SUN AUG 7 8th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7
- 8ма Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 1 Cor. 1:10-18
- Gospel Mt. 14:14-22
SAT AUG 13 Akathist to the Mother of God.
- Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM
SUN AUG 14 9th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 8
- 9тa Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
- Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle 1 Сor. 3:9-17
- Gospel Mt. 14:22-34
- Panakhyda for Archpriest Steven Belonick, Andrew and Catherine Kochanowski, Michael and Mary Kerelejza, and Steven and Anne Belonick, as requested by Cynthia Belonick and Kathy Santa Maria.
DORMITION FAST, which we started last Monday, will continue till Monday, August 15. Let’s honor it according to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church and dedicate it to the Holy Mother of God the Protectress of our parish. This year we should dedicate this fast also to our struggle/war in Ukraine. We are dealing with demonic forces there that can be defeated by prayer and fasting, according to the Lord. One should fast on all days from all animal products (meat, poultry, milk, cheese, etc.) and olive oil and wine.
NEW PARISH MEMBER: Please welcome to our parish the families of Tatiana Hevko, Nazar Savitskyy and Myroslav Uhryn. May God grant Tatiana, Nazar, and Myroslav Many Happy and Blessed Years! МНОГАЯ ЛІТА!
CEMETERY COMMITTEE: The following projects have been completed recently – repair of sidewalk, repair of retaining wall, spring trimming of overgrown vegetation in front of headstones and around cemetery periphery, removal of items around the shed. Ongoing projects – fixing water faucets, monument circle. Any questions/concerns contact head caretaker John Bouchard at 860-223-7802.
JUNIOR Ukrainian Orthodox League: We continue to have lots of stuff for sale on the tag sale shelves, come and check out all the new stuff! We still are collecting bottles and cans; money is used for donations to organizations that need support in our community! Thank you for your support! Isabella Castrillo – President.
AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate, pray and fast! Today is the 165th day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. All money raised goes towards providing medical and light military supplies (backpacks, clothing, and shoes) for our heroes on the frontlines.
SAINT OF THE DAY: Martyr Dometius of Persia and his two disciples are commemorated on August 7. Saint Dometius lived in Persia during the fourth century. Forsaking Persia, he withdrew to the city of Nisibis (in Mesopotamia), where he was baptized in one of the monasteries, and also received the monastic tonsure. Fleeing the ill-will of some of the monks, Saint Dometius moved to the monastery of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in the city of Theodosiopolis. In this monastery, Saint Dometius was ordained to deaconate, but when the archimandrite decided to have him made a presbyter, the saint, considering himself unworthy, hid on a desolate mountain in Syria, in the region of Cyrrhus. Stories about him constantly spread among the local inhabitants. They began to come to him for healing and for help. Many pagans were brought to faith in Christ by Dometius. And one time, in the locality where Saint Dometius struggled with his disciples, the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363) arrived, traveling on his campaign against the Persians. By order of the emperor, soldiers found Saint Dometius praying with his disciples in a cave, and walled them up alive inside.
Venerable Pimen the Much-Ailing of the Kyiv Near Caves is also commemorated on August 7. This Ukrainian ascetic was both born and grew up sickly, but his illness preserved him from illness of the soul. For a long time, he besought his parents to send him to the Kyiv Caves monastery. When they brought their son to the famed monastery, they then began to pray for him to be healthy. But the sufferer himself, conscious of the high value of suffering, instead asked the Lord both for the continuation of his sickness, and also his tonsuring into monasticism. One night, radiant angels appeared in the guise of monks and tonsured him. They told him that he would receive his health only on the day of his death. Several of the brethren heard the sound of singing, and coming to Saint Pimen, they found him attired in monastic garb. In his hand, he held a lit candle, and his tonsured hair could be seen in the crypt of Saint Theodosius. Saint Pimen spent many years in sickness so that those attending to him could not tolerate it. They often left him without food and water for two or three days at a time, but he endured everything with joy. Compassionate towards the brethren, Saint Pimen healed a certain crippled brother, who promised to serve him until death if he were healed. But after a while, the brother grew lax in his service, and his former ailment overtook him. Saint Pimen again healed him with the advice, that both the sick and those attending the sick receive an equal reward. Saint Pimen spent twenty years in grievous sufferings. One day, as the angels had predicted, he became healthy. In church, the monk took leave of all the brethren and partook in the Holy Mysteries. Then, having bowed down before the grave of Abba Anthony, Saint Pimen indicated the place for his burial, and he himself carried his bed there. Pointing to those buried there, one after the other of the monks, he predicted that the brethren would find one buried in the schema to be without it since this monk had led a life unworthy of it. Another monk, who had been buried without the schema, would be found clothed in it after death since he had greatly desired it during his life, and he was worthy. Then Saint Pimen lay down upon his bed and fell asleep in the Lord. The brethren buried him with great honor, glorifying God. After the death of Saint Pimen, the brethren were persuaded of the truth of his words. On the day of Saint Pimen’s repose, three fiery columns appeared over the trapeza and moved atop the church.
“COFFEE and…” Thank you to the Pokotylo family for hosting “Coffee and…” last Sunday! Hosting today is the Bailly family. Hosting next Sunday (8/14/2022) is Irene Blumes. We always need donations of coffee, individual creamers, butter, and monetary donations to help pay for kitchen supplies. Please sign up to host a Sunday in September and October. Thank you!
CONGRATULATIONS to Rebekah Bailly who was awarded a Lynn Sawchuk/Sharon Kuzbyt scholarship (LSSK) at the recent UOL convention. This recognition is made to students for their outstanding service to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox League, for academic performance in high school, for civic leadership, and an ethical and moral character.
Happy birthday to Anastasiya and Caroline who will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming week. May God grant Rebekah, Anastasiya, and Caroline MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!
The Youth Ministry invites all school-age children (kindergarten through grade 12) to a mini golfing event at Safari Golf on the Berlin Turnpike on Sunday, August 28 following Divine Liturgy. Specific information will be sent to the children in the next weeks.