Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin July 28, 2024
July 26, 2024
Bulletin July 28, 2024

SUN JULY 28 5th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 4

  • 5тa неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Epistle Rom. 10:1-10
  • Gospel Mt. 8:28-9:1

SAT AUG 3 Moleben to the Mother of God.

  •  Молебень до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN AUG 4 6th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 5

  • 6тa неділя після П’ятидисятниці.
  • Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Epistle Rom. 12:6-14
  • Gospel Mt. 9:1-8




CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: The regular monthly meeting will be TODAY. Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

THE RESTORATION of the rectory porch is completed. Many thanks to Vasyl Diakun and his crew for this masterpiece. It looks beautiful! Thank you, Vasyl, for donating the extras. Many blessed years to all of them! We accept donations to recoup at least some of the costs. Thank you!

ВІДНОВА ВЕРАНДИ в церковному будинку завершена. Велика подяка Василю Дякун і його бригаді за прекрасну роботу і ті екстра, які вони пожертвували на церкву. Многії і благії літа їм усім! Будь-ласка, пожертвуйте на покриття витрат. Дякуємо!

TO KISS or not to kiss? This is the question regarding the veneration of the icons right after the reception of the Holy Communion. The answer is NO! Please refrain from kissing icons right after Communion since your lips may contain some Blood of Christ on them, which will be smudged on the icon. You may and are encouraged to kiss the Chalise, as tradition dictates. Otherwise, please proceed to the back of the church, drink zapyvka, lick your lips clean, and let whatever may have been left there soak into your body. The next item you may kiss after Communion is the Holy Cross at the end of the service. Please also refrain from making signs of the cross right in front of the Chalise. Thank you!

ЦІЛУВАТИ чи не цілувати? Це питання відноситься щодо вшанування ікон відразу після прийняття Святого Причастя. Відповідь: НІ! Будь ласка, утримайтеся від цілування ікон відразу після Причастя, так як на ваших устах може бути трошки Крові Христової, яка буде розмазана на іконі. Можна і заохочується цілування Святої Чаші, як велить традиція. В іншому випадку, будь ласка, пройдіть до заду церкви, випийте запивки, оближіть губи і дайте всьому, що там могло залишитися, ввійти в ваше тіло. Наступним предметом, який можна поцілувати після Причастя є Чесний Хрест в кінці служби. Будь ласка, також утримуйтеся від здійснення хресного знамення безпосередньо перед Чашею. Дякую!

COFFEE and…: Thank you to the Dyrbavka family for hosting Coffee last Sunday. Maria Kyrychenko will host today, and David and Missy Bouchard will host next Sunday. Thank you for your continuous support…

SAINTS OF THE DAY: Holy Apostles of the Seventy and Deacons: Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas are commemorated on July 28. They were among the first deacons in the Church of Christ. In the Acts of the Holy Apostles (6:1-6), it is said that the twelve Apostles chose seven men: Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and appointed them to serve as deacons. They are commemorated together on July 28, although they died at various times and places. At first, Saint Prochorus accompanied the holy Apostle Peter, who made him bishop of the city of Nicomedia. After the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Prochorus was a companion and coworker of the holy Apostle John the Theologian and was banished with him to the island of Patmos. There, he assisted St. John in writing down the Book of Revelation concerning the final fate of the world. Upon returning to Nicomedia, Saint Prochorus converted pagans to Christ in Antioch, where he suffered martyrdom. Although Saint Nicanor suffered on the same day that the holy Protomartyr Stephen (December 27) and many other Christians were killed by stoning, he is also commemorated on December 28. Saint Timon was later appointed by the Apostles as bishop of the city of Bosra in Arabia and suffered from the Jews and pagans for preaching the Gospel. He was thrown into a furnace, but by the power of God, he came out of it unharmed. The tradition of the Roman Church says that Saint Timon died by crucifixion. Saint Timon is also commemorated on December 30. Saint Parmenas zealously preached Christ in Macedonia. He died after being afflicted with an illness. Some say that Saint Parmenas suffered martyrdom under Trajan (98-117) in the final year of his reign.

Venerable Moses, Wonderworker of the Kyiv Caves, is also commemorated on July 28. Saint Moses lived in the Kyiv Caves Monastery during the XIII-XIV centuries and was wholly dedicated to God. He wore chains and a heavy copper cross to subdue his body. His continuous and favorite ascetical struggle was psalmody and making innumerable prostrations. Therefore, he received the gift of working miracles. The relics of the righteous Moses are in the Far (Theodosios) Caves.

PLEASE LOOK AROUND our church on Sunday morning, and if you see some new people, don’t hesitate to talk to them and welcome them. They are the guests in our Lord’s house and your house of worship, too. Do not be afraid of language barriers; the language of love is truly universal and the most comprehensible one.

БУДЬ-ЛАСКА, огляньте нашу церкву в неділю вранці, і якщо ви побачите нових людей, не соромтеся привітати їх. Вони є гостями в домі нашого Небесного Отця і у нашому домі молитви. Не бійтеся мовних бар’єрів; мова любові воістину універсальна і найбільш зрозуміла.

THE MIRACLE IS COMING: Our church will be hosting the myrrh-streaming and miracle-working icon of the Holy Kardiotissa “Tender Heart/Лагідне Серце” of the Virgin Mary from St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA on September 6 and 7. Please spread this good news to your families and friends. Come to church these days and hear the miraculous stories of the Icon. Everyone is welcome!!! The icon is famous for its miraculous healing powers in healing all forms of cancers, for helping with childbearing, saving those with suicidal thoughts, and for many other illnesses and ailments. In addition, Holy Kardiotissa loves children very much. So, bring your children for a special blessing on that day.

DORMITION FAST starts this Thursday, August 1, and will last until Thursday, August 15. Let’s honor it according to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church and dedicate it to the Holy Mother of God, the Protectress of our parish. It’s a proper time to clean the soul from sins, especially for those who receive Communion regularly.

УСПЕНСЬКИЙ піст розпочинається вже цього четверга, 1 серпня, і триватиме до четверга, 15 серпня. Вшануймо його згідно з вченням Святої Православної Церкви і присвятимо Пресвятій Богородиці, Покровительці нашої парафії. Це слушний час для очищення душі від гріхів, особливо для тих, хто регулярно причащається.

ANGELS CLUB: Congratulations to the winners of the July drawing. They are Jeri Bouchard, $25.00; Paul Szwez, $15.00; and Kathleen Santa Maria, $10.00.


 SUPPORT YOUTH MINISTRY: From June 1 to September 1, your “Coffee and…” donations will go to the Youth Ministry to fund their service projects and activities. Please be generous.