Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Bulletin June 26, 2022

SUN JUNE 26 2nd Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints of Ukraine.   Tone 1

  • 2га Нед. після П’ятидесятниці. Всіх Святих України.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom. 2:10-26
  • Gospel 4:18-23
  • Panakhyda for our parish Benefactors. (All remain in the church please!)

SAT JULY 2 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN JULY 3 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 2

  • 3тя Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom. 5:1-10
  • Gospel  Mt 6:22-33
  • Panakhyda for Mary Czapor (5 years anniversary), requested by Helen and Peter Zeleniuk and the family.



CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING:  The regular monthly meeting will be held TODAY during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall.  Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.   

INDEPENDENCE DAY extravaganza and rummage sale were a great success. As of today, we raised $4,996. Donations are still coming in, so the final tally will be posted in the next Sunday bulletin. Many thanks go to those, who organized, prepared, conducted and participated in this amazing fundraiser for our heroes in Ukraine and our parish. We are also grateful to our donors and supporters for their generosity! May God bless you all!

THE APOSTLES’ FAST will continue till Wednesday, June 29. This fast’s physical part consists in abstaining from meat and dairy products. The spiritual side can be observed by us becoming apostles of the Orthodox faith in this world. Talk to someone about your faith; teach them a true Christian lifestyle; try to bring at least one person (who never witnessed Orthodox services) to church during this fast.

AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate! Many thanks go to the children of our parish, who raised $915 for Maidan United through their Lenten Pennies for Heaven project.

2022-23 CALENDAR: Will those groups and individuals who have dates for the 2022-23 church calendar please get them to Nataliya Kyrychenko (the secretary of our parish council) by the end of June.

BENEFACTOR:  Who is a Church Benefactor? These are members who loved the Church and who left $5,000 or more to the Church in their wills after they passed to eternity.  Their names are listed on a plaque that is inside the Church entrance door on the right wall.

WE WILL pray for our benefactors TODAY. They are – Alice Andrusia, Dorothy Belas, Josephine Burger, Catherine Chyre (pronounced Sheeree), Pauline Demetro, John Gontarsky, Mary Karbonik, Catherine Kerelejza, Ann and Joseph Kochanowsky, Sylvia Lindgren, Maria Mashluk, Anne Melnyk  McAloon, Wasyl and Anastajza Platosz, Stephen Platosh, Catherine and Stephen Sawka, Anna Sejerman, Alice Stone, Mary Timchiszin. These parishioners had one thing in common, they all were devoted to their Church. Some had large families to remember them; others were alone and asked the Church to pray for them. Whatever their situation, they all believed that their generous monetary gifts would enable the Church to continue its sacred mission and keep praying for their souls. We pray for them with gratitude today!

CEMETERY:  Sidewalk, retaining wall repair – Soon we will have our sidewalk and part of the retaining wall on entering the cemetery repaired.  No date yet.  We have permission from our neighbor cemetery Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic to use their driveway.  They ask that we drive to the back and walk over the field area to get to our cemetery.  Our new landscaper Grounds Guys of Newington started on June 8th and will continue every other week until December 1st.  Grass grows very quickly. Please be understanding.  Overgrown vegetation will be trimmed.  Bill Backes and Mike Platosz will be trimming foot stones. This will be an ongoing ambitious project.  They will do it when they can, a little at a time.  If anyone would like to volunteer, we would be greatly appreciative. The area can be very wet causing foot stones to sink and headstones to tilt.  Work on the latter will start again.  Sadly, dead animals have been dumped on our property, usually in black plastic bags or cardboard boxes.  If you see anything suspicious, call the police.  We have a case file with the department.  Our address is 269 Osgood Ave.  Give the location of the object on the premises.  Any concerns, or questions, call head caretaker John Bouchard at 860-223-7802.

CHURCH COUNCIL NEWS: urgent repairs were needed for the 2nd and 3rd floors bathrooms in the rectory. The Council approved expenditure of almost 15K last Sunday. The work is supposed to start within 2 weeks. Our bread baking team is paying for it. However, any donations for this project will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

“COFFEE and…” Thank you to everyone supporting coffee and… Thank you to Liza Garbowka for hosting coffee and.. last Sunday. Hosting today is Lubov Tyretzka. Hosting next Sunday will be Olha Mosanyuk. Donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter, and monetary donations are welcomed! Starting in July, money from Coffee and… goes to the Youth Ministry, which sponsors many activities for our children throughout the year.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU: The Angels Club thanks Lucian Josefiak for donating his recent winnings back to the Angels Club Treasury.  May God grant Lucian Many Blessed Years!  МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!