Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin November 6, 2022
November 6, 2022
Bulletin November 6, 2022

SUN NOV 6 21st Sunday after Pentecost.     Tone 4

  • 21ша Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Gal.      2:16-20
  • Gospel  Lk.      8:41-56
  • Sisterhood meeting. Збори Сестрицтва.

TUE NOV 8 SYNAXIS of the Archangel Michael and the other bodiless powers of Heaven.

  • СОБОР Архистратига Михаїла та інших безтілесних сил Небесних.
  • Літургія @ 9:00 AM

SAT NOV 12 Moleben to the Most Holy Theotokos.

  • Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN NOV 13 22nd Sunday after Pentecost.    Tone 5

  • 22га Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Gal. 6:11-18
  • Gospel  Lk. 10:25-37
  • Parish Annual Meeting. Річні Парафіяльні Збори.



ANNUAL MEETING: Our parish Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 13 in the church hall following Divine Liturgy and quick soup lunch served by our UOL. The agenda for the meeting was sent out. Please, let Natalia Kyrychenko know if you didn’t receive one. All parishioners in good financial and spiritual standing are urged to attend and participate. Any parishioner wishing to be nominated to Church Council should see Vise-president Scott Kerry as soon as possible. Remember this is YOUR CHURCH.  Do your part and serve your parish.

MANY THANKS go to our newly-reestablished Sisterhood for a super delicious lunch that they offered to us last Sunday. It was a successful event that brought back the memories and feelings of the old good days of the pre-pandemic times. They also made $504 for our parish. May God bless our Sisters, and all of those who helped them and/or made donations.

ВЕЛИКА ПОДЯКА нашим сестриця за смачний обід, який вони зробили для нас минулої неділі. Вони помогли нам знову пережити відчуття старих добрих часів, які ми мали до пандемії, заробивши при цьому $504 для парафії. Нехай Господь поблагословить наших Сестриць і всіх тих, хто допоміг їм або пожертвував на закупи!

THE HARVEST FESTIVAL is scheduled for  Saturday, November 19. Please attend and wear your Ukrainian embroidery to the Festival. Also, please bake for the sisterhood’s dessert table. Thank you!

BAKE SALE: We are asking everyone to please make a from-scratch baked item to donate to our bake sale table at the festival. Our top sellers are loaf pan cakes, individual pastries, and fruit pies. All homemade items are welcome, please bring them to church on Friday, November 18 from 10 am – 2 pm. Any questions, please see Natalia Kyrychenko.

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 256th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. Please, help/donate!

SAINTS OF THE DAY: The day after tomorrow, on November 8th, the Orthodox Church will celebrate the Synaxis/Sobor of the Heavenly Hosts, Archangel Michael, and the Other Heavenly Bodiless Powers: Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel. This feast day was established at the beginning of the fourth century at the Council of Laodicea, which met several years before the First Ecumenical Council of 325. The 35th Canon of the Council of Laodicea condemned and denounced as heretical the worship of angels as gods and rulers of the world, but also affirmed their proper veneration. The word synaxis means the gathering of believers to celebrate a feast or to make a remembrance of a saint. This feast also has a special meaning; it is the gathering of the humans with the angels, their union, their gathering, and standing in fear in front of the Creator. Because of the fall of the devil and his angels, this feast is the celebration of the “sobriety and unity” of the rest of the angelic powers who stayed loyal to God. We also celebrate the contribution of the angels and archangels and their help and support in the war against the dark powers and the devil. We celebrate this feast of unity between angels and humans, and this unity is not in the life to come at the end of times – it starts in this world: the angels direct and guard the children of God who are struggling in this world; they are glad for every sinner returning to God; they convey prayers to God’s throne. Hence, there is a common liturgical work between angels and humans. The angels offer a non-stop continuous doxology and mental worship with humans to God. They gather around the holy altar with the priest to serve with him the Liturgy. angels are members of the Church, the body of Christ. The 8th of November is also a specific feast of Archangel Michael, going back in history in celebrating the memory of his church in Arkadia in Constantinople. In our UOC of USA, this feast day is dedicated also to the recognition and promotion of the Guardians of the Metropolia organization.

NEW PARISH MEMBER:  Please welcome to our parish the youngest member Maria Melnyk (19 years old), who joined our parish last Sunday. May God grant Maria Many blessed Years!  МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!   

COFFEE and…: Thank you to Oksana Szwez for hosting “Coffee and…” last Sunday (10/30/2022). Thank you also to Ivanna Vitrykush for hosting (10/23/2022) and Olga Buben for hosting (10/16/2022). Hosting today is Lyubov Turetska (11/6/2022). We always need donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter, and monetary donations. Thank you to everyone supporting Coffee and… Money goes toward scholarships for our children!

UOL news: Ukrainian Orthodox League is hosting a Soup Luncheon (11/13/2022) during the parish Annual meeting. Please support this event. If you could make a pot of soup for this event, please let us know. We would appreciate it very much. UOL treasurer – Anne Bailly.

UOL: It’s that time of year to renew or join the Ukrainian Orthodox League! Dues for Seniors – $20.00. Dues for Juniors – $5.00 (age 9-18). The UOL is DEDICATED TO OUR CHURCH AND DEVOTED TO ITS YOUTH! Please join! Kathryn Bailly – President seniors and Isabella Castrillo – President Juniors.

CHURCH DUES: This is a reminder that year is coming to the end, so please pay your 2022 church dues. Remember only parishioners in good standing may vote at the Annual Meeting. See John Sirick for envelopes or Michelle O’Neil for checks, if you have questions.



+ + + CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS  + + + 

Church School classes will begin 15 minutes after dismissal from Liturgy and will be dismissed at noon.

TODAY all of our parish children are invited to attend the Fall Costume Party in the church hall from 12:30 –  2:30 after Church School.  Lunch (pizza) will be served.


Happy birthday to Simion who celebrated his birthday yesterday.

Congratulations to Karina, whose patron saint, St. Karina will be observed on November 7, Clara Michelle and the first-grade class whose patron saint, St. Michael the Archangel, will be observed on November 8, and to Nektaria whose patron saint, St. Nektarios, will be observed on November 9. All of these children will celebrate their special day in class today.  May God grant Simion, Karina, Clara Michelle, the students in grade 1, and Nektaria MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!

LOOKING AHEAD – The schedule for Advent confessions for our children and young adults is as follows: November 20 – grades 4, 5, and 6; December 4 – grades 7, 8, and teens; December 18 – young adults.  This is an Advent responsibility for all Orthodox Christians.