Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin November 13, 2022
November 13, 2022
Bulletin November 13, 2022

SUN NOV 13 22ndSunday after Pentecost.    Tone 5

  • 22га Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Gal. 6:11-18
  • Gospel  Lk. 10:25-37
  • Parish Annual Meeting. Річні Парафіяльні Збори.


SUN NOV 20 23rdSunday after Pentecost.    Tone 6

  • 23тя Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Eph. 2:4-10
  • Gospel  Lk. 12:16-21
  • Panakhyda for Very Rev. Ihument Gregory Woonfenden and Fr. Basil Zaveriuha, requested by Cynthia and John Sirick, and Dr. Joan Kerelejza.



ANNUAL MEETING: Our parish Annual Meeting will be held TODAY in the church hall following Divine Liturgy and quick soup lunch served by our UOL. All parishioners in good financial and spiritual standing are urged to attend and participate.

THE HARVEST FESTIVAL is this Saturday, November 19. Please attend and wear your Ukrainian sorochkas/bluzkas to the Festival. Also, please bake for the sisterhood’s dessert table. Thank you!

BREAD: We are baking bread, poppyseed, and nut rolls which will be available at the Festival. IMPORTANT: WE NEED PEOPLE TO HELP AT 10:00 AM on Wednesday and Thursday.

FESTIVAL: If you are interested in helping out during the festival on Saturday, November 19, please let Natalia Kyrychenko know. Якщо ви бажаєте допомогти підчас фестивалю, зверніться до Наталі Кириченко.

BAKE SALE: We are asking everyone to please make a from-scratch baked item to donate to our bake sale table at the festival. Our top sellers are loaf pan cakes, individual pastries, and fruit pies. All homemade items are welcome, please bring them to church on Friday, November 18 from 10 am – 2 pm. Any questions, please see Natalia Kyrychenko.

СОЛОДКИЙ СТІЛ: Ми просимо всіх cпекти і пожертвувати до нашого столу з солодощами на фестивалі. Найкраще продаються перекладанці, індивідуальні рогалики і тістечка, та фруктові пироги, але будь-яка випічка вітається. ЇЇ можна принести до церкви в п’ятницю, 18 листопада, з 10 ранку до 2 вечора, або в суботу 9-10 ранку. Будь-які питання, будь ласка, звертайтеся до Наталії Кириченко.

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 263rd day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. Please, help/donate!

NATIVITY FAST will begin on Tuesday, November 15, and continue till Sunday, December 25. Let’s journey through this sacred season with a renewed personal commitment to fasting, prayer, works of Christian charity, and frequent participation in the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church.

SAINTS OF THE DAY: Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople is commemorated on November 13. He was born in Antioch in about the year 347 into the family of a military commander. His father, Secundus, died soon after the birth of his son. His mother, Anthusa, widowed at twenty years of age, did not seek to remarry but rather devoted all her efforts to raising her son in Christian piety. The youth studied under the finest philosophers and rhetoricians. But, scorning the vain disciplines of pagan knowledge, the future hierarch turned himself to the profound study of Holy Scripture and prayerful contemplation. Saint Meletius, Bishop of Antioch (February 12), loved John like a son, guided him in the faith, and in the year 367 baptized him. When John’s mother died, he embraced monasticism, which he called the “true philosophy.” The saint spent four years struggling in the wilderness, living the ascetic life under the guidance of an experienced spiritual guide. In the year 386 Saint John was ordained presbyter by Bishop Flavian of Antioch. Saint John was a splendid preacher, and his inspired words earned him the name “Golden-Mouthed” (“Chrysostom”). The fame of the holy preacher grew, and in the year 397 with the death of Archbishop Nectarius of Constantinople, successor to Saint Gregory the Theologian, Saint John Chrysostom was summoned from Antioch and elected to the See of Constantinople. When the empress Eudoxia connived to confiscate the last properties of the widow and children of a disgraced dignitary, the saint rose to their defense. The arrogant empress would not relent and nursed a grudge against the archpastor. Eudoxia’s hatred of the saint blazed forth anew when malefactors told her that the saint apparently had her in mind during his sermon on vain women. A court was convened and declared Saint John deposed, and that he be executed for his insult to the empress. The emperor decided on exile instead of execution. That very night there was an earthquake in Constantinople. The terrified Eudoxia urgently requested the emperor to bring the saint back, and promptly sent a letter to the banished pastor, beseeching him to return. Once more, in the capital church, the saint praised the Lord in a short talk, “For All His Ways.” But after only two months a new denunciation provoked the wrath of Eudoxia. In March 404, an unjust council was convened, decreeing the exile of Saint John to Armenia. In the winter of 406, Saint John was confined to his bed with sickness, but his enemies were not to be appeased. From the capital came orders to transfer Saint John to desolate Pityus in Abkhazia on the Black Sea. He never arrived at his place of exile, for his strength failed him at Comana. After receiving the Holy Mysteries, the hierarch fell asleep in the Lord on September 14, 407. His last words were, “Glory to God for all things!” The holy relics of Saint John Chrysostom were solemnly transferred to Constantinople in the year 438. Although he died on September 14, Saint John’s celebration was transferred to this day because of the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Saint John Chrysostom is also celebrated on January 27 and January 30.

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Lyubov Turetska and family for hosting coffee and … last Sunday. No coffee and… today, but we have a Soup Luncheon hosted by the JR and SR UOL. We have many soups for you to try and enjoy!

Junior UOL: We would like to thank everyone who donated items for Operation Christmas Child! We appreciate your support! Also, we have a raffle that started Sunday 11/06/2022 – that will run through 11/04/2022. Tickets are 1 dollar for one, 7 for 5 dollars, or 15 for 10 dollars. Please support our raffle by buying some tickets. Thank you all in advance!!

Isabella Castrillo – President.

2021-2022 ANGELS CLUB MEMBERS:  We are grateful to all of you for participating in the Angels Club over the last 12 months.  Because of your support of this fundraiser we are able to present the Church with $5,000.00 toward the heating expenses for the Church and Church School and the air conditioning expense for the Church.  Your support is truly appreciated.  May God grant the 2021-2022 Angels Club Members Many Blessed Years!  МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!



No classes will be held today.  Classes will resume next Sunday, November 20 at the usual time.

Happy birthday to Yuliya who will be celebrating her birthday in the coming week. May God grant Yuliya MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!

Many, many thanks to the Youth Ministry for the fun-filled Fall costume party held last Sunday.

We are especially grateful to the 4 teens, 2 young adults, and several parents who worked together to make this event run smoothly. Twenty-one children attended between the ages of two and seventeen,            enjoying a variety of games, activities, and delicious food.  Thanks to all of the parents and friends who donated candy and desserts.

LOOKING AHEAD – Advent confession for the children of the parish.  PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE.  Dec. 10 – students in grades 4-8.  Dec. 18 – teens and young adults Father will hear confessions from the teens and young adults after Divine Liturgy.  The younger students will have confession during the St. Nicholas program rehearsal.  Confession during Advent is a requirement for all Orthodox Christians.