Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin November 27, 2022
November 27, 2022
Bulletin November 27, 2022

SUN NOV 27 24thSunday after Pentecost. Tone 7

  • 24та  Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Eph. 2:14-22
  • Gospel  Lk. 13:10-17
  • Panakhyda for Semen, Olga, Mychailo, and Myroslav Korolchuk, requested by Oksana Szwez and the family.

WED   NOV 30 Feast day of the Holy and All-praised Apostle Andrew the First-called. 

  • Cвято Святого і Всехвального Апостола Андрія Першозванного.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM

SAT DEC 3 Akathist to the Mother of God for all afflicted by cancer.

  •    Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці за хворих раком @ 5:00 PM

SUN DEC 4 25th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 8

  • 25тa Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Eph. 4:1-6
  • Gospel  Lk. 17:12-19 




CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The monthly meeting will be held next Sunday, December 4 during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

THE HARVEST FESTIVAL was a success. We made a $2,788 profit; which is amazing, considering the fact that the cost of ingredients went up drastically this year. Many thanks go to all who made the Festival possible! May God reward you for your hard work!

ТАЇНСТВО СПОВІДІ є важливою частиною Різдвяного Посту. Воно підготовлює нас до привітання нашого Спасителя в цей світ і в наше життя. Ми всі повинні посповідатись, якщо ми хочемо отримати Святе Причастя на свято Різдва і в подальшому.

CONFESSION: Father Andrii is available to hear Confessions after Saturday services or before Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Please arrive early on Sunday morning for Confession so this won’t interfere with the start of the Divine Liturgy. PLEASE NOTE:  Parishioners who receive Communion regularly (every Sunday) have to come to Confession not less than four times a year! (Great Lent, Fast of the Apostles, Dormition Fast, and Nativity Fast). Please, piously prepare yourself for the sacred reception of Christ at the Nativity Liturgy. Those, who receive Communion should fast, (no food or drink) from midnight up to the point of receiving Communion. The night before, it is customary to read special prayers before Holy Communion (or come and pray with us at 8 AM on Sunday). If someone has a medical condition and has to take the medication in the morning, they can be released from fasting with a blessing from the priest. Children under the age of 7 are also released from fasting, however, their parents are encouraged to let them try.

COFFEE and…Thank you to Hanna Pukas for hosting “Coffee and…” last Sunday. Hosting today is Hryhorii Protsanyn. We always need donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter, and monetary donations. Thank you for your support!

SAINT OF THE DAY: Great-martyr James the Persian (the Sawn-Asunder) is commemorated today. He was born in the fourth century into a pious Christian family, both wealthy and illustrious. James occupied a high position at the court of the Persian emperor. But on one of the military campaigns James, seduced by the emperor’s generosity, was afraid to acknowledge himself as a Christian, and so he offered sacrifice to idols with the emperor. Learning of this, James’ mother and wife wrote him a letter, in which they rebuked him and urged him to repent. Receiving the letter, James realized the gravity of his sin. Faced with the horror of being cut off not only from his family but also from God Himself, he began to weep loudly, imploring the Lord for forgiveness. His fellow soldiers, hearing him pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, reported this to the emperor. Under interrogation, Saint James bravely confessed his faith in the one True God. The emperor then ordered the saint to be put to death. They began to cut off his fingers and his toes one by one, then his hands and his feet, and then his arms and legs. During the prolonged torture, Saint James offered prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord, Who had granted him the possibility of redemption from his sins by enduring these terrible torments. Finally, the martyr was beheaded. Christians gathered up the pieces of his body and buried them with great reverence.

UOL: We have two ongoing raffles. Please support us by buying tickets! Tickets are 1 for $1, 7 for $5, or 15 for $10. The Junior UOL made $116.00 on the tag sale booth at the Festival – we donated 25% of our profit to the church! The raffles will run until next Sunday, December 4. Thank you for your continuous support!

TURKEY drive for refugees: many thanks go to our donors – Renie Markow, John Kochanowski, Kathy Santa Maria, Anne Bailly, Cynthia Belonick, and Melissa Josefiak for donating turkeys, potatoes, and 2 gift cards. Thanks to these kind people, 6 refugee families were able to enjoy their very first Thanksgiving Day in the USA!

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 277th day of the war and genocide in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia. Please, help/donate! Our warriors need warm winter clothing now: underpants, sweaters, pullovers, gloves, hats, ext. Please, contact Natalia Kyrychenko at (860) 371-7085 or Iryna Dmytryshyn at (860) 515-6545 if you want to help. Thank you!

NEW ECCLESIASTICAL calendars for the year 2023 are now available in the church hall (on the stage).

DUES REMINDER: We will be closing our dues payment books for 2022 on Saturday, December 31. Please make all payments ($520 for the year) by then.  Any amounts received after the 31st will be credited next year.

ЧЛЕНСЬКІ ВНЕСКИ: Кінцеві підрахунки членських внесків за 2022 рік відбудуться 31 грудня. Переконайтесь чи ви повністю сплатили ваші внески 2022 року, і якщо ні, то потрібно це зробити до 31-го грудня. Всі внески сплачені після цього числа будуть рахуватися на 2023 рік.


Church School classes will be held today.

Congratulations to the following students who will be observing the feast of the first-called apostle, St. Andrew, on November 30: Maximillian Andreas, Ansor Andriy, and the 2nd-grade class.  All will celebrate that event today.  Emma will observe her feast day, St. Emma on December 3 and will celebrate it with her class next Sunday,

The Church School’s annual toy collection for disadvantaged children in the greater New Britain area has begun.  Please donate new, unwrapped toys for this very worthy cause.  You will find donation boxes in the church hall foyer.   After making your donation, please sign a star on the Nativity icon on the wall above the boxes.  This collection will continue until December 11.

If anyone is willing to iron a few simple costumes for the Nativity pageant on December 11, please see Cynthia Sirick.  The costumes will be available for pick up in the hall on December 4 and must be returned on either December 10 or 11.

LOOKING AHEAD – Advent confession for the children of the parish.  PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE.  Dec. 10 – students in grades 4-8.  Dec. 18 – teens and young adults. Father will hear confessions from the teens and young adults after Divine Liturgy.  The younger students will have confession during the St. Nicholas program rehearsal.  Confession during Advent is a requirement for all Orthodox Christians.

Rehearsal for the St. Nicholas program will be held on December 10 in the church.  Information will be sent to all students after Thanksgiving.  All Church School students are expected to attend.