SUN JULY 31 7th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6
- 7мa Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Rom. 15:1-7
- Gospel Mt. 9:27-35
SAT AUG 6 No services. Служби немає.
SUN AUG 7 8th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7
- 8ма Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 1 Cor. 1:10-18
- Gospel Mt. 14:14-22
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.
DORMITION FAST starts tomorrow Monday, August 1, and will last till Monday, August 15. Let’s honor it according to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church and dedicate it to the Holy Mother of God the Protectress of our parish.
KEYS: Anyone who has keys to the church and rectory buildings, please let the Vice-President of our parish Scott Kerry know by next Sunday, August 7. You may call or text Scott at (860) 748-0066. Thank you!
“COFFEE and…” Thank you to Aliona Kovalenlo for hosting “Coffee and…” last Sunday! Hosting today is the Pokotylo family. Hosting next Sunday (8/7/2022) is the Bailly family. We always need donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter, and monetary donations to help pay for kitchen supplies. Please sign up to host a Sunday in September and October. Thank you!
JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League: We continue to have lots of stuff for sale on the tag sale shelves, come and check out all the new stuff! We still are collecting bottles and cans; money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.
AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate! Today is the 158 day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. All money raised goes towards providing medical and light military supplies (backpacks, clothing, and shoes) for our heroes on the frontlines. (Please, remember to patronize Dunphy’s Ice Cream Store (912 Stafford Ave, Bristol), during this hot summer season. Our friends from Dunphy’s helped us a lot at the beginning of our fundraising efforts for Ukraine.)
SAINT OF THE DAY: Righteous Eudocimus of Cappadocia is commemorated on July 31.
Saint Eudocimus, a native of Cappadocia (Asia Minor), lived during the ninth century during the reign of Emperor Theophilus (829-842). He was the son of the pious Christians Basil and Eudokia, a renowned family known to the emperor. They raised their son “in discipline and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6: 4), planting in his soul a sincere faith and holy virtues. The righteous life of Saint Eudocimus was devoted to pleasing God and serving his neighbor. Having given a vow to remain unmarried and chaste, he avoided conversation with women and did not look at them. He would speak only with his own mother, whom he greatly respected. The emperor valued his virtue and talents, so he appointed Saint Eudocimus as governor of Chorziane, Armenia. Fulfilling his duty as a servant of God, Saint Eudocimus governed the people justly and with kindness. He concerned himself with the unfortunate, and with orphans and widows, and he was a defender of the common people. His personal Christian exploits which he did in secret, were known only to God. Eudocimus pleased God with his blameless life, and the Lord called him at age 33. Lying on his deathbed, Saint Eudocimus gave final instructions to place him in the grave in those clothes in which he would meet death. Then he sent everyone out of the room and entreated the Lord that no one would see his end, just as no one saw his secret efforts during life. His attendants buried him as he had instructed them. Right after the death of Saint Eudocimus miracles took place at his grave. Many sick people were healed, and the news of the miraculous healings spread. After 18 months, the mother of Saint Eudocimus came from Constantinople to venerate his relics. She gave orders to remove the stone, dig up the ground, and open the grave. Everyone beheld the face of the saint, bright as if alive, altogether untouched by decay. A great fragrance came from him. They took up the coffin with the relics from the earth, and they dressed the saint in new clothes. His mother wanted to take the relics of her son to Constantinople, but the Kharsian people would not clear a path for their holy one. After a certain time, the hieromonk Joseph, having lived and served at the grave of the saint, transported the relics of Saint Eudocimus to Constantinople. There they were placed in a silver reliquary in the church of the Most Holy Theotokos, built by the parents of the saint. Saint Eudocimus is considered by the Church to be one of the special protectors and intercessors before God of the family life.
HELP to ensure the bright future of our Church! Become a Guardian of the Metropolia! Introducing the Guardians of the Metropolia, a new charitable organization of the UOC of USA. We are dedicated to promoting our Orthodox Christian Faith, growing the core ministries of the UOC of USA, and leaving a strong Church for future generations. Guardians of the Metropolia are committed to supporting the following core ministries of our Church: • Charitable Projects • Youth Ministry • Religious Publications • Seminary • Missions • Clergy Development • Community Outreach • Upgrades to existing facilities or programs inside of the UOC of USA. You too can become a member of this devoted group! Register today! If not us, then who will help our Mother Church?! For more information please visit our website:
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ забезпечити світле майбутнє нашої Церкви! Станьте Покровителем/ою Митрополії! Покровителі Митрополії є новою, благодійною організацією УПЦ США, яка концентруватиме свою діяльність на поширенні вчення Православної Християнської Віри, розбудові Відділів Праці УПЦ США та збереженні міцною УПЦ США для майбутніх поколінь. Покровителі Митрополії зобов’язуються підтримувати Відділи Служіння Церкви: • Відділ Благодійності • Відділ Праці з Молоддю • Відділ Літургійних Видань • Семінарію • Відділ Місіонерства • Відділ Розвитку Духовенства • Місцеві гуманітарні проекти • Оновлення будівель та спонсорування інших церковних проектів УПЦ США. Будь-ласка ставайте членами цієї організації! Якщо не ми, то хто ж допоможе нашій Матері-Церкві?! Для більш детальнішої інформації відвідайте нашу вебсторінку
JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers of preparation for the receiving of Holy Communion. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst, and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.”
Happy birthday to Ella and Henry, both of whom will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming week. May God grant Ella and Henry MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!