SUN AUG 28 11th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 2
- 11тa Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 1 Сor. 9:2-12
- Gospel Mt. 18:23-35
SAT SEP 3 Moleben to the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN SEP 4 12th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 3
- 12та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 1 Cor. 15:1-11
- Gospel Mt. 19:16-26
- Panakhyda for Andrew and Stephanie Kochanowsky, requested by the Sirick family.
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY.
AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate, pray and fast for Ukraine! Today is the 186th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. All money raised goes towards providing medical and other supplies (backpacks, clothing) for our heroes on the frontlines. You can see reports on how your donations are spent on the Facebook pages of Nataliya Kyrychenko, Irene Blumes, Aliona Kovalenko, and Iryna Dmytryshyn.
JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League We continue to have many things for sale on the tag sale shelves, come and check out all the new stuff! We still are collecting bottles and cans; the money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.
MANY THANKS go to Oleksandr Samoylyuk and Ihor Zarivniy for installing a much-needed (per City of NB Health Dept.) hand-washing sink in our church kitchen. Mnohaya i blahaya lita to them!
WE APPRECIATE the generosity of all our benefactors who are helping us to defray the cost of the replacement of broken windows. We are especially grateful to the Carlson family (Carlson Funeral Home) for their generous donation. Please, continue to donate. Thank you!
“COFFEE and…” Thank you to Irene Blumes for hosting “Coffee and…” last Sunday! Hosting today is Pani Matka Oksana Pokotylo. Hosting next Sunday is Natalia Makaruk (9/4/2022). We always need donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter, and monetary donations to help pay for kitchen supplies. Please sign up to host coffee and… for November and December. Thank you for your continued support!
SAINT OF THE DAY: Venerable Moses the Ethiopian is commemorated on August 28. Saint Moses lived in Egypt during the fourth century. He was an Ethiopian, and since he had black skin he was called “Murin” (meaning “like an Ethiopian”). In his youth, he was the slave of an important man, but after he committed a murder, his master banished him, and he joined a band of robbers. Because of his bad character and great physical strength, they chose him as their leader. Moses and his band of bandits were feared because of their many evil exploits, including murders and robberies. People trembled at the mere mention of his name. Moses the robber spent several years leading a sinful life, but through the great mercy of God, he repented, left his band of robbers, and went to one of the desert monasteries. Here he wept for a long time, begging to be admitted as one of the brethren. The monks were not convinced of the sincerity of his repentance, but the former robber would neither be driven away nor silenced. He continued to implore that they accept him. Saint Moses was completely obedient to the ihumen (head of the monastery) and the brethren, and he poured forth many tears of sorrow for his sinful life. After a certain while, Saint Moses withdrew to a solitary cell, where he spent his time in prayer and the strictest fasting. Saint Moses was not quickly freed from the passions. He went often to the ihumen, Abba Isidore, seeking advice on how to be delivered from the passions of extravagance. Being experienced in the spiritual struggle, the Elder taught him never to eat too much food and to remain partly hungry while observing the strictest restraint. But the passions did not cease to trouble Saint Moses in his dreams. Then Abba Isidore taught him the all-night vigil. The monk stood the whole night at prayer, so he would not fall asleep. As a result of his prolonged struggles, Saint Moses fell into despondency, and when he began to have thoughts about leaving his solitary cell, Abba Isidore instead strengthened the resolve of his disciple. Once, kneeling over the well, Saint Moses felt a powerful blow upon his back and he fell down at the well like one dead, laying there in that position until dawn. Thus, did the devils take revenge upon the monk for his victory over them. In the morning the brethren carried him to his cell, and he lay there crippled for a whole year. After he recovered, the monk with firm resolve confessed to the ihumen, that he would continue with his ascetic struggles. But the Lord Himself put limits to this toil that lasted for many years: Abba Isidore blessed his disciple and told him that the passions had already left him. Through humility, the saint believed himself unworthy of the office of deacon. Once, the bishop decided to test him and he bade the clergy to drive him out of the altar, reviling him as an unworthy Ethiopian. In all humility, the monk accepted the abuse. Having put him to the test, the bishop then ordained Saint Moses to the priesthood. Saint Moses labored for fifteen years in this rank and gathered 75 disciples around himself. When the saint reached the age of 75, he warned his monks that soon bandits would descend upon the skete and murder all those who remained there. The saint blessed his monks to leave, in order to avoid violent death. His disciples begged the saint to leave with them, but he replied: “For many years now, I have awaited the time when the words spoken by my Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, should be fulfilled: ‘All who take up the sword, shall perish by the sword.’” (Matt. 26: 52). After this, 7 of the brethren remained with Saint Moses, and one of them hid nearby during the attack of the robbers. The robbers killed Saint Moses and the six monks who remained with him. Their death occurred about the year 400.
JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers of preparation for the receiving of Holy Communion. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst, and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.”
TODAY the Youth Ministry resumes its program of activities with a “back to school” celebration. Students, grades K – 12, have been invited to Safari Mini Golf on the Berlin Turnpike at 11:30, for a round of golf. The deck has been reserved from 11:30 – 1:30. Families are welcome to bring snacks or lunch
Happy birthday to Veronika and Clara who will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming week.
May God grant Veronika and Clara MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
Church School will begin on Sunday, September 18 following Divine Liturgy. Information will be mailed to all families at the beginning of September.