Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin July 3, 2022
July 2, 2022
Bulletin July 3, 2022

SUN JULY 3 3rd Sunday after Pentecost.         Tone 2

  • 3тя Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom.      5:1-10
  • Gospel  Mt.      6:22-33
  • Panakhyda for Mary Czapor (5 years anniversary), requested by Helen and Peter Zeleniuk and the family.

SAT JULY 9 Moleben to the Mother of God.

  • Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN JULY 10 4th Sunday after Pentecost Tone 3

  • 4та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom.      6:18-23  
  • Gospel  Mt.      8:5-13



HAPPY 246th BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!!!        

INDEPENDENCE DAY extravaganza and rummage sale were a great success. We profited $6120, which will be split 50/50 between our parish and aid for Ukraine. An additional $1837 of direct donations were raised for the heroes of Ukraine. Many thanks go to Olena Kovalenko and Nataliya Kyrychenko, who spearheaded this project, and all of those, who prepared, conducted, and participated in this amazing fundraiser for the heroes in Ukraine and our parish. We are especially grateful to our donors and supporters for their generosity!

FRESH POTATO VARENYKY are available for sale once again. They are tastier, larger, and cheaper than in the store at $9.00/dozen. Come and get them while supply lasts!

CHURCH COUNCIL NEWS: the treasurer of our parish John Nickleach has retired from his position as of June 30. He was teaching/preparing Irene Blumes to take over his responsibilities during the last few months. At the Council meeting, last Sunday Irene was approved as the new treasurer of our parish. We thank John for years of dedicated service to our parish and wish him the best. He will continue to assist Irene during this transition period.

The head of our Cemetery Committee Ann Romanyshyn resigned from her position and now transferring her responsibilities to Susan Castrillo. We are very grateful to Ann for the work that she had done over the years and wish her the best.

Due to these recent changes, we are looking for candidates to fill positions on the Parish Council. If you are interested in volunteering for your parish on the Council, please let Scott Kerry (our vice-president) know. Thank you!  

Urgent repairs were needed for the 2nd and 3rd floors bathrooms in the rectory. The Council recently approved almost 15K expenditure for this project. The work is supposed to start within the next 2 weeks. Our bread baking team is paying for it. However, any donations for this project will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

CEMETERY:  Sidewalk, retaining wall repair – Soon we will have our sidewalk and part of the retaining wall on entering the cemetery repaired.  No date yet.  We have permission from our neighbor cemetery Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic to use their driveway.  They ask that we drive to the back and walk over the field area to get to our cemetery.  Our new landscaper Grounds Guys of Newington started on June 8th and will continue every other week until December 1st.  Grass grows very quickly. Please be understanding.  Overgrown vegetation will be trimmed.  Bill Backes and Mike Platosz will be trimming foot stones. This will be an ongoing ambitious project.  They will do it when they can, a little at a time.  If anyone would like to volunteer, we would be greatly appreciative. The area can be very wet causing foot stones to sink and headstones to tilt.  Work on the latter will start again.  Sadly, dead animals have been dumped on our property, usually in black plastic bags or cardboard boxes.  If you see anything suspicious, call the police.  We have a case file with the department.  Our address is 269 Osgood Ave.  Give the location of the object on the premises.  Any concerns, or questions, call head caretaker John Bouchard at 860-223-7802.

AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate!

THE EUCHARISTIC Fast is a very important part of the Orthodox discipline that we practice prior to receiving the Holy Communion. It involves total abstinence from any food or drink in the morning (from midnight) prior to receiving the Eucharist. Children, who had their first Confession, must start to adhere to these rules unless there is a medical condition, of which parents must inform the pastor.

ЄВХАРИСТИЧНИЙ піст є дуже важливою частиною Православної дисципліни, яку ми практикуємо перед отримання Святого Причастя. Вона включає в себе повне утримання від будь-якої їжі або напитків вранці (з опівночі) до отримання Євхаристії. Діти, які мали першу Сповідь, повинні почати дотримуватися цих правил, якщо немає медичних перешкод, про яку батьки повинні повідомити отця настоятеля.

“COFFEE and…” Thank you to everyone supporting “Coffee and..” Starting today all money will go to Youth Ministry to sponsor events for our children throughout the year. Thank you to Luba Turetska for hosting last Sunday. Hosting today is Olha Mosanyuk. Hosting next Sunday is Maria Sacalosh. We are in the need of a new 100-cup coffee pot since the old one is no longer working!! Any donations of coffee, individual creamer, butter, and monetary donations are always welcomed! Please sign up to host a Sunday! All of August is open for volunteers. Thank you!!!

LEAVING BEFORE DISMISSAL: leaving church before dismissal deprives us of a blessing. Worship has a beginning “Blessed is the Kingdom…” and an end “Let us depart in peace…” To leave immediately after receiving Communion is to treat the church like a restaurant where we come and go as we please. To leave without thanking the Lord for the honor and privilege of receiving His Most Precious Body and Blood is rude. 

TO CROSS OR NOT TO CROSS: Anyone who has looked around during the services will notice that different people cross themselves at different times (and sometimes even in different ways). To a certain extent, when to cross oneself is according to personal piety, and not an issue of dogma. When we cross ourselves, we engage our body in the worship; not only our mind and heart. But there are times when it is specifically proper to cross ourselves and times when we should not. Here is a brief list of when to cross and when not to cross. To Cross: When we hear one of the variations of the phrase “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”; during Trisagion; at the beginning and end of the services and our private prayers; before venerating an icon, the cross, or the Gospel book; upon entering or exiting the temple; when passing in front of Holy Altar Table; when bishop or priest blesses us this cross, chalice or Gospel book. Not to Cross: At the chalice before or after taking Communion (we might hit the chalice with our hand); when the bishop or priest blesses saying, “Peace be with all” (merely bow slightly and receive the blessing).