SUN APR 24 The Glorious Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
- Пасха. Воскресіння Христoве. ВЕЛИКДЕНЬ.
- Paschal Services will commence with Midnight Office
- Matins of the Resurrection. Утреня Воскресіння.
- Divine Liturgy of Blessed Pascha. Святa Літургія @ 6:00 AM
- (Blessing of Food Baskets immediately after Divine Liturgy.)
MON APR 25 Bright Monday. Світлий Понеділок.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SAT APR 30 No Services. (Fr. Andrii will be in South Bound Brook, NJ)
SUN MAY 1 2nd SUNDAY OF PASCHA. St. Thomas Sunday. Tone 1
- Liturgy.Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Acts 5:12-20
- Gospel Jn. 20:19-31
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be held next Sunday during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.
BLESSING OF THE GRAVES: Fr. Andrii will be available at our St. Mary’s Cemetery for Paschal blessing of the graves next Sunday, May 1 approximately at 12:30 pm, after Council meeting. Please, plan accordingly.
AID for REFUGEES: Please donate! We will be starting our efforts to help refugees now. They are stock at the San Diego border crossing in CA. It costs about $500/person to fly them here. Plus, we need to help those refugees, who are already in CT. Let’s remember our Lord saying: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me… Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” (Mt. 25, 35, 40) Many thanks to: Marilyn (the pysanky lady) and her class for donating $265, Dr. Larry and Vera Levy for their $200 donation.
ALTAR SERVERS: The money collected on exiting at the end of Divine Liturgy next Sunday will go to our devoted altar servers fund and is used for small altar beatifications and their fun outings etc. Please be generous.
MANY THANKS go to our Flowers and Linens Committee pani matka Joan Szwez and Maria Szwez, as well as to Fr. Tony, for gorgeous job they did decorating our church for these Holy Days. Many, blessed years to them! Mnohaya lita!
ARTOS, is a leavened bread that is blessed at the end of the services on Easter Sunday in Orthodox Church. The significance of the Artos is that it serves to remind all Christians of the events connected with the Resurrection of Christ. After His Resurrection, the Lord appeared to His disciples more than once, ate before them and blessed their meals. After the Lord ascended to Heaven, His disciples and other followers often met for common prayer and partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ. When they sat down to an ordinary meal (Agape) after the prayer services, they would leave a place at the head of the table empty for the invisibly present Lord and would lay a loaf of leavened bread (Artos) on that place. It is a custom among Orthodox Christians to this day to keep a portion of the Artos throughout the year and with due reverence and faith partake of it in time of illness or distress. It’s often eaten together with a drink of Holy Water.
The Jr UOL would like to thank everyone who supposed the Easter Tag Sale!! This will be the last week for Easter Items!!
Coffee and… Thank you to Natalia Kyrychenko for hosting coffee and… , last Sunday. No coffee and… this Sunday- Have A blessed Easter. Hosting coffee and.., on May 1st – Scott Kerry. Donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter and monetary donations are always welcomed. Thank you for your continuous support! The Scholarship Committee.
A HUGE THANK YOU goes to Olga Vorona and Nataliіa Vaverchak, who washed and ironed all embroidered towels in our church. Велике спасибі Ользі Ворона і Наталі Ваверчак за те, що вони попрали і попрасували всі рушники в церкві. Mnohaya Lita! Многая літа!
Paschal Greetings from Around the World:
English: Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! Coptic: Pikhirstof aftonf! Khen o methni aftonf!
Ukrainian: Kristos Voskres! Voistynu voskres! Ethiopian: Christos t’ensah em’ muhtan! Exai’ ab-her eokala!
Greek: Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti! Italian: Cristo risorto! Veramente risorto!
Romanian: Hristos a Inviat! Adeverat a Inviat! Latin: Christus resurrexit! Vere resurrexit!
Христос воскрес! (2)
Радість з неба ся являє,
Пасха красна днесь витає,
Радуйтеся щиро нині,
Бог дав щастя всій родині,
Бог дав радість нам з небес:
Христос воскрес! (2)
Христос воскрес! (2)
Земленька зі сну збудилась,
В трави, квіти замаїлась,
Звір і птичка веселиться,
Миром Божим світ краситься.
Люди! Мир дав Бог з небес:
Христос воскрес! (2)
Христос воскрес! (2)
Мир нам сам Христос приносить,
Мир нам небо днесь голосить,
Мир той Божий всі вітаймо,
Ласку Божу прославляймо,
Чудо Боже всіх чудес:
Христос воскрес! (2)
Христос воскрес! (2)
Ученики мир співають,
Страх і смуток забувають,
Слово Боже всім голосять
I спасення їм приносять,
А спасення йде з небес:
Христос воскрес! (2)
Христос воскрес! (2)
В правді Божій просвітімся,
В правді Божій веселімся,
Щезла вже страшна неволя,
Завітала краща доля,
Доля Божа нам з небес:
Христос воскрес! (2)
Христос воскрес! (2)
Радуйтеся, Божі люди,
Хай між вами гнів не буде,
Хай цвіте любов все Божа,
Чиста, мила, як квіт-рожа,
Бо любов прийшла з небес:
Христос воскрес! (2)
There will be no Church School classes today. Classes will resume on next Sunday, May 1. Students are reminded to bring their “Pennies from Heaven” containers to Liturgy on that day.
The annual Lenten almsgiving activity “Pennies from Heaven” is happening now and it will continue until next Sunday, May 1 when we will present the collection containers to Fr. Andrii during Divine Liturgy. The funds the students collect will be used for aid to Ukraine through the humanitarian group, Maidan United. Please give your generous donation to any of our Church School students.