About Us

About Us

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has deep roots with acceptance of Christianity in 988 A.D. We are the Apostolic Church that follows the teachings of the early/original Church of Christ. Our beautiful Liturgy and ancient traditions nourish our souls and give direction in our daily lives. Our Ukrainian Orthodox parish of St. Mary’s in New Britain, CT is a vibrant and growing family that welcomes all.
If you are interested in becoming part of our community, please visit us for Liturgy on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.

Українська Православна Церква має глибоке коріння з прийняттям християнства в 988 р. н.е. Ми є Апостольською Церквою, яка слідує вченням ранньої/первісної Церкви Христа. Наша прекрасна Літургія і давні традиції живлять наші душі і дають напрямок у нашому повсякденному житті. Наша українська православна парафія Святої Марії в Новій Британії, КТ є живою і зростаючою сім’єю, яка вітає всіх. Якщо ви зацікавлені в тому, щоб стати частиною нашої громади, будь ласка, відвідайте нас на Літургію в неділю вранці о 9:00.

Our church was founded over 100 years ago and is one of the oldest Ukrainian churches in Connecticut. Our parish community is made up of a wide range of people, including recent immigrants from Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe, members that have converted to Orthodoxy, as well as descendants of the founding members of our parish. We are a vibrant and growing bilingual Orthodox community.

If you are new to Orthodoxy or have a desire to return to your Orthodox ancestry, please join us in celebrating a Divine Liturgy in Ukrainian and  English.

Our Mission 

St. Mary’s (the Nativity of the Mother of God) Ukrainian Orthodox Church: a community which celebrates, shares and embraces Jesus Christ by following the Orthodox Faith, enriched by Ukrainian tradition.

The Story of Saint Mary's

Read the history of Saint Mary’s parish…