Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin October 30, 2022
October 30, 2022
Bulletin October 30, 2022

SUN OCT 30 20thSunday after Pentecost.     Tone 3

  • 20та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Gal. 1:11-19
  • Gospel  Lk. 8:26-39
  • Spaghetti and Meatball Lunch!!!  Обід з спагеті і фрикадельками!!!

SAT NOV 5 Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN NOV 6 21st Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 4

  • 21ша Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Gal. 2:16-20
  • sGospel  Lk. 8:41-56




CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING:  The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY during and after Spaghetti lunch in the parish hall.  Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

SPAGHETTI LUNCH!!! Our Sisterhood will be offering a Spaghetti and more… lunch TODAY after Liturgy. Tickets are $12 for adults, kids $8.00, and 7 years old and younger free. Please, see Oksana Svystun for tickets. Any monetary donations to cover the cost of the ingredients will be greatly appreciated.

СПАГЕТНИЙ ОБІД!!! Наші сестриці пропонують нам смачний обід сьогодні після Літургії. Квитки є $12 для дорослих, діти $8.00, і діти до 7 років – безкоштовно. За квитками звертайтесь до Оксани Свистун. Сестриці будуть вдячні за пожертви для покриття витрат.

DAYLIGHT saving time: clocks will go back one hour next Sunday, November 6. Годинники переводяться 1 годину назад наступної неділі 6 листопада.

ANNUAL MEETING: Our parish Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 13 in the church hall following Divine Liturgy. The agenda for the meeting will be available soon. All parishioners are urged to attend because important decisions regarding church matters will be made at this time.  There are some open positions on the Parish Council. Please see Vice-president Scott Kerry. Please do your part and serve your parish.

CHURCH DUES: This is a reminder that year is coming to the end, so please pay your 2022 church dues. Remember only parishioners in good standing may vote at the Annual Meeting.  See John Sirick for envelopes or Michelle O’Neil for checks, if you have questions.

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 249th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. Please continue to donate.

SAINTS of the day: Hieromartyrs Zenobius and his sister Zenobia, of Aegæ in Cilicia are commemorated today. The Hieromartyr Zenobius, Bishop of Aegea, and his sister Zenobia suffered a martyr’s death in the year 285 in Cilicia. From childhood, they were raised in the holy Christian Faith by their parents, and they led pious and chaste lives. In their mature years, shunning the love of money, they distributed away their inherited wealth giving it to the poor. For his beneficence and holy life, the Lord rewarded Zenobius with the gift of healing various maladies. He was also chosen bishop of a Christian community in Cilicia. As bishop, Saint Zenobius zealously spread the Christian Faith among the pagans. When the emperor Diocletian (284-305) began a persecution against Christians, Bishop Zenobius was the first one arrested and brought to trial to the governor Licius. “I shall only speak briefly with you,” said Licius to the saint, “for I propose to grant you life if you worship our gods, or death if you do not.” The saint answered, “This present life without Christ is death. It is better that I prepare to endure the present torment for my Creator, and then with Him live eternally, than to renounce Him for the sake of the present life, and then be tormented eternally in Hades.” By order of Licius, they nailed him to a cross and began the torture. The bishop’s sister, seeing him suffering, wanted to stop it. She bravely confessed her own faith in Christ before the governor, therefore, she also was tortured. By the power of the Lord they remained alive after being placed on a red-hot iron bed, and then in a boiling kettle. The saints were then beheaded. The priest Hermogenes secretly buried the bodies of the martyrs in a single grave.

Saint Zenobius is invoked by those suffering from breast cancer.

UOL: It’s that time of year to renew or join the Ukrainian Orthodox League! Dues for Seniors – $20.00. Dues for Juniors – $5.00 (age 9-18). The UOL is DEDICATED TO OUR CHURCH AND DEVOTED TO ITS YOUTH! Please join! Kathryn Bailly – President seniors and Isabella Castrillo – President Juniors.

JUNIOR UOL: The Junior UOL will be starting a project to collect items for Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child collects small items to be placed in a shoe box that goes to children in poverty-stricken countries for the holiday season. The collection of items includes dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, balls, pens, pencils, crayons, markers, notebooks, toothbrushes, bar soap, combs, hats, hair clips, flashlights with batteries, and more. Please nothing breakable; no food; no liquid; no candy. The collection will take place starting Sunday, Oct 9, and end on November 5th. Please see Isabella Castrillo, President of the Jr. UOL to learn more about this project or if you have any questions. To learn more about this project go to www.operationchristmaschild.com We still are collecting bottles and cans; the money is used for donations to organizations that support the needy in our community!

LOOKING AHEAD: Save the date of Saturday, November 19 for our Annual Harvest Festival.



Church School classes begin today as soon as possible after the spaghetti dinner.  Students and teachers will be served first. We will dismiss classes at noon, as usual.

Happy birthday to Kyra who celebrated her birthday last week.

Congratulations to Artem who celebrated his patron saint’s day, the Great-martyr Artemius, last week.  

Much gratitude goes to Kathleen Ustanowski for her very generous donation of $50 to help defray the cost of postage for mailing the Sunday bulletins to parish shut-ins. May God grant Kyra, Arte,m and Kathleen MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!

NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, the Youth Ministry invites all the children who pray in this parish to its annual FALL COSTUME  PARTY in the church hall from 12:30 – 2:30.  Invitations have been sent to the children but there may be some who are not on our list, particularly the very young and those who have recently arrived from Ukraine.  Please do come and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon. Lunch (pizza) will be served.  Costumes are encouraged but not necessary.