Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin February 19, 2023
February 20, 2023
Bulletin February 19, 2023

SUN FEB 19 Sunday of Meatfare. Tone 3

  • Неділя М’ясопусна.
  • Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 1 Cor. 8:8-9:2
  • Gospel  Mt. 25:31-46
  • 40th day Panakhyda for John Prokopec. (all remain in the church, please!)

SAT FEB 25 Moleben to the Mother of God.

  • Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN FEB 26 Sunday of Cheesefare. Tone 4

  • Неділя Сиропусна.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom.  13:11-14:4 
  • Gospel  Mt. 6:14-21
  •  Вечірня Прощення. Forgiveness Vespers @ 11:30 AM



VARENYKY PROJECT: Thank you to everyone who came and helped! Дякуємо всім хто прийшов і поміг.

We have bread and rolls for sale! Ми маємо хліб і завиванці на випродаж!

THE SCHEDULE OF LENTEN services has been posted in the vestibule. Please, pick up your copy and start making plans to attend as many of these inspiring services as possible. Please, note that Lenten begins on February 27. The Mission will be held on Saturday, April 8 with Confessions starting at 8:30 AM.

UOL news: Thank you to everyone who supported the Souper Bowl Luncheon!! We made a record $729.00 for St. Andrew’s Society, which will feed the needy in Ukraine!! Special thank you to the soup makers – Teresa Linck, Joanne Szwez, Father Andrii, Joan Kerelejza, Lisa Kerry, Maryann Simmons, Irene Blumes, and Dale Bailly!! Thank you for other donations – Anna Gulko – 2 loaves of bread, Joanne Szwez – 2 loaves of bread, Miroslava Szwez – dessert, Helen Zeleniuk – three desserts, Ann Romanyshyn – dessert and milk, and Teresa Linck – dessert!! A special thank you to Dr. Christina Czyrko – donation of a raffle prize and lots of stuff for tag sale shelves. Again, thanks for your generous donations!! Check out the Easter and new items on tag sale shelves!! Aкція Української Православної Ліг на підтримку Товариства Святого Андрія була надзвичайно успішною минулої неділі. Ми зібрали $729 на підтримку благодійних заходів  на Україні. Дякуємо всі хто взяв участь і підтримав цю акцію!

MOLEBEN (prayer service) to the Mother of God on the 1st year anniversary of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine will take place on Friday, February 24 at 7 PM. Come and pray! МОЛЕБЕНЬ до Пресвятої Богородиці буде відслужений в нашій церкві в день трагічної річниці початку війни та геноциду Росії проти України в пятницю 24го лютого о 7ій вечора. Приходіть, і помоліться!

ANGELS CLUB:  Congratulations to the winners of the February drawing.  They are:  John Kochanowski, $25.00; Joseph Kerel, $15.00 and Meroslava Szwez, $10.00. 

PLEASE HELP your church! We are asking for donations for the renovation of the 1st-floor apartment in the rectory house. This apartment hasn’t been updated in decades; the bathroom and kitchen are in really bad shape. Donations can be sent to the church or given to our treasurer Irene Blumes. Recent donors: anonymous – $250, Tetyana Melnyk – $20, Polam Polish Credit Union – $500. THANK YOU!

ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ВАШІЙ ЦЕРКВІ! Ми просимо про пожертви для ремонту квартири на першому поверсі в церковному будинку. Ця квартира не поновлювалась десятиріччями; ванна і кухня є в дуже поганому стані. Пожерви можна надіслати на церковну адресу або дати нашому скарбнику Ірині Блюмс. Благодійники: приватно – $250, Tetyana Melnyk – $20, Польська Кредитівка Полем – $500. Дякуємо!

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 361st day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. Please, see the heroes’ wish list on Amazon, and help:  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2I3LC6NXWNXUF

We are trying to raise $450 to buy iTClamps (heavy bleeding control devices) for our heroes.

MEMORIAL SATURDAYS: Saturday services to remember the souls of our departed loved ones will begin on Saturday, March 4.  Please, think about them, update your memorial lists, and let the Church pray for them. If you wish to have your loved ones remembered, envelopes to list the names are available at the church entrance. Please give your list to Fr. Andrii before February, 22.

COFFEE and…: Hosting coffee and.. today is Natalia Makaruk. Hosting coffee and… next Sunday will be Elizabeth Garbowska. Please be generous with your donations!! Money collected goes toward scholarships for your children!

DUES STATEMENTS: PLEASE PICK UP YOUR 2022 DUES STATEMENTS. Money received after December 31, 2022 will be credited in the 2023 statement against what you owe. If you are paying dues by check, please make sure that the name on the check is your own. If not, please write your name in the Memo section of the check. Підсумкові рахунки членських внесків за 2022 рік готові і чекають на вас при вході до церкви. Коли ви використовуєте чек для сплати внесків і ім’я на чеку відрізняється від вашого імені, будь ласка, введіть своє ім’я в рядок помітки, щоб ви могли отримати кредит.

PYSANKY FOR PEACE: Personal Euphoria will be hosting a virtual Ukrainian egg-dying class as a fundraiser for Ukraine.  All proceeds will be donated to Pysanky for Peace – an organization highlighting Ukrainian tradition while supporting humanitarian efforts on the ground in Ukraine. When: Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6-8 pm. A $10 charge to join the class will be fully donated to the cause. Registration required: www.PersonalEuphoria.com. For more info contact rose@PersonalEuphoria.com or 860-748-7574.



Classes will be held today and will be dismissed at noon.

Happy birthday to Rachael and Evan, who will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming week.   Congratulations to Bohdan who will be observing his patron saint’s day, St. Bohdan, today and will celebrate that event with his classmates this morning. May God grant Rachael, Evan, and Bohdan MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!

Please see Cora Josefiak if you would like to order Girl Scout cookies.  If you would like to support the Scouts but don’t want the calories, you may choose to have an order sent to service men/women.

LOOKING AHEAD – The annual pre-Lenten party for all of the children of the parish will be held next Sunday, February 26 in the church hall from 12:30-2:30 after dismissal from Church School. The information about this event has been sent to all of our children from kindergarten through grade 12. However, all parish children are welcome, even if they did not receive a flyer.