SUN NOV 12 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6
- 23тя Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Eph. 2:4-10
- Gospel Lk. 10:25-37
SAT NOV 18 Akhathist to the Mother of God.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN NOV 19 24th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7
- 24та Неділя після Пятидисятниці.
- Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Eph. 2:14-22
- Gospel Lk. 12:16-21
- Panakhyda for Ihumen Gregory Woonfenden and Protopresbyter Basil Zawiriuha, requested by Dr. Joan Kerelejza, Cynthia, and John Sirick.
THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING is scheduled for TODAY. All parishioners in good financial and spiritual standing are invited to this important meeting. Our Sisterhood will serve a delicious pasta lunch prior to the meeting, with all proceeds to support Ukraine. Cost: $15 for adults, $8 for teenagers 10-18, and kids under 10 – free.
PІЧНІ ПАРАФІЯЛЬНІ ЗБОРИ відбудуться СЬОГОДНІ. Всі парафіяни в доброму фінансовому і духовному стані запрошуються на ці важливі збори. Наші Сестриці приготували нам смачний паста обід. Вся виручка від обіду піде на підтримку України. Вартість обіду – дорослі $15, підлітки 10-18 років $8, діти 10 років і менше – безкоштовно.
NATIVITY FAST will begin on Wednesday, November 15, and continue till Monday, December 25. Let’s journey through this sacred season with a renewed personal commitment to fasting, prayer, works of Christian charity, and frequent participation in the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church according to the teachings of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ.
РІЗДВЯНИЙ піст розпочнеться у середу, 15 листопада, і триватиме до понеділка, 25 грудня. Давайте пройдемо цією священною порою року з новою особистою відданістю посту, молитві, ділам християнського милосердя та частій участі в таїнственному та літургійному житті Церкви згідно з вченням Господа нашого Ісуса Христа.
ТАЇНСТВО СВЯТОГО ШЛЮБУ: Раба Божа Діана Гонтар та раб Божий Андрій Голод поєдналися у Таїнстві Святого Шлюбу вчора у суботу, 11 листопада 2023 року. Нехай Бог дарує Діані та Андрію багато щасливих і благословенних років життя в любові, щасті та злагоді! Многії і благії літа молодому подружжю!
SAINT of the DAY: Venerable Nilus, the Myrrhgusher of Mount Athos is commemorated today. He was born in Greece, in the Zakoneia diocese. His uncle, the hieromonk Macarius, raised him. Having attained the age of maturity, he received monastic tonsure and was found worthy of ordination to hierodeacon and then to hieromonk. The desire for greater monastic struggles brought uncle and nephew to Mt Athos, where Macarius and Nilus lived in asceticism at the Holy Rocks. Upon the repose of Saint Macarius, the venerable Nilus, aflame with zeal for even more intense spiritual efforts, found an isolated place almost inaccessible to any living thing. Upon his departure to the Lord in 1651, Saint Nilus was glorified by an abundant flow of healing myrrh, for which Christians journeyed from the most distant lands of the East. Saint Nilus has left a remarkably accurate prophecy concerning the state of the Church in the mid-twentieth century and a description of the people of that time. Among the inventions, he predicted are the telephone, airplane, and submarine. He also warned that people’s minds would be clouded by carnal passions, “and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger.” Men would not be distinguishable from women because of their “shamelessness of dress and style of hair.” Saint Nilus lamented that Christian pastors, bishops and priests would become vain men and that the morals and traditions of the Church would change. Few pious and God-fearing pastors would remain, and many people would stray from the right path because no one would instruct them.
HOLODOMOR: November is Holodomor remembrance month. Those unfamiliar with the Holodomor in Ukraine should know that between 1932 and 1934, at least 7 million (possibly as high as 10 million) Ukrainians were starved to death in a genocide conducted by the communists/socialists. In June of 1933, an average of 30,000 people PER DAY died. Please pray for the souls of these innocent victims.
ГОЛОДОМОР: Листопад є місяцем пам’яті жертв Голодомору. Між 1932 і 1934 роками щонайменше 7 мільйонів (можливо, навіть 10 мільйонів) українців загинули від голоду, що було геноцидом, який вчинила більшовицька, сталінська влада. У червні 1933 року помирало в середньому 30 000 людей на день. Будь-ласка, моліться за душі цих невинних жертв.
PLEASE HELP! The old water heaters in the Church school and 1st floor of the rectory leakеd and were replaced. The cost of replacement was over $3000. Please help with your donations. We really appreciate any help you can provide. Many thanks go to those who already donated!
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ-ЛАСКА! Старі водонагрівачі/котли у церковній школі і на першому поверсі протекли і потребували заміни. Вартість заміни становила понад 3000 доларів. Якщо можете, будь ласка, допоможіть вашими пожертвами. Дякуємо!
SISTERHOOD: We have pyrohi available for purchase!
UOL: It is time to renew your UOL membership or become a member!!! Dues for senior UOL is 20 dollars, and junior UOL is 5 dollars!!! Please send dues to Anne Bailly or give to Anne Bailly or Father Andrii in church. Thank you, Anne Bailly, Treasurer.
COFFEE and…: Thank you to Iryna Dmytryshyn for hosting coffee and… last Sunday!! Today, we are enjoying a spaghetti luncheon hosted by the sisterhood and benefiting the Ukrainian war efforts!! Hosting next Sunday is the Hryhorii Protsanyn Family. Thank you for your continued support of coffee and…
Church School classes will not be held today. Classes will resume next Sunday, November 19, as usual.
Happy birthday to Yuliya, who celebrated her birthday yesterday. May God grant Yuliya MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!