Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022
Bulletin September 4, 2022

SUN SEP 4 12th Sunday after Pentecost.       Tone 3

  • 12та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 1 Cor.      15:1-11
  • Gospel  Mt.      19:16-26
  • Panakhyda for Andrew and Stephanie Kochanowsky, requested by the Sirick family.

WED SEP 7 Great Vespers. Велика Вечірня @ 5:00 PM

THUR SEP 8 The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

  • Різдво Пресвятої Богородиці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM

SUN SEP 11 13th Sunday after Pentecost.     Tone 4  

  • 13тa неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle 1 С 16:13-24
  • Gospel 21:33-42



VARENYKY PROJECT: We will be making potato varenyky on Friday, September 9 (prep-work) and Saturday, September 10 (pinching) starting at 10:00 AM. Please volunteer! Remember to bring your lunch! 

ANGELS CLUB 2022-2023 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: We welcome all parishioners to become an Angel and help support our Church. The Angels Club’s mission is to help raise money to pay for the heating and air conditioning expenses. Membership includes attending our annual banquet (free of charge) in the fall of 2023, as well as twelve monthly drawings for cash prizes.  The 2022-2023 Angels Club Membership Drive letters and Membership Applications have been mailed to your home address. CURRENT ANGELS, you will also receive written information and a Dinner Reservation Form for the free banquet scheduled on Sunday October 2, 2022 in your envelope. The 2022-2023 Membership Drive will be ongoing from September through October 23, 2022. Your support of this fundraiser is greatly needed and appreciated.

КЛУБ АНГЕЛІВ ПОТРЕБУЄ ВАС! Час діяти настав!!! Ми всі насолоджуємось прохолодою кондиціонера під час Літургії у літні місяці, і теплом опалення зимою. Вартість комунальних послуг зростає неймовірними темпами останні 2 роки. Дякувати Богу, ми маємо Клуб Ангелів, який покриває наші комунальні витрати! Запишіться і Ви до цієї групи благодійників! Вартість членства є $120 на рік, яка може виплачуватись одноразовим внеском або двома платежами. Членство включає в себе смачний обід в одному з затишних місцевих ресторанів у жовтні кожного року, а також щомісячні грошові розиграші… Цьогорічний обід буде в неділю 2го жовтня. СТАВАЙТЕ АНГЕЛОМ!!!

NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, will mark the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attack on our nation. Please, remember in your prayers those who fell victim to that horrific act of evil. MEMORY ETERNAL to them all!

SAINT OF THE DAY: Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses is Commemorated on September 4. He was of the tribe of Levi, the son of Abram and Jochebed (Exodus 6:20). His life is described in the Bible (Exodus 2 through Deuteronomy 34:12). Moses was born in Egypt around 1689 B.C. When Pharaoh ordered all male children of the Hebrew slaves to be killed (Exodus 1:22), Moses’ mother placed him in a basket of papyrus coated with tar and set him adrift on the Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter found him and raised him as her own son. At the age of eighty, Moses fled to Midian, where he spoke to God in the Burning Bush on Mt. Horeb (Exodus 3:2). God chose Moses to lead His people from the slavery of Egypt. They crossed the Red Sea as if it were dry land, and for forty years they wandered in the desert. Arriving in the land of Moab, Moses went to the top of Mt. Nabau, or Nebo (Deuteronomy 32:49), which is called Phasga (Deut. 34:1). There, according to the will of God, he died in 1569 B.C. at the age of 120 without entering the Promised Land. He is the author of the first five books of the Old Testament). The holy Prophet Moses performed many miracles during his lifetime, also after his death. He appeared on Tabor with the Prophet Elias at the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6). On the day that Saint John of the Ladder (March 30) was installed as abbot of Mt. Sinai, the Prophet Moses was seen going around and giving orders to the cooks, stewards, and servants. When the guests had gone and the monks were sitting at the table, they wondered what had become of the stranger who had been giving orders. Saint John said, “Our Lord Moses does nothing strange by serving in the place which belongs to him.”

AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate, pray and fast for Ukraine! Today is the 194th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. All money raised goes towards providing medical and other supplies (backpacks, clothing) for our heroes on the frontlines. You can see reports on how your donations are spent on the Facebook pages of Nataliya Kyrychenko, Irene Blumes, Aliona Kovalenko, and Iryna Dmytryshyn.

JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League We continue to have many items for sale on the tag sale shelves, come and check out the new items been added weekly! We still are collecting bottles and cans; the money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.

WE APPRECIATE the generosity of all our benefactors, who are helping us to defray the cost of replacement of the recently vandalized windows. We are especially grateful to Dr. Joan Kerelejza $100, Teresa Linck $25, Jerry Bouchard $25, and anonymous $50. Please, continue to donate. Thank you!

“COFFEE and…” Thank you to Pani Matka Oksana Pokotylo for hosting “Coffee and…” last Sunday! Hosting today is Natalia Makaruk. Hosting next Sunday is the Dyrbavka Family (9/11/2022). Please sign up to host coffee and… for November and December. Thank you for your continued support!

LOOKING AHEAD: Save the date of Saturday, September 17 for a clean-up day, and Saturday, October 29 for our Annual Harvest Festival.



Last week’s Youth Ministry event (miniature golfing) was a great success with 19 students attending. Thank you to all the adults who supervised the students.

Happy birthday to Gabrielle and Margarita who will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming week.

Congratulations to the following students who will be observing their patron saints’ days in the coming week: Sept.  5 – Ella (St. Elizabeth) and Glib (St. Glib); Sept 9 – Anna and the Kindergarten class (St. Anna).  All of these students will be celebrating their special days on the first day of Church School. May God grant Gabrielle, Margarita, Ella, Glib, Anna, and the kindergarten students MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!

Church School will begin on Sunday, September 18 following Divine Liturgy.  Information will be mailed to all families shortly.