SUN MAR 13 1st Sunday of Lent. Sunday of Orthodoxy. Tone 5
- 1ша Неділя Посту. Неділя Православ’я.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @ 9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 11:24-26, 32-12:2
- Gospel: Jn. 1:43-51
SAT MAR 19 Memorial Liturgy. Заупокійна Літургія @ 9:00 AM
SUN MAR 20 2nd Sunday of Lent. St. Gregory Palamas. Tone 6
- 2га Неділя Посту. Св. Григорія Палами.
- Divine Liturgy. Свята Літургія @9:00 AM
- Apostle Heb. 1:10-2:3
- Gospel Mk. 2:1-12
- 40th day Panakhyda for Vasyl Sacalos, requested by his sister Maria Sacalos.
- Panakhyda for Maria and John Carrubba, requested by their children Donna and Michael Carrubba.
AID for UKRAINE: we collected $6290 this week. Money are used to buy medical supplies for Ukraine’s wounded and refugees. We coordinate our efforts with nonprofit organization Maidan United. Please continue to donate! Many thanks go to the anonymous donor for $2000 donation, and 2 other donors (from Indiana and local), who gave $1000 each. We had also contributor from Massachusetts with $1050 last week. Thank you!
NEW and IMPROVED parish website has been launched. Please, visit to stay informed.
UOL: Please come and get your Easter items at the Tag Sale Booth downstairs!
CULTURAL: pysanky making supplies and Easter Eggs are available now. Thank you to Ann Romanyshyn for donations of cultural items and Pysanky. Ann Romanyshyn also donated prepackaged cookies and crackers for coffee and…
COFFEE and…Thank you to Paul Szwez and the family for hosting coffee and.. last Sunday 03/06/2022. Hosting today’s 03/13/2022-coffee and.. is Ugryn family. Hosting next Sunday 03/20/2022 coffee and.. is Natalia Sashchenko. Please remember raised funds go to Scholarship Fund, which will benefit our children!!
EASTER FLOWERS DONATION LETTER: Please pick up your letter today. They are located at the entrance of the church. By doing so, this will help to reduce the cost of postage for this mailing. Thank you.
FLAGS: Many thanks go to subdeacon Brian Sencio and the family for sponsoring American flags.
The recently elected Church Council members for 2022 will take their oath of office on Sunday, March 27 2022:
- Dr. Paul Szwez
Vice President:
- Scott Kerry
Recording Secretary:
- Natalia Kyrychenko
Assistant Rec. Secretary:
- Irene Blumes:
Financial Secretary:
- Michelle O’Neil
- John Nickleach
1st Assistant Treasurer:
- Maria Pekhnik
2ndAssistant Treasurer:
- John Sirick
Trustees 3 Years:
- Taras Dilozir
- Teresa Linch
Trustees 2 Year:
- Luda Chmeliwsky
- Adam Platosz
Trustees 1 Year:
- Anne Bailly
- Alisa Kerel
- Oleksandr Kupchenko
- Vasyl Vorona
Cemetery Committee:
- Dr. Ann Romanyshyn (Head bookkeeper) 3 years
- Susan Castrillo (Assistant Bookkeeper)
- John Bouchard (Head Caretaker)
- Bill Backes (Assistant Caretaker)
- Mike Platosz (Apprentice)
*** A Reminder: According to our Parish Constitution, Council members must receive Sacraments of Confession and Communion before oath of office is administered.
SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY VESPERS will be served today at the Holy Ghost parish 1510 East Main St. in Bridgeport at 4:00 pm. Come and join in communal prayer your brothers and sisters in Christ from other Orthodox jurisdictions.
OUR THANKS to Roman Platosz, Paul O’Flaherty and all others for all they have done over the years for the church, especially their work and donations behind the scenes.
SIGN PETITION to the US government to recognize Ukrainians fleeing the war as REFUGEES, so that they may come here. Use this link:
PASCHA BREADS BAKING is being planned for Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9, only for orders. We will have large round raisin paschas for $9.00 and small round raisin for $5.00. Please place your orders on the sheets downstairs. Please, mark your calendars and come to help. We will have shifts both in the AM and PM. Donations to cover the cost of ingredients are welcomed!
PUSSY WILLOWS: Keep an eye on your pussy willows. At the appropriate time, please cut and bring your pussy willows to Church so that they can be stored in a cool dry place until Palm Sunday, April 17. Please, let Fr. Andrii know, if you have large enough supply for the entire congregation. Thank you!
MANY THANKS go to the friends of our parish Michael, William and Joy Tomasso for making a substantial donation to our parish. May God grant them Many, Blessed year and success in their business endeavors!