Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022
Bulletin September 11, 2022

SUN SEP 11 13th Sunday after Pentecost.     Tone 4  

  • 13тa неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 1 Сor. 16:13-24
  • Gospel  Mt. 21:33-42

TUE SEP 13 Great Vespers. Велика Вечірня @ 5:00 PM

WED SEP 14 The Universal Exultation of the Life-Giving Cross of Christ.

  • Воздвиження Животворчого Хреста Господнього.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM

SAT SEP    17 No services. Служби немає.

SUN SEP 18 14th Sunday after Pentecost.       Tone 5

  • 14та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle  2 Cor. 1:21-2:4
  •   Gospel  Mt. 22:1-14


  Prayerful blessing of students of our Church School, as the new school year starts today.



VARENYKY PROJECT: Many thanks go to all of those, who helped to make varenyky. We made a record 222 dozen.

A CLEAN-UP and enhancement day is scheduled in our parish for Saturday, September 17, starting at 10 AM. Please, come and help to clean and organize. All of us are responsible for the upkeep of our Heavenly Father’s house!

LOOKING AHEAD: Save the date of Saturday, October 29 for our Annual Harvest Festival.

ANGELS CLUB CAMPAIGN:  The 2022-2023 Angels Club Membership Drive is ongoing until Sunday, October 23, 2022. We welcome all parishioners to become an Angel and help support our Church. The Angels Club’s mission is to help raise money to pay for the heating of the Church and Church School and air conditioning for the Church. Membership includes attending our annual banquet (free of charge) in the fall of 2023, as well as twelve monthly drawings for cash prizes.   Many thanks to those who have already sent in their checks. 

CURRENT ANGELS: Our Annual Banquet will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2022. Please return your Dinner Reservation Form no later than Sunday, September 25, 2022, to Julie Breen or Joan Kerelejza.

КЛУБ АНГЕЛІВ ПОТРЕБУЄ ВАС! Запишіться до цієї групи благодійників! Вартість членства є $120 на рік, яка може виплачуватись одноразовим внеском або двома платежами. Членство включає в себе смачний обід в одному з затишних місцевих ресторанів у жовтні кожного року, а також щомісячні грошові розиграші… Цьогорічний обід буде в неділю 2го жовтня. СТАВАЙТЕ АНГЕЛОМ!!!

TODAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, marks the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attack on our nation. Please, remember in your prayers those who fell victim to that horrific act of evil. MEMORY ETERNAL to them all!

AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate, pray and fast for Ukraine! Today is the 200th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. Our heroes need fleece sweaters and warm underpants (new or used). It’s getting cold there!

SAINT OF THE DAY: Venerable Theodora of Alexandria is commemorated on September 11. She and her husband lived in Alexandria in love and harmony. But goaded on by the devil, a certain rich man was captivated by the youthful beauty of Theodora and began with all his abilities to lead her into adultery, but for a long time, he was unsuccessful. Then he bribed a woman of loose morals, who led the unassuming Theodora astray by saying that a secret sin, which the sun does not see, is also unknown to God. Theodora betrayed her husband, but soon came to her senses and realized the seriousness of her fall. Her conscience gave her no peace, and Theodora went to a renowned abbess and told her about her transgression. The abbess, seeing the repentance of the young woman, spoke to her of God’s forgiveness and reminded her of the sinful woman in the Gospel, who washed the feet of Christ with her tears and received from Him forgiveness of her sins. At that moment Saint Theodora resolved to go off to a monastery to purify herself by labor and by prayer. She left her home secretly, and dressing in men’s clothes, she went to a men’s monastery, since she feared that her husband would find her in a women’s monastery. The saint labored at the monastery for eight years. Her body, once defiled by adultery, now became a vessel of the grace of God and a receptacle of the Holy Spirit. Once, the saint was sent to Alexandria to buy provisions. After blessing her for the journey, the ihumen indicated that in case of a delay, she should stay over at the Enata monastery, which was on the way. Also staying at the guest house of the Enata monastery was the daughter of its ihumen. She had come to visit with her father. Attracted by the comeliness of the young monk, she tried to seduce the monk Theodore into the sin of fornication, not knowing that it was a woman standing before her. Meeting with refusal, she committed sin with another guest and became pregnant. Meanwhile, the saint bought the food and returned to her own monastery. After a certain, the father of the shameless girl, realizing that a transgression had occurred, began to question his daughter about the father of the child. The girl indicated that it was the monk Theodore. The father at once reported it to the Superior of the monastery where Saint Theodora labored in asceticism. The ihumen summoned the saint and repeated the accusation. The saint firmly replied: “As God is my witness, I did not do this.” When the girl gave birth, the Enata monks brought the infant to the monastery where the ascetic lived and began to reproach its monks for an unchaste life. They entrusted the infant into the care of the saint and threw her out of the monastery in disgrace. The saint humbly submitted to this new trial, seeing in it the penance of her former sin. She settled with the child not far from the monastery in a hut. Bearing her misfortune, the holy ascetic spent seven years in banishment. Finally, at the request of the monks, the ihumen allowed her to return to the monastery with the child, and in seclusion, she spent two years instructing the child. Before her death, Saint Theodora shut herself in her cell with the child and instructed him to love God above all things. She told him to obey the ihumen and the brethren, to preserve tranquility, to be meek and without malice, to avoid obscenity and silliness, to love non-covetousness, and not to neglect their communal prayer. After this, she prayed, and for the last time, she asked the Lord to forgive her sins. Soon the words of prayer faded from the lips of the ascetic, and she peacefully departed to a better world. The Lord revealed to the ihumen the spiritual accomplishments of the saint, and also her secret. The ihumen, in order to remove any dishonor from the deceased, in the presence of the ihumen and brethren of the Enata monastery uncovered the bosom of the saint as proof. The Enata ihumen and brethren realized what a great sin they have committed. Falling down before the body of the saint, with tears they asked for forgiveness of Saint Theodora. News of Saint Theodora reached her former husband. He received monastic tonsure at this same monastery where his wife had been. And the child also followed in the footsteps of his foster mother. Afterward, he became ihumen of this very monastery.

WE APPRECIATE the generosity of our benefactors, who helped us to cover the cost of the replacement of the recently vandalized windows. May God bless and reward all of you, our dear benefactors!

JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League We still are collecting bottles and cans; the money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.

“COFFEE and…” Thank you to Oksana Svystun, Aliona Kovalenko, and Nataliya Kyrychenko for picking up food and serving Coffee and… last Sunday! Hosting today is the Dyrbavka family. Hosting next Sunday – Samoylyuk family. We need donations of coffee, creamers, butter, and monetary contributions. Thank you, again for your continuous support!



Church School will begin next Sunday, September 18 following Divine Liturgy.  Information has been mailed to all families.  The Church School welcomes all students,  kindergarten through grade 8, who have at least one parent who is an official member of the parish.

Our most sincere thanks go to longtime benefactors Walter and Maria Szwez for their donation of $50 to the Youth Ministry, $10 of which was Walter’s winnings from the Angel Club.  May God grant Walter and Maria MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!