Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin October 2, 2022
October 2, 2022
Bulletin October 2, 2022

SUN OCT 2 16th Sunday after Pentecost.     Tone 7

  • 16та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 2 Cor. 6:1-10
  • Gospel  Lk. 6:31-36
  • ANGELS CLUB dinner. 12 noon hors d’oeuvres, 1 pm meal.

SAT OCT 8 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

 SUN OCT 9 17th Sunday after Pentecost.     Tone 8  

  • 17тa неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 2 С 6:16-7:1
  • Gospel 7:11-16





CANDLES prices are going up due to the cost increases from our suppliers. The 7day candles will go to $5.00 and small candles to $1.00 starting Sunday, October 9.

ATTENTION CURRENT ANGELS Club members:  TODAY is our Annual Banquet which is being held at J. Timothy’s in Plainville.  Please plan to arrive at the restaurant by 12:00 noon.  Dinner will start promptly at 1:00 p.m.

ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS: Our 2022-2023 Angels Club Membership Drive will be ongoing until Sunday, October 23, 2022.  Please help support our Church by becoming an Angels Club member.  Your $120 donation ($10.00 per month) entitles you to a banquet and participation in twelve monthly cash drawings.  All proceeds go toward heating and air conditioning costs. Your donation is tax-deductible.  Many thanks to those who have already joined.

КЛУБ АНГЕЛІВ ПОТРЕБУЄ ВАС! Запишіться до цієї групи благодійників! Вартість членства є $120 на рік, яка може виплачуватись одноразовим внеском або двома платежами. Членство включає в себе смачний обід в одному з затишних місцевих ресторанів у жовтні кожного року, а також щомісячні грошові розиграші… Цьогорічний обід відбудеться СЬОГОДНІ о 1 год (не запізнюйтесь). СТАВАЙТЕ АНГЕЛОМ!!!

AID for Ukraine: Today is the 221st day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. Please continue to donate, as the need for all kinds of items is ongoing.

SISTERHOOD of St. Olga is being re-established in our parish. Please, come and join the group of enthusiastic women, who are trying to help our church next Sunday, October 9 after services. Сестрицтво Св. Ольги знову розпочинає свою діяльність. Збори відбудуться наступної неділі після служби.

SAINTS OF THE DAY: Blessed Andrew the Fool-For-Christ at Constantinople is commemorated on October 2. He was a Slav and lived in the tenth century in Constantinople. From his early years, he loved God’s Church and the Holy Scriptures. Once during a dream, the saint beheld a vision of two armies. In the one were men in radiant garb, in the other, black and fiercesome devils. An angel of God, who held wondrous crowns, said to Andrew, that these crowns were not adornments from the earthly world, but rather a celestial treasure, with which the Lord rewards His warriors, victorious over the dark hordes. “Proceed with this good deed,” the angel said to Andrew. “Be a fool for My sake and you will receive much in the day of My Kingdom.”

The saint perceived that it was the Lord Himself summoning him to this deed. From that time Andrew began to go about the streets in rags, as though his mind had become muddled. For many years the saint endured mockery and insults. With indifference, he underwent beatings, hunger, thirst, cold, and heat, begging for alms and giving them away to the poor. For his great forbearance and humility, the saint received from the Lord the gift of prophecy and wisdom, saving many from spiritual perils, and he unmasked the impiety of many. While praying at the Blachernae church, Saint Andrew beheld the Most Holy Mother of God, holding her veil over those praying under her Protection (October 1). Blessed Andrew died in the year 936.

UOL: It’s that time of year to renew or join the Ukrainian Orthodox League! Dues for Seniors – $20.00. Dues for Juniors – $5.00 (age 9-18). The UOL is DEDICATED TO OUR CHURCH AND DEVOTED TO ITS YOUTH! Please join! Kathryn Bailly – President seniors and Isabella Castrillo – President Juniors.

JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League: We still are collecting bottles and cans; the money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.

CULTURAL: Joanna Buczko O’Flaherty is taking orders for bracelets and keychains with a Ukrainian Tryzub! Prices range from $12.00 to $25.00. Also available for sale are a few guardenze, bookmarks, and blue and yellow ribbon pins. All proceeds will go towards the Ukrainian Military Aid!!

“COFFEE and…” Thank you to the Olha Mosamyuk family for serving Coffee and… last Sunday! Hosting today is Maria Savitska, and hosting next Sunday is Halina Vitrykush. Special thanks to Peter and Helen Zeleniuk for donating a box of individual creamers and to Miroslava Szwez for donating Ukrainian bread for coffee and… last Sunday!! Thank you to all who support coffee and..!! Please remember it’s for Scholarship Fund to benefit our children. Please be generous with your donations to coffee and.., thank you in advance!

ADDRESS CHANGE: If you changed your address recently, please let Fr. Andrii or Julie Breen know. Якщо ви поміняли адрес цього року, будь-ласка повідомте о. Андрія або Юлію Брін.

LOOKING AHEAD: Save the date of Saturday, October 29 for our Annual Harvest Festival.

WE ARE trying to organize a pilgrimage to the Protection of the Mother of God monastery in White Haven, PA. Please, see Oksana Svystun for more information. Seats are limited. Ми пробуємо організувати прощу до Покровського жіночого монастиря. Якщо бажаєте поїхати, звертайтесь до п. Оксани Свистун.

WHY is morning prayer important?1) Morning prayer is very important because you meet God before anyone else. 2) You encounter God before you encounter life’s troubles. 3) You have an encounter with God sooner than you do with the devil. 4) You get news from Heaven before you get news from earth. 5) You kneel before God so you don’t bow before people. 6) You honor God before you honor men. 7) You feed your Spirit before your body. 8)You pronounce the name of Jesus before any other names. 9) You look at Jesus Christ before you look in the mirror. 10) You put your heart in order before your home. Therefore, wake up with the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on your lips. Starting the morning with prayer is the secret of success to obtain strength and grace from the Source of life for the whole day.



Church School classes begin today 15 minutes after dismissal from Liturgy and will end at noon.