
SAT MAR 4 Memorial Liturgy. Заупокійна Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SUN MAR 5 1st SUNDAY of Lent. Sunday of Orthodoxy. Tone 5
- 1ша Неділя Великого Посту. Неділя Православ’я.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 11:24-26, 32-12:2
- Gospel Jn. 1:43-51
- Procession with holy icons and proclamation of Orthodoxy.
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.
LENTEN SERVICES will be offered every day this coming 1st week of the Great Lent. This is a special time of the year for every Christian. It calls for a renewed commitment to a more vigorous spiritual life. Try to attend as many of the services as you possibly can. Please, refer to the SCHEDULE OF LENTEN services.
ASLEEP IN THE LORD: The Handmaiden of God, Ann Sencio, fell asleep in the Lord on Friday early morning, February 24. The funeral services will be at our church, on Wednesday, March 1 at 11 AM preceded by the calling hour at 10 AM. May God Grant His Handmaiden, Ann, ETERNAL MEMORY!
ЗАУПОКІЙНІ ЛІТУРГІЇ будуть служитися по суботах під час Великого Посту, починаючи з суботи 4 березня. Якщо ви бажаєте, щоб Церква молилася за душі ваших спочилих рідних і близьких, подайте їх імена о. Андрію сьогодні.
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ВАШІЙ ЦЕРКВІ! Ми просимо про пожертви для ремонту квартири на першому поверсі в церковному будинку. Ця квартира не поновлювалась десятиріччями; кухня є в дуже поганому стані. Пожерви можна надіслати на церковну адресу або дати нашому скарбнику Ірині Блумс. Благодійники: Польська Кредитівка Полем – $500, Anna Gulko – $50. Дякуємо! Many thanks go to our Ukrainian American Veterans Post 15 for $200 in memory of John Prokopec Jr. Memory Eternal to John!
AID for Ukraine: Today is the 368th day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. Please, see the heroes’ wish list on Amazon, and help:
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Natalia Makaruk for hosting coffee and… last week! Hosting today is Elizabeth Garbovska, and hosting next week is Paul Szwez. Thank you to everyone for supporting coffee and..!
MANY THANKS go to Ihor Tkachuk for installing a new faucet in our kitchen. Mnohaya lita Ihor!
UOL: Check out the Tag Sale shelves for new items. We have English and Ukrainian Easter Cards available!!
CULTURAL: Great Lent starts tomorrow!! Time to start writing your Pysanky!! We have pysanky-making supplies and eggs available for sale!
DUES STATEMENTS: PLEASE PICK UP YOUR 2022 DUES STATEMENTS. Money received after December 31, 2022 will be credited in the 2023 statement against what you owe. If you are paying dues by check, please make sure that the name on the check is your own. If not, please write your name in the Memo section of the check. Підсумкові рахунки членських внесків за 2022 рік готові і чекають на вас при вході до церкви. Коли ви використовуєте чек для сплати внесків і ім’я на чеку відрізняється від вашого імені, будь ласка, введіть своє ім’я в рядок помітки, щоб ви могли отримати кредит.
PYSANKY FOR PEACE: Personal Euphoria will be hosting a virtual Ukrainian egg-dying class as a fundraiser for Ukraine. All proceeds will be donated to Pysanky for Peace – an organization highlighting Ukrainian tradition while supporting humanitarian efforts on the ground in Ukraine. When: Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6-8 pm. A $10 charge to join the class will be fully donated to the cause. Registration required: For more info contact or 860-748-7574.
SAVE THE DATE: Our church Easter Festival is scheduled for Saturday, April 1 (snow date April 8). Please, plan ahead for trying to help in preparation for the Festival. We will be baking paskas on Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and 30, and cooking on Friday, March 31.
ПЛАНУЙТЕ НАПЕРЕД: Пасхальний Фестиваль у нашій парафії запланований на суботу, 1 квітня (або на 8 квітня, якщо погода несприятлива). Будь ласка, плануйте заздалегідь, щоб допомогти в підготовці. Ми будемо пекти паски в середу і четвер, 29 і 30 березня, а варити в п’ятницю, 31 березня.
PLEASE HELP: We are beginning to plan for the Easter Festival and need your help in two ways. (1) DONATE BAKING SUPPLIES. We need donations toward buying four fifty-pound bags of special flour, four one-pound packages of dry yeast (Sam’s Club or Cosco), five four-pound bags of sugar, two gallons of CORN oil, three cans of pan spray, and nine dozen large eggs. Please leave donations on the kitchen counter and indicate on the sheet what you brought. We need these items by March 24. And (2), we need you to WORK ON BAKING BREAD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, AND/OR THURSDAY, MARCH 30. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the doors downstairs. You don’t have to know how to bake. Help!!!
A SPECIAL THANK YOU: The Angels Club thanks Meroslava Szwez for donating her recent winnings back to the Angels Club Treasury. May God grant Meroslava Many Blessed Years! МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!
Classes will be held today and will be dismissed at noon.
Happy birthday to Artem who will be celebrating his birthday in the coming week. May God grant him MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Next Sunday, March 5 is Orthodoxy Sunday. We encourage all of our children to participate in the procession that will occur during the special service following Divine Liturgy. They may carry one of the icons in church or bring a special icon from home.
Please see Cora Josefiak if you would like to order Girl Scout cookies. If you would like to support the Scouts but don’t want the calories, you may choose to have an order sent to service men/women.
The annual pre-Lenten party for all of the children of the parish will be held TODAY in the church hall from 12:30 – 2:30. All of the children in the parish are welcome