SUN SEP 18 14th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 5
- 14та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 2 Cor. 1:21-2:4
- Gospel Mt. 22:1-14
- Prayerful blessing of the students of our Church School, as the new school year starts today.
SAT SEP 24 Akathist to the Mother of God.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 AM
SUN SEP 25 15th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6
- 15тa неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 2 С 4:6-15
- Gospel 5:1-11
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held NEXT SUNDAY, September 25, during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall.
IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR CURRENT ANGELS’ MEMBERS: Our Annual Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, October 2, 2022. The deadline for submitting your Dinner Reservation Form to Julie Breen or Joan Kerelejza is next Sunday, September 25, 2022. Your attention to this request is greatly appreciated!
ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS: Our 2022-2023 Angels Club Membership Drive will be ongoing until Sunday, October 23, 2022. Please help support our Church by becoming an Angels Club member. Your $120 donation ($10 per month) entitles you to a banquet and participation in twelve monthly cash drawings. All proceeds go toward heating and air conditioning costs. Your donation is tax-deductible and will help make a substantial impact. Thank you in advance for your continued support of and contribution to our beloved Church, which means so much to us.
КЛУБ АНГЕЛІВ ПОТРЕБУЄ ВАС! Запишіться до цієї групи благодійників! Вартість членства є $120 на рік, яка може виплачуватись одноразовим внеском або двома платежами. Членство включає в себе смачний обід в одному з затишних місцевих ресторанів у жовтні кожного року, а також щомісячні грошові розиграші… Цьогорічний обід буде в неділю 2го жовтня. СТАВАЙТЕ АНГЕЛОМ!!!
ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the September drawing. They are, Maria Sacalosh, $25.00; Cynthia Sirick, $15.00 and Anna Gulko, $10.00.
AID for Ukraine: Today is the 207th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. Our heroes need fleece sweaters and warm underpants (new or lightly used). We are starting a new campaign also called “EQUIP A HERO”. We have a specific, legitimate request to equip two soldiers for the upcoming cold weather fighting season. It costs approx. $900/soldier. Please, help! Please, ask Natalia Kyrychenko for more details.
SAINTS OF THE DAY: Saint Eumenius, Bishop of Gortyna is commemorated on September 18. Saint Eumenius from the time of his youth was noted for his virtuous life. He strove to serve the One God and therefore he shunned worldly temptations. Concerned for the salvation of his soul, he distributed all his substance to the poor. By the blessing of God, Saint Eumenius was chosen as Bishop of Gortyna on the island of Crete. The saint, like a compassionate father, comforted his flock in their sorrows and cared for the orphaned and poor. His prayers were so strong before God that once, during a drought, he called forth abundant rain upon the earth. Saint Eumenius wisely and zealously defended the Orthodox Faith against the Monophysite heresy. For his opposition to heresy, the saint was banished to the Thebaid in Egypt, where he died in the seventh century. His body was then transferred and buried in Gortyna.
Martyr Ariadne of Phrygia is also Commemorated on September 18. The Holy Martyr Ariadne was a servant of Tertillos, a city official of Promyssia (Phrygia) during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117-161). Once, when on the occasion of the birth of a son, the master made a sacrificial offering to the pagan gods, the Christian Ariadne refused to participate in the impious ceremony. They subjected her to beatings and lacerated her body with sharp iron hooks. Then, they threw the martyr into prison for a long while. They exhausted her with hunger, demanding that she worship their gods. When they released the saint from prison, she left the city, but Tertillos sent pursuers after her. Seeing that they were chasing her, she ran, calling out to God to defend her from her enemies. Suddenly, through her prayers, a crack opened in the mountain, and Saint Ariadne hid in it. This miracle brought the pursuers into confusion and fear. In their depravity of mind, they began to strike one another with spears.
UOL: It’s that time of year to renew or join the Ukrainian Orthodox League! Dues for Seniors – $20.00. Dues for Juniors – $5.00 (age 9-18). The UOL is DEDICATED TO OUR CHURCH AND DEVOTED TO ITS YOUTH! Please join! Kathryn Bailly – President seniors and Isabella Castrillo – President Juniors.
JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League We still are collecting bottles and cans; the money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.
CULTURAL: Joanna Buczko O’Flaherty is taking orders for bracelets and keychains with a Ukrainian Tryzub! Prices range from $12.00 to $25.00. Also available for sale are a few guardenze, bookmarks, and blue and yellow ribbon pins. All proceeds will go towards the Ukrainian Military Aide!!
LOOKING AHEAD: Save the date of Saturday, October 29 for our Annual Harvest Festival.
“COFFEE and…” Thank you to the Dyrbavka family for serving Coffee and… last Sunday! Hosting today is the Samoylyuk family. Hosting next Sunday – Olha Mosanyuk. A special thank you to Helen and Peter Zeleniuk for their generous donation of $100.00! Please be generous with your donations to coffee and.., thank you in advance! We need donations of coffee, creamers, butter, and monetary contributions. Thank you, again for your continuous support!
Church School classes begin today 15 minutes after dismissal from Liturgy. Children will meet in the church hall at that time for their snacks There are no snacks in the Church School, only juice drinks.
We are looking forward to our children returning to class. Children who attend grades K through 8 in public/private/home school are eligible to register. Each must have at least one parent who is a dues-paying member of the parish. Anyone who would like to enroll his child but is not a member should contact Fr. Andrii.
Students, teachers, and substitute teachers should come forward as soon as Fr. Andrii has finished announcements for the blessing.
Congratulations to Sofia and the students in the 7th-grade class who observed their patron saint’s day, that of the Holy Martyrs Sofia and her 3 daughters Faith, Love, and Hope, yesterday. They will be celebrating that event in class today. May God grant Sofia and the 7th-grade students MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!