Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin April 17, 2022
April 15, 2022
Bulletin April 17, 2022

SUN APR 17 Palm Sunday. Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem. 

  • Вербна Неділя. Вхід Господній в Єрусалим.
  • Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Phil. 4:4-9
  • Gospel  John 12:1-18
  • Blessing of Willows. Посвячення верби. 

MON APR 18 Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

  • Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів @ 9:00 AM 

TUE APR 19 Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

  • Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів @ 9:00 AM 

WED APR 20 Sacrament of Holy Unction. Єлеопомазання @ 5:00 PM 

THU APR 21 Matins of the Twelve Passion Gospels.

  • Читання 12 Євангелій Святих Страстів @ 5:00 PM 

FRI APR 22 Great Vespers.  Велика Вечірня.

  • Procession with the Holy Shroud.  Винесення Плащaниці.
  • Commemoration of the Burial of Christ @ 5:00 PM 

SAT APR 23 Great and Holy Saturday. Страстна Субота. Vesperal Liturgy of

  • St. Basil the Great. Вечірня і Літургія св. Василiя Великогo.
  • Blessing of Food Baskets after the Liturgy @ 12:00 (noon) 

SUN APR 24 The Glorious Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus

  • Christ. Пасха. Воскресіння Христoве. ВЕЛИКДЕНЬ.
  • Paschal Services will commence with Midnight Office
  • Matins of the Resurrection. Утреня Воскресіння.
  • Divine Liturgy of Blessed Pascha.  Святa Літургія @ 6:00 AM
  • (Blessing of Food Baskets immediately after Divine Liturgy.)




 CONFESSION: Father Andrii will hear Confessions before or after any of the Lenten services or before Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Last day to fulfil your Lenten spiritual duty is Great Thursday evening. Please arrive early on Sunday morning for Confession so this won’t interfere with the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. 

 AID for UKRAINE: Please continue to donate! If you’d like to see results of our efforts, please visit Facebook page of Maidan United for regular updates. If you have extra travel suitcases, please donate.

 PASCHA BREAD BAKING Many thanks go to all who work so hard those 2 very productive days. We made a record $1,342+ for our church. May God bless everyone who helped!

 ALTAR SERVERS: The money collected on exiting at the end of Divine Liturgy next Sunday will go to our devoted altar servers fund and is used for small altar beatifications and their fun outings etc. Please be generous.

SAINT OF THE DAY: Saint Acacius, Bishop of Melitene ic commemorated on April 17. Saint Acacius, Bishop of Melitene, was born into a pious family in the Armenian city of Melitene. His parents had been childless for a long time. They had prayed for a son and vowed to dedicate him to God. Therefore, Acacius was given to Bishop Ostrychius of Melitene (November 7) to serve the Church. Saint Ostrychius was a firm supporter of Orthodoxy. When the heresy of Macedonius arose, it was Saint Ostrychius who set forth the Orthodox teaching about the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Holy Trinity One in Essence and Undivided at the Second Ecumenical Council (381). The holy hierarch raised Acacius with love, made him a reader, and then ordained him a deacon and then to the holy priesthood. Saint Acacius devoutly served the Church. He instructed both adults and children in the Holy Scripture, and in the Orthodox Confession of faith. Among his disciples was Saint Euthymius the Great (January 20). After the death of Saint Ostrychius, Saint Acacius was elevated to the bishop’s throne of Melitene by general acclamation. He wisely governed his diocese. By his firm faith, humility and deeds, the saint acquired the gift of wonderworking. Once, during a dry summer, the saint celebrated Liturgy in an open field, suddenly the wine in the Holy Chalice was mixed by the falling rain, which fell throughout the land. He prayed during a flood, and the advancing river turned away and did not rise higher than the stone which he had placed at the riverbank. On one of the islands of the River Azar, despite the opposition of the pagans, the saint built a temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. The builders of the church either through carelessness or through malice, were not careful in building the dome. During the Liturgy the dome was ready to collapse. The people rushed out of the church in terror. But the saint halted their flight saying, “The Lord is the defender of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps. 26/27:1). The dome remained suspended in the air. Only when the services were ended, and the saint was the last one to emerge from the church, did the dome collapse, causing harm to no one. After this, the church was rebuilt. Saint Acacius participated in the Third Ecumenical Council (431) and he defended the Orthodox teaching of the Two Natures (Divine and Human) of the Savior, and of His seedless Birth from the Most Holy Virgin Mother of God. Saint Acacius peacefully fell asleep in the Lord around the year 435.

 COFFEE and… Thank you to Igor Chtefan for hosting coffee and… last Sunday! Hosting today is Natalya Kyrychenko. Donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter and monetary donations are always welcomed. Thank you for your continuous support.  The Scholarship Committee.

 CULTURAL: Pysanky making supplies and Easter eggs are now available. UOL: Please come and get your Easter items at the Tag Sale Booth downstairs!

 ANGELS CLUB:  Congratulations to the winners of the April drawing.  They are: William Backes, $25.00; Joyce Dygus, $15.00 and Pani Matka Joanne Szwez, $10.00.

 CUSTODIAN NEEDED If you know someone (or some family) that might be interested to move in into our rectory house and take custodian responsibilities for our parish property, please, let Dr. Paul Szwez or Fr. Andrii know.

Our loving thanks go to Julia Stepanczak who once again donated $30 to defray the cost of mailing bulletins to the shut-ins. May God grant Anna and Julia MANY BLESSED YEARS!  MNOHAYA LITA!