Home 9 Weekly Bulletin 9 Bulletin July 24, 2022
July 22, 2022
Bulletin July 24, 2022

SUN JULY 24 6th Sunday after Pentecost.   Tone 5

  • 6та Неділя після П’ятидесятниці. 
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom.  12:6-14  
  • Gospel  Mt.  9:1-8

SAT JULY 30 Akathist to the Mother of God.

  • Акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці @ 5:00 PM

SUN JULY 31  7th Sunday after Pentecost.  Tone 6

  • 7мa Неділя після П’ятидесятниці.
  • Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM
  • Apostle Rom.  15:1-7
  • Gospel  Mt.  9:27-35



CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING:  The regular monthly meeting will be held next Sunday, July 31 during “Coffee and…” in the parish hall.  Council members are requested to make every effort to attend this meeting.

FRESH POTATO VARENYKY are available for sale once again. They are tastier, larger, and cheaper than in the store at $9.00/dozen. Come and get them while supply lasts!

MANY THANKS go to those, who have been cleaning the former funeral home for the last 3 weeks. If any group or organization of our parish has anything stored in that building, please remove it by next Sunday, July 31. Otherwise, it will be disposed of by the contractor.

“COFFEE and…” Thank you to Maria Savitska’s family for hosting last Sunday. Hosting today is Aliona Kovalenko. Hosting next Sunday is pani matka Oksana Pokotylo! We now have a 100-cup coffee maker donated by the Junior and Senior Ukrainian Orthodox League of New Britain CT. Please sign up to host Sundays in September and October! Thank you!

AID for Ukraine: Please continue to donate! Today is the 151 day of the war and genocide of Russia against Ukraine. All money raised goes towards providing medical and light military supplies (backpacks, clothing, and shoes) for our heroes on the frontlines. (Please, remember to patronize Dunphy’s Ice Cream Store (912 Stafford Ave, Bristol), during this hot summer season. Our friends there helped us a lot at the beginning of our fundraising efforts for Ukraine.)

CEMETERY: We are aware that there is a problem with the water faucets and are working on it. Any concerns, or questions, call head caretaker John Bouchard at 860-223-7802.

SAINTS OF THE DAY: Martyrs and Passion-Bearers Borys and Glib are commemorated on July 24. Saints Borys and Glib were sons of Saint Volodymyr the Great (July 15). Saint Borys was named Romanus and Saint Glib was named David at their Baptism. After their father’s death, the eldest son Sviatopolk planned to kill his brothers Borys, Glib, and Yaroslav in order to seize power. He sent a message to Borys, pretending that he wished to live in peace with him and to increase Borys’s land holdings inherited from their father.

Some of Volodymyr’s advisers told Borys that he should take the army and establish himself as ruler of Kyiv. Saint Borys, however, said that he could never lift his hand against his own brother. Unfortunately, Sviatopolk was not so scrupulous. He came to the town of Vyshgorod to ask its leaders if they were loyal to him. They assured him that they were ready to die for him. Sviatopolk sent assassins to the Alta to kill Borys, who already knew that his brother wanted him dead. When they arrived, they heard him chanting psalms and praying before an icon of Christ. He asked the Lord to strengthen him for the suffering he was about to endure. He also prayed for Sviatopolk, asking God not to count this against him as sin. Then he lay down on his couch, and the assassins stabbed him with their lances and also killed some of Borys’s servants. Wrapping Borys in a cloth, they threw him onto a wagon and drove off with him. When Sviatopolk saw that he was still breathing, he sent some men to finish him off with swords. After Sviatopolk had killed Borys, he wondered, “Now how can I kill Glib?” He sent him a message saying that their father was ill and wished to see him. As he was on his way, he received word from Yaroslav that their father had died and that Sviatopolk had murdered Boris. Saint Glib wept for his father and brother and was lamenting them when the assassins arrived. They seized his boat and drew their weapons, but it was Glib’s cook Torchin who stabbed him with a knife. The martyr’s body was thrown onto the shore between two trees. Later, he was buried beside Saint Borys in the church of Saint Basil. Saints Borys and Glib received the crown of martyrdom in 1015. They became known as Passion-Bearers since they did not resist evil with violence.

HELP to ensure the bright future of our Church! Become a Guardian of the Metropolia! Introducing the Guardians of the Metropolia, a new charitable organization of the UOC of USA. We are dedicated to promoting our Orthodox Christian Faith, growing the core ministries of the UOC of USA, and leaving a strong Church for future generations. Guardians of the Metropolia are committed to supporting the following core ministries of our Church: • Charitable Projects • Youth Ministry • Religious Publications • Seminary • Missions • Clergy Development • Community Outreach • Upgrades to existing facilities or programs inside of the UOC of USA. You too can become a member of this devoted group! Register today! If not us, then who will help our Mother Church?! For more information please visit our website: www.guardiansofmet.org

ДОПОМОЖІТЬ забезпечити світле майбутнє нашої Церкви! Станьте Покровителем/ою Митрополії! Покровителі Митрополії є новою, благодійною організацією УПЦ США, яка концентруватиме свою діяльність на поширенні вчення Православної Християнської Віри, розбудові Відділів Праці УПЦ США та збереженні міцною УПЦ США для майбутніх поколінь. Покровителі Митрополії зобов’язуються підтримувати Відділи Служіння Церкви: • Відділ Благодійності • Відділ Праці з Молоддю • Відділ Літургійних Видань • Семінарію • Відділ Місіонерства • Відділ Розвитку Духовенства • Місцеві гуманітарні проекти • Оновлення будівель та спонсорування інших церковних проектів УПЦ США. Будь-ласка ставайте членами цієї організації! Якщо не ми, то хто ж допоможе нашій Матері-Церкві?! Для більш детальнішої інформації відвідайте нашу вебсторінку www.guardiansofmet.org

JOIN OUR Prayer Group. We get together on Sunday morning at 8 AM and read prayers of preparation for the receiving of Holy Communion. Let’s fill the house of our Heavenly Father with prayers before we welcome His Son in our midst, and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.”

ANGELS CLUB:  Congratulations to the winners of the July drawing.  They are:  David Santa Maria, $25.00; John Kochanowski, $15.00 and John Prokopec, Jr., $10.00.


Our warm thanks go to Joyce Dygus for her generous contribution of $25 toward defraying the cost of postage to mail the Sunday bulletin to shut-ins.  May God grant Joyce MANY BLESSED YEARS! MNOHAYA LITA!