Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin December 11, 2022
December 10, 2022
Bulletin December 11, 2022

SUN DEC 11 Sunday of the holy Forefathers.Tone 1

  • Неділя святих Праотців. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Col. 3:4-11
  • Gospel  Lk. 14:16-24
  • NICHOLAS Day presentation by our Youth Ministries.

 SAT DEC 17 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

 SUN DEC 18 Sunday before the Nativity. Tone 2

  • Неділя перед Різдвом.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Heb. 11:9-10,17-23,32-40 
  • Gospel  Mt. 1:1-25




DUES REMINDER: We will be closing our dues payment books for 2022 on Saturday, December 31. Please make all payments by then.  Otherwise, any amounts received after the 31st will be credited for 2023.

ЧЛЕНСЬКІ ВНЕСКИ: Переконайтесь чи ви сплатили ваші внески за 2022 рік, і якщо ні, то зробіть це до 31 грудня. Облікові книги за 2022 рік будуть закриватися в суботу 31го січня, і всі внески зроблені після цього дня будуть враховуватись вже на 2023 рік.

THE NATIVITY MISSION: Parishioners will have an opportunity to go to Confession with visiting priest this coming Saturday, December 17 before and after Akathist, which will start at 5 PM. Confessions will be heard by Father Steven Masliuk starting at 4:30 PM. 

LIVE STREAMING of the services in our church comes with a price tag of $650/year. We had very generous donors (Peter and Helen Zeleniuk, Julia (+blessed memory), and Irene Stepanczak) who sponsored live streaming in 2022. As the year 2023 is quickly approaching, we are looking for sponsors to pay for the live streaming once again. Please, let Fr. Andrii know if you’d like to become a sponsor. Thank you!

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 291st day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. This is what our heroes need right now: 20 sets of thermal wares – sizes L and M (On sale at Costco for $10 for 2 pairs), 10 sleeping bags (Amazon $60) or could be used, 10 lightweight blankets new or used (new – Costco $22-25 each), body/hand warmers (Amazon $34 box or Costco), 10 boxes cold/flu medicine ($8/box Costco), 2 boxes Immune support packets (Costco $8), shovel emergency set ($60 Amazon). Please, check the wish list on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2I3LC6NXWNXUF We need monetary donations to cover the cost of shipping as well! Please, help!

SAINT OF THE DAY: On the second Sunday before the Nativity we commemorate all the great Fathers and Mothers, Prophets and Judges of the  Old Testament, starting with  AdamAbraham, the Righteous Sarah, Isaac and  Jacob, including Holy Prophet  Elias and  Daniel, and concluding with Holy Prophet  ZachariahJoachim and Anna, Holy Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist and righteous Joseph. They lived before the Law and under the Law, especially the Patriarch Abraham, to whom God said, “In thy seed, shall all of the nations of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3, 22:18).

Venerable Nikon the Dry, of the Kyiv Near Caves, is commemorated today. He was the son of rich and illustrious parents, who gave up everything for Christ and became a monk at the Kyiv Caves monastery. In the year 1096, during the incursions of Khan Bonyak, he was taken into captivity with some other monks. The captors treated Saint Nikon harshly while waiting for a ransom to be paid. When the saint refused to be ransomed, his masters began to torment him with hunger and left him exposed to the heat of summer and the cold of winter. He was mistreated and beaten every day for about three years, for his captors thought he would change his mind and send word to his relatives, asking to be ransomed. The saint gave thanks to God for everything, and once said to his tormentor that the Lord, through the prayers of Saints Anthony and Theodosius would return him to his monastery within three days, as Saint Eustratius had predicted while appearing to him. The captor cut the tendons in Saint Nikon’s legs and set a strong guard over him. But suddenly, on the third day at the sixth hour, the holy captive became invisible. At that moment the guard heard the words, “Praise the Lord from the Heavens” (Ps. 148). Saint Nikon was transported to the Dormition church, where the Divine Liturgy was being served. The brethren surrounded him and began to ask how he got there. Saint Nikon wanted to conceal the miracle, but the brethren implored him to tell the truth. Saint Nikon did not want to have his fetters removed, but the igumen said, “If the Lord had wanted you to remain fettered, He would not have delivered you from captivity.” After a long while, Saint Nikon’s former master came to the Kyiv Caves monastery and recognized his former captive, who was withered from hunger and the loss of blood from his wounds. He came to believe in Christ and accepted Baptism. After receiving monastic tonsure, he became a novice under Saint Nikon’s direction. Saint Nikon died at the beginning of the twelfth century and was buried in the Near Caves. Though he did not enjoy good health in this life, his holy relics were glorified by incorruption. His memory is celebrated also on September 28 and on the second Sunday of Great Lent.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Maria Ugryn and her family for hosting Coffee and… last Sunday. Hosting today is Sylvia and Maria Sacalos, and hosting next Sunday is – Joanna O’Flaherty. A special thank you to Meroslawa Szwez for making bread for coffee and.. last week! Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

ТАЇНСТВО СПОВІДІ є важливою частиною Різдвяного Посту. Воно підготовлює нас до привітання нашого Спасителя в цей світ і в наше життя. Ми всі повинні посповідатись, якщо ми хочемо отримати Святе Причастя на свято Різдва і в подальшому.

CONFESSION: Father Andrii is available to hear Confessions after Saturday services or before Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Please arrive early on Sunday morning for Confession so this won’t interfere with the start of the Divine Liturgy. 



There will be no Church School classes today because of the St. Nicholas program.  Classes will resume next Sunday, December 18.

TODAY the Church School is celebrating its patron saint, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Bishop of Myra.  All of our friends and family are invited to remain in the church after Divine Liturgy for a program in honor of this great saint presented by the Church School students.   We hope St. Nicholas will visit and bless us during this time.

The Church School’s annual toy collection for disadvantaged children in the greater New Britain area ends today.  Thanks to all who have supported this annual Church School stewardship program.